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library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity dcc_bit_1_tb is
end dcc_bit_1_tb;
architecture tb of dcc_bit_1_tb is
constant ClockPeriod1 : time := 1 us;
constant ClockPeriod100 : time := 10 ns;
signal reset : std_logic := '1';
signal go : std_logic := '0'; --inputs
signal clk_100MHz : std_logic := '0';
signal clk_1MHz : std_logic := '0'; --clocks
signal fin, dcc_1 : std_logic; --outputs
uut : entity work.DCC_Bit_1 port map(
reset => reset,
clk_100MHz => clk_100Mhz,
clk_1MHz => clk_1MHz,
go => go,
fin => fin,
dcc_1 => dcc_1
clk_100MHz <= not clk_100MHz after ClockPeriod100 / 2;
clk_1MHz <= not clk_1MHz after ClockPeriod1 / 2;
reset <= '0';
wait for 20 ns;
2022-03-21 12:19:58 +01:00
for i in 0 to 50 loop
go <= '1';
wait until rising_edge(clk_100MHz);
go <= '0';
assert(dcc_1 = '0') report "dcc_1 invalide avant 58us, est à 1 (test"
& integer'image(i) & ")";
wait until rising_edge(dcc_1) for 58 us;
assert(dcc_1 = '1') report "dcc_1 invalide après 58us, est à 0 (test"
& integer'image(i) & ")";
wait until falling_edge(dcc_1) for 58 us;
assert(dcc_1 = '0') report "dcc_1 invalide après 58us * 2, est à 1 (test"
& integer'image(i) & ")";
--assert(false) report "test" & integer'image(i) severity warning;
assert(fin = '1') report "fin invalide, est à 0";
wait until rising_edge(clk_1MHz);
end loop;
assert(false) report "Test DCC_Bit_1 terminé" severity warning;
end process;
2022-03-21 12:19:58 +01:00
end tb;