Adrien Bourmault neox
  • Co-fondateur et trésorier de Libre en Communs et du projet OS/K, mainteneur de Gem-graph, membre de la Free Software Foundation et de la XMPP Standards Foundation.

  • Joined on 2022-02-21
neox deleted branch desktop from neox/configurations-guix 2024-12-02 22:08:39 +01:00
neox created branch kgpe-d16 in neox/configurations-guix 2024-12-02 22:07:59 +01:00
neox pushed to kgpe-d16 at neox/configurations-guix 2024-12-02 22:07:59 +01:00
cc73b95578 ssh/*: ajout clés publiques
neox pushed to desktop at neox/configurations-guix 2024-12-02 21:57:10 +01:00
7255cc1077 update 2/12/2024
neox pushed to laptop at neox/configurations-guix 2024-11-30 21:12:10 +01:00
e6492fbcd9 add gnupload
neox pushed to laptop at neox/configurations-guix 2024-11-19 20:04:09 +01:00
d63380fc21 add sane custom driver
neox pushed to desktop at neox/configurations-guix 2024-10-09 13:42:42 +02:00
f3d3a2a792 config.scm: ajout de woob et suppression
neox pushed to desktop at neox/configurations-guix 2024-10-08 18:34:38 +02:00
ba7d07d9d7 config.scm: full declarative config with fancontrol and software list
neox pushed to main at neox/outils_chiffrement 2024-09-20 15:42:01 +02:00
4d82bfa68a correction bug montage
neox pushed to main at neox/outils_chiffrement 2024-09-20 15:31:08 +02:00
efe8de9c00 simplification et contrôle dossier
neox pushed to main at neox/outils_chiffrement 2024-09-20 15:13:12 +02:00
5dc30d4029 simplifications
neox pushed to main at neox/outils_chiffrement 2024-09-20 15:05:59 +02:00
ac01b34fba ajout de quelques outils de base
neox created branch main in neox/outils_chiffrement 2024-09-20 15:05:59 +02:00
neox created repository neox/outils_chiffrement 2024-09-20 14:20:50 +02:00
neox pushed to laptop at neox/configurations-guix 2024-07-18 17:45:35 +02:00
43ead00fa2 Configuration finale incluant le Guix Home et tous les paquets
neox pushed to laptop at neox/configurations-guix 2024-07-17 15:49:30 +02:00
71c5fc9152 config avec home intégré
neox pushed to laptop-home at neox/configurations-guix 2024-07-16 16:10:02 +02:00
a5942cf381 ça passe dans laptop
2947526766 correction des configurations du home
Compare 2 commits »
neox pushed to laptop at neox/configurations-guix 2024-07-16 13:57:37 +02:00
fdb121e0a2 intégration des paquets dans la config + reformat
neox pushed to master at neox/guix_jerome 2024-07-10 18:03:22 +02:00
117c715526 ajustements
neox pushed to master at neox/guix_jerome 2024-07-10 17:59:43 +02:00
5d0c42df91 ajustements