2023-08-17 10:06:40 +02:00
2024-02-14 16:41:33 +01:00
# these bash aliases are meant to be added in your user folder,
# in a file named: .bash_aliases (with the dot at the beginning)
2023-08-17 10:06:40 +02:00
# done for my blog http://www.cipherbliss.com
2024-02-14 16:41:33 +01:00
# load variables
2025-01-02 12:03:13 +01:00
# echo "bash custom aliases: load functions to sync files"
2023-08-17 10:06:40 +02:00
source ~/Nextcloud/ressources/workflow_nextcloud/public_workflow/workflow_variables.sh
############################ current
alias work = " cd $www_folder /scripts/mapping_geojson_to_osm_tags "
########## lieux ###########
alias dok = "docker-compose"
alias dc = "docker-compose"
2024-02-14 17:04:44 +01:00
# tuer tous les conteneurs docker
function dckill( ) {
docker container kill $( docker container ls -q)
2023-08-17 10:06:40 +02:00
alias gow = " cd $WORKFLOW_PATH " # go to folder of nextcloud where i store my scripts
###### lieux locaux
alias goj = "ssh -p 3910 tykayn@bbb.liness.org"
2025-01-02 12:03:13 +01:00
alias gopi = "ssh pi@"
2023-08-17 10:06:40 +02:00
alias gofat = "ssh tykayn@"
alias gowork = "work"
alias gowww = " cd $www_folder "
alias gox = "ssh tykayn@proxmox.coussinet.org"
alias gok = "ssh debian@ns3247177.ip-164-132-173.eu" # hébergement kimsufi
alias gonas = " ssh $main_user @ $IP_DU_NAS -p20522 "
alias gos = " cd $stockage_syncable_folder "
alias goa = "ssh root@biliz.cluster.chapril.org"
alias goad = "cd /home/poule/encrypted/stockage-syncable/photos/a_dispatcher"
alias goo = "cd ~/Nextcloud/textes/orgmode"
2025-01-02 12:03:13 +01:00
alias goi = "cd ~/Nextcloud/inbox"
alias gov = "cd '~/vidéos à voir'"
2023-08-17 10:06:40 +02:00
alias gown = "cd ~/Nextcloud/ressources/workflow_nextcloud"
alias gos = "cd /home/poule/encrypted/stockage-syncable"
alias gomob = "ssh -6 tykayn@mobilizon.vm.openstreetmap.fr -i .ssh/id_rsa_spaceship" # go to mobilizon osm26
################ personal info management - file management - PIM #########
alias gf = " python $WORKFLOW_PATH /files_management/guessfilename_custom.py "
alias rff = " python $WORKFLOW_PATH /files_management/rename_photo_folder.py "
alias m2a = " move2archive --archivepath $stockage_syncable_folder /photos "
alias ex = "exiftool '-filename<FileModifyDate' -d \"%Y-%m-%dT%H.%I.%S%%c.%%le\" -r"
alias ex2 = "exiftool '-filename<DateTimeOriginal' -d \"%Y-%m-%dT%H.%I.%S%%c.%%le\" -r"
alias ex3 = "exiftool '-filename<FileModifyDateTime' -d \"%Y-%m-%dT%H.%I.%S%%c.%%le\" -r"
alias ex4 = "exiftool '-filename<ModifyDate' -d \"%Y-%m-%dT%H.%I.%S%%c.%%le\" -r"
alias ex5 = "exiftool '-filename<CreateDate' -d \"%Y-%m-%dT%H.%I.%S%%c.%%le\" -r"
alias exgps = "exiftool '-filename<GPSDateTime' -d \"%Y-%m-%dT%H.%I.%S%%c -- has_gps.%%le\" -r"
2025-01-02 12:03:13 +01:00
# lister les disques en blocs sans les snaps
alias lsb = "lsblk |grep -v loop"
2023-08-17 10:06:40 +02:00
alias range = "ts-node /home/poule/encrypted/stockage-syncable/www/development/html/rangement/index.ts --dry-run=true "
alias rangereal = "ts-node /home/poule/encrypted/stockage-syncable/www/development/html/rangement/index.ts"
################ symfony3 ######################
alias sf = "php bin/console"
alias sfdsu = "sf doctrine:schema:update --dump-sql"
alias sfdsuf = "sf doctrine:schema:update --force"
alias sfcc = "sf cache:clear"
alias sfdcc = "sf doctrine:cache:clear-metadata && sf doctrine:cache:clear-query && sf doctrine:cache:clear-result "
alias sfdge = "sf doctrine:generate:entities"
alias sfdsv = "sf doctrine:schema:validate"
alias sfdges = "sf doctrine:generate:entities"
alias sffuc = "sf fos:user:change-password"
alias c7 = "sudo chmod 777 -R"
alias ptest = "phpunit -c app"
alias composer = "/usr/local/bin/composer.phar"
alias sfad = "sf assetic:dump"
alias sfai = "sf assets:install"
alias yre = "yarn run encore --dev"
alias yrep = "yarn run encore --production"
################ system without graphic interface - command line ################
alias basha = " gedit $ALIASES_PATH " # éditer les alisas
alias bashare = " source $ALIASES_PATH " # recharger les alias
alias ainstall = "sudo apt-get install" # installer un programme
alias tfa = "tail -f /var/log/nginx/*.log" # suivi des erreurs de serveur
# update des paquets et nettoyage
alias aupg = "sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get autoclean && sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get upgrade -y"
################ système with X server ################
alias phps = "bash /home/poule/encrypted/stockage-syncable/ressources/logiciels/PhpStorm-2020.1.4/PhpStorm-201.8743.18/bin/phpstorm.sh"
################ git helpers ################
alias gci = "git commit"
alias gco = "git checkout"
alias gst = "git status"
alias gbr = "git branch"
alias gpull = "git pull"
alias gpush = "git push"
alias gpoush = "git push" # for slipping fingers
alias glg = "git log --pretty=oneline"
alias myglg = "git log --pretty=oneline --author=tykayn" # log pour seulement mes commits, utile pour un stand up deprojet Agile
alias gaci = "git add . --all && git commit -m " # ajouter sans les tests js, donnez le message du commit entre guillemets suite à cette commande
alias gacio = "goo && git add . --all && git commit -m " update orgmode files" && cd -"
alias gaaci = "git add . --all && git commit -m " # ajouter sans les tests js
alias mysr = "mysql -uroot -p"
################ other helpers
alias hgrep = "history |grep"
alias whatport = "sudo netstat -pna | grep "
alias runport = " firefox https://localhost: $1 "
2025-01-02 12:03:13 +01:00
alias dff = 'df -h --exclude-type=squashfs --exclude-type=devtmpfs --exclude-type=tmpfs' # voir l'espace libre sans les paritions snap
2023-08-17 10:06:40 +02:00
export RUBY_ENV = devlopment
export GIT_AUTHOR_NAME = "Tykayn"
export GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL = "contact@cipherbliss.com"
export NVM_DIR = " $HOME /.nvm "
2025-01-02 12:03:13 +01:00
# développement
2023-08-17 10:06:40 +02:00
alias python = python3
alias py = python3
# rangement
alias findup = "snap run czkawka"
alias ft = "filetags --tagtrees --tagtrees-handle-no-tag \"has_no_tag\" --tagtrees-depth 2 --recursive"
alias netre = "sudo service network-manager restart"
# syncronisations
alias getrise = "rsync root@proxmox.coussinet.org:/poule/encrypted /home/poule/borg_archives/production-servers-backup/rise/ -avzPW --inplace --delete-before --exclude borgbackup_tkland" # get the backups of the riseup server
alias getrisefromjuvisy = "rsync tykayn@proxmox.coussinet.org:/poule/encrypted/* /media/tykayn/disque_usb/backup_rise/encrypted -rvzPW --delete-before --exclude borgbackup_tkland --no-perms --no-group --exclude borg2 --exclude=do_not_sync_back"
alias ascan = "sudo arp-scan --local"
# youtube dl
2025-01-02 12:03:13 +01:00
alias ydl = 'yt-dlp -o "%(title)s.f%(format_id)s.%(ext)s"'
alias ydla = 'yt-dlp -o "%(title)s.f%(format_id)s.%(ext)s"'
alias ydlup = 'python3 -m pip install -U yt-dlp'
alias upydl = 'ydlup'
2023-08-17 10:06:40 +02:00
# stopper les messageries pour être au calme
2025-01-02 12:03:13 +01:00
alias oklm = "killall gajim telegram-desktop signal-desktop dino-im java vlc"
2023-08-17 10:06:40 +02:00
# enable color support of ls and also add handy aliases
if [ -x /usr/bin/dircolors ] ; then
test -r ~/.dircolors && eval " $( dircolors -b ~/.dircolors) " || eval " $( dircolors -b) "
alias ls = "ls --color=auto"
alias grep = "grep --color=auto"
alias fgrep = "fgrep --color=auto"
alias egrep = "egrep --color=auto"
alias ll = "ls -alF"
alias la = "ls -A"
2025-01-02 12:03:13 +01:00
alias l = "exa -lh"
2023-08-17 10:06:40 +02:00
2025-01-02 12:03:13 +01:00
# extensions du path
2023-08-17 10:06:40 +02:00
export PATH = ~/.local/bin:$PATH
2025-01-02 12:03:13 +01:00
export PATH = " $WORKFLOW_PUBLIC_PATH /bin: $HOME /.emacs.d/bin: $HOME /.symfony/bin: $PATH "
2023-08-17 10:06:40 +02:00
# fix mastodon development
# export LD_PRELOAD=libjemalloc.so
export RAILS_ENV = development
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2025-01-02 12:03:13 +01:00
alias ws = " nohup bash $HOME /Téléchargements/WebStorm-232.10335.13/bin/bin/webstorm.sh & "
2023-08-17 10:06:40 +02:00
export HISTTIMEFORMAT = "%d/%m/%y %T "
export EDITOR = nano
export HUGO_BASE_DIR = "~/Nextcloud/textes/hugo"
2025-01-02 12:03:13 +01:00
export PATH = ~/.pyenv/bin/:~/.cargo/bin:/snap/bin:$WORKFLOW_PATH /bin:$PATH
2023-08-17 10:06:40 +02:00
export PATH = " $HOME /.rbenv/bin: $PATH "
eval " $( rbenv init -) "
source $WORKFLOW_PATH /install/functions_sync.sh
source $WORKFLOW_PATH /install/functions_tk.sh
export HISTTIMEFORMAT = "%d/%m/%y %T "
2025-01-02 12:03:13 +01:00
# node version manager
2024-02-14 17:04:44 +01:00
if command -v nvm & > /dev/null
2025-01-02 12:03:13 +01:00
# echo "nvm chargé"
export NVM_DIR = " $HOME /.nvm "
[ -s " $NVM_DIR /nvm.sh " ] && \. " $NVM_DIR /nvm.sh " # This loads nvm
[ -s " $NVM_DIR /bash_completion " ] && \. " $NVM_DIR /bash_completion " # This loads nvm bash_completion
2024-02-14 17:04:44 +01:00
if [ " $( pwd ) " = "/var/www/html/" ] || [ " $( pwd ) " = "/var/www/html/*" ] ; then
echo "chargement de node version stable"
nvm use stable
2023-08-17 10:06:40 +02:00
2025-01-02 12:03:13 +01:00
# lancer le montage ZFS Poule seulement si on est root
2024-02-14 17:04:44 +01:00
if [ " $( id -u) " = 0 ] ; then
2025-01-02 12:03:13 +01:00
echo "loading zfs keys"
zfs load-key poule/encrypted
zfs mount -a
echo "root: partition ZFS déchiffrée et montée"
2024-02-14 17:04:44 +01:00
2023-08-17 10:06:40 +02:00
2025-01-02 12:03:13 +01:00
# tempo notif
alias tempo = "python ~/Nextcloud/tempo.py"
# créer un post de blog: new cipher bliss
ncb( ) {
python /home/poule/encrypted/stockage-syncable/www/development/html/orgmode-to-gemini-blog/new_article.py cipherbliss_blog fr " $@ "
function gc( ) {
git add .
git commit -m " $1 "
git push
# tempo
# gestion datagouv
export API = "https://www.data.gouv.fr/api/1/"
export API_KEY = "eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJ1c2VyIjoiNjM2ZTEzZDM0ZTA5ZGNlNGNiMzNiNmE1IiwidGltZSI6MTczMjIxMjQ1My44OTA2MzE0fQ.To5OUIqaZD7843RbygPAtQoLM85Tax9t91gntbgcmO6hLRHHdlTXm5UdCEhplkhZu2ZyvS5XQDFtUoF-HqtAHA" #api key pour cipherbliss datagouv https://www.data.gouv.fr/fr/admin/me/#apikey
export PATH = ~/.npm-global/bin:$PATH