finished exec & deleted reports in alu

This commit is contained in:
shaithan 2021-12-07 23:21:37 +01:00
parent 72cb0a963d
commit 0853e65042
3 changed files with 19 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ ARM barrel shifter (pour debug ROR et RRX) :
VHDL basics par Intel FPGA :
Declaration VHDL :
# notice :
Utiliser uniquement ghdl-gcc (llvm et mcode abort lors des overflows dans les tbs)

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@ -40,24 +40,24 @@ begin
case cmd is
when "00" =>
report "ADD";
-- report "ADD";
res_temp <= add;
cout_temp <= add_cout;
when "01" =>
report "AND";
-- report "AND";
res_temp <= op1 and op2 ;
cout_temp <= '0';
when "10" =>
report "OR ";
-- report "OR ";
res_temp <= op1 or op2;
cout_temp <= '0';
when "11" =>
report "XOR";
-- report "XOR";
res_temp <= op1 xor op2 ;
cout_temp <= '0';
when others =>
report "ERROR";
report "[ERROR] SWITCH CASE UNREACHABLE (Alu::cmd not initialised ?)";
end case;
end process;

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@ -240,15 +240,18 @@ architecture Behavior OF EXec is
-- carry flag
exe_c <= alu_value_cout;
-- sortie mutex entre ALU et fifo
-- sortie du mutiplexeur entre ALU et fifo
mem_adr <= (dec_op1) when dec_pre_index='1' else alu_value_out;
-- Sortie restante
-- exe_pop <= dec2exe_empty;
-- exe_dest <= dec_exe_dest;
-- exe_wb <= dec_exe_wb;
-- exe_flag_wb <= dec_flag_wb;
-- Synchronisation fifo
exe_pop <= '1' when (
(not dec2exe_empty='1') and (not exe2mem_full='1') -- verification dec2exe non vide et exe2mem non pleine
and (dec_mem_lb='1' or dec_mem_lw='1' or dec_mem_sb='1' or dec_mem_sw='1') -- si un acces memoire a lieu
) else '0';
exe_dest <= dec_exe_dest;
exe_wb <= '0' when dec2exe_empty ='1' else dec_exe_wb ;
exe_flag_wb <= '0' when dec2exe_empty ='1' else dec_flag_wb;
end Behavior;