#/bin/bash # @author sync_spaceship by @tykayn - contact at cipherbliss.com # # disques ext # - blue 4To # - brossadent 4To # - catwoman 4To # - chaton 5To # - kouignamann 4To # - lilia 4To # - louisbraille 4To # - monolith 6.2To # - rondoudou 4To non chiffré # - Taiga 1To # configs export today=`date` # to log current time export ARCHIVE_CLEAR="/home/poule/encrypted/stockage-syncable" # place where we have our things sorted, other than home export BORG_PASSCOMMAND="cat $ARCHIVE_CLEAR/.tk-borg-passphrase" # get the borg repo pass export LOG_FILE_BACKUP="$ARCHIVE_CLEAR/www/backup/log_backup.log" export LOG_FILE_BACKUP_DATES="$ARCHIVE_CLEAR/www/backup/summary_log_backup.log" # log dates of execution of the script echo "watch the logs with \n tail -f $LOG_FILE_BACKUP_DATES" # big disks can replicate the whole ZFS encrypted archives big_disks=("blue","brossadent","catwoman","chaton","kouignamann","monolith","lilia","louisbraille","monolith") # clear disk will take medias clear_disks=("rondoudou") # small disks will only take borg backups small_disks=("Taiga") # déclaration d'une fonction function syncToBigDiskName() { local diskName=$1 echo ' ' >> $LOG_FILE_BACKUP_DATES echo "### ${today} replicate to disk ${diskName}" >> $LOG_FILE_BACKUP_DATES # chech that the mounted folder of the disk exists FILE=/media/$USER/$diskName if test -d "$FILE"; then echo "### $FILE exists." >> $LOG_FILE_BACKUP_DATES # ok to send Rsync of encrypted folder rsync -avP /home/poule/encrypted/* /media/$USER/$diskName/encrypted --delete --exclude '.npm' --exclude '.yarn' --exclude 'node_modules' --exclude '.mozilla' --delete --exclude '.cache' --exclude 'Cache' rsync -avP /home/poule/borg_archives/* /media/$USER/$diskName/borg_archives --delete --exclude '.npm' --exclude '.yarn' --exclude 'node_modules' --exclude '.mozilla' --delete --exclude '.cache' --exclude 'Cache' else echo "### /!\ - folder not found $FILE" fi } syncToBigDiskName "monolith"