from lib.exif import EXIF import import json import os import string import threading import sys import urllib2, urllib, httplib import socket import mimetypes import random import string from Queue import Queue import threading import exifread import time MAPILLARY_UPLOAD_URL = "" MAPILLARY_DIRECT_UPLOAD_URL = "" PERMISSION_HASH = "eyJleHBpcmF0aW9uIjoiMjAyMC0wMS0wMVQwMDowMDowMFoiLCJjb25kaXRpb25zIjpbeyJidWNrZXQiOiJtYXBpbGxhcnkudXBsb2Fkcy5pbWFnZXMifSxbInN0YXJ0cy13aXRoIiwiJGtleSIsIiJdLHsiYWNsIjoicHJpdmF0ZSJ9LFsic3RhcnRzLXdpdGgiLCIkQ29udGVudC1UeXBlIiwiIl0sWyJjb250ZW50LWxlbmd0aC1yYW5nZSIsMCwyMDQ4NTc2MF1dfQ==" SIGNATURE_HASH = "f6MHj3JdEq8xQ/CmxOOS7LvMxoI=" BOUNDARY_CHARS = string.digits + string.ascii_letters NUMBER_THREADS = int(os.getenv('NUMBER_THREADS', '4')) MAX_ATTEMPTS = int(os.getenv('MAX_ATTEMPTS', '10')) UPLOAD_PARAMS = {"url": MAPILLARY_UPLOAD_URL, "permission": PERMISSION_HASH, "signature": SIGNATURE_HASH, "move_files":True, "keep_file_names": True} CLIENT_ID = "MkJKbDA0bnZuZlcxeTJHTmFqN3g1dzo1YTM0NjRkM2EyZGU5MzBh" LOGIN_URL = "{}".format(CLIENT_ID) PROJECTS_URL = "{}/projects?client_id={}" ME_URL = "{}".format(CLIENT_ID) class UploadThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, queue, params=UPLOAD_PARAMS): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.q = queue self.params = params self.total_task = self.q.qsize() def run(self): while True: # fetch file from the queue and upload filepath = self.q.get() if filepath is None: self.q.task_done() break else:, self.total_task, '... {} images left.'.format(self.q.qsize())) upload_file(filepath, **self.params) self.q.task_done() def create_dirs(root_path=''):, "success")), "failed")) def encode_multipart(fields, files, boundary=None): """ Encode dict of form fields and dict of files as multipart/form-data. Return tuple of (body_string, headers_dict). Each value in files is a dict with required keys 'filename' and 'content', and optional 'mimetype' (if not specified, tries to guess mime type or uses 'application/octet-stream'). From MIT licensed recipe at """ def escape_quote(s): return s.replace('"', '\\"') if boundary is None: boundary = ''.join(random.choice(BOUNDARY_CHARS) for i in range(30)) lines = [] for name, value in fields.items(): lines.extend(( '--{0}'.format(boundary), 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="{0}"'.format(escape_quote(name)), '', str(value), )) for name, value in files.items(): filename = value['filename'] if 'mimetype' in value: mimetype = value['mimetype'] else: mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0] or 'application/octet-stream' lines.extend(( '--{0}'.format(boundary), 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="{0}"; filename="{1}"'.format( escape_quote(name), escape_quote(filename)), 'Content-Type: {0}'.format(mimetype), '', value['content'], )) lines.extend(( '--{0}--'.format(boundary), '', )) body = '\r\n'.join(lines) headers = { 'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data; boundary={0}'.format(boundary), 'Content-Length': str(len(body)), } return (body, headers) def finalize_upload(params, retry=3, auto_done=False): ''' Finalize and confirm upload ''' # retry if input is unclear for i in range(retry): if not auto_done: proceed = raw_input("Finalize upload? [y/n]: ") else: proceed = "y" if proceed in ["y", "Y", "yes", "Yes"]: # upload an empty DONE file upload_done_file(params) print("Done uploading.") break elif proceed in ["n", "N", "no", "No"]: print("Aborted. No files were submitted. Try again if you had failures.") break else: if i==2: print("Aborted. No files were submitted. Try again if you had failures.") else: print('Please answer y or n. Try again.') def get_upload_token(mail, pwd): ''' Get upload token ''' params = urllib.urlencode({"email": mail, "password": pwd}) response = urllib.urlopen(LOGIN_URL, params) resp = json.loads( return resp['token'] def get_authentication_info(): ''' Get authentication information from env ''' try: MAPILLARY_USERNAME = os.environ['MAPILLARY_USERNAME'] MAPILLARY_EMAIL = os.environ['MAPILLARY_EMAIL'] MAPILLARY_PASSWORD = os.environ['MAPILLARY_PASSWORD'] except KeyError: return None return MAPILLARY_USERNAME, MAPILLARY_EMAIL, MAPILLARY_PASSWORD def get_full_authentication_info(user=None, email=None): # Fetch full authetication info try: MAPILLARY_EMAIL = email if email is not None else os.environ['MAPILLARY_EMAIL'] MAPILLARY_SECRET_HASH = os.environ.get('MAPILLARY_SECRET_HASH', None) MAPILLARY_UPLOAD_TOKEN = None if MAPILLARY_SECRET_HASH is None: MAPILLARY_PASSWORD = os.environ['MAPILLARY_PASSWORD'] MAPILLARY_PERMISSION_HASH = os.environ['MAPILLARY_PERMISSION_HASH'] MAPILLARY_SIGNATURE_HASH = os.environ['MAPILLARY_SIGNATURE_HASH'] MAPILLARY_UPLOAD_TOKEN = get_upload_token(MAPILLARY_EMAIL, MAPILLARY_PASSWORD) UPLOAD_URL = MAPILLARY_UPLOAD_URL else: secret_hash = MAPILLARY_SECRET_HASH MAPILLARY_PERMISSION_HASH = PERMISSION_HASH MAPILLARY_SIGNATURE_HASH = SIGNATURE_HASH UPLOAD_URL = MAPILLARY_DIRECT_UPLOAD_URL return MAPILLARY_EMAIL, MAPILLARY_UPLOAD_TOKEN, MAPILLARY_SECRET_HASH, UPLOAD_URL except KeyError: print("You are missing one of the environment variables MAPILLARY_USERNAME, MAPILLARY_EMAIL, MAPILLARY_PASSWORD, MAPILLARY_PERMISSION_HASH or MAPILLARY_SIGNATURE_HASH. These are required.") sys.exit() def get_project_key(project_name, project_key=None): ''' Get project key given project name ''' if project_name is not None or project_key is not None: # Get the JWT token MAPILLARY_USERNAME, MAPILLARY_EMAIL, MAPILLARY_PASSWORD = get_authentication_info() params = urllib.urlencode( {"email": MAPILLARY_EMAIL, "password": MAPILLARY_PASSWORD }) resp = json.loads(urllib.urlopen(LOGIN_URL, params).read()) token = resp['token'] # Get the user key req = urllib2.Request(ME_URL) req.add_header('Authorization', 'Bearer {}'.format(token)) resp = json.loads(urllib2.urlopen(req).read()) userkey = resp['key'] # Get the user key req = urllib2.Request(PROJECTS_URL.format(userkey, CLIENT_ID)) req.add_header('Authorization', 'Bearer {}'.format(token)) resp = json.loads(urllib2.urlopen(req).read()) projects = resp # check projects found = False print "Your projects: " for project in projects: print(project["name"]) project_name_matched = project['name'].encode('utf-8').decode('utf-8') == project_name project_key_matched = project["key"] == project_key if project_name_matched or project_key_matched: found = True return project['key'] if not found: print "Project {} not found.".format(project_name) return "" def upload_done_file(params): print("Upload a DONE file {} to indicate the sequence is all uploaded and ready to submit.".format(params['key'])) if not os.path.exists("DONE"): open("DONE", 'a').close() #upload upload_file("DONE", **params) #remove if os.path.exists("DONE"): os.remove("DONE") def upload_file(filepath, url, permission, signature, key=None, move_files=True, keep_file_names=True): ''' Upload file at filepath. Move to subfolders 'success'/'failed' on completion if move_files is True. ''' filename = os.path.basename(filepath) if keep_file_names: s3_filename = filename else: try: s3_filename = EXIF(filepath).exif_name() except: s3_filename = filename # add S3 'path' if given if key is None: s3_key = s3_filename else: s3_key = key+s3_filename parameters = {"key": s3_key, "AWSAccessKeyId": "AKIAI2X3BJAT2W75HILA", "acl": "private", "policy": permission, "signature": signature, "Content-Type":"image/jpeg" } with open(filepath, "rb") as f: encoded_string = data, headers = encode_multipart(parameters, {'file': {'filename': filename, 'content': encoded_string}}) root_path = os.path.dirname(filepath) success_path = os.path.join(root_path, 'success') failed_path = os.path.join(root_path, 'failed') for attempt in range(MAX_ATTEMPTS): # Initialize response before each attempt response = None try: request = urllib2.Request(url, data=data, headers=headers) response = urllib2.urlopen(request) if response.getcode()==204: if move_files: os.rename(filepath, os.path.join(success_path, filename)) # print("Success: {0}".format(filename)) else: if move_files: os.rename(filepath, os.path.join(failed_path, filename)) print("Failed: {0}".format(filename)) break # attempts except urllib2.HTTPError as e: print("HTTP error: {0} on {1}".format(e, filename)) time.sleep(5) except urllib2.URLError as e: print("URL error: {0} on {1}".format(e, filename)) time.sleep(5) except httplib.HTTPException as e: print("HTTP exception: {0} on {1}".format(e, filename)) time.sleep(5) except OSError as e: print("OS error: {0} on {1}".format(e, filename)) time.sleep(5) except socket.timeout as e: # Specific timeout handling for Python 2.7 print("Timeout error: {0} (retrying)".format(filename)) finally: if response is not None: response.close() def upload_file_list(file_list, params=UPLOAD_PARAMS): # create upload queue with all files q = Queue() for filepath in file_list: q.put(filepath) # create uploader threads uploaders = [UploadThread(q, params) for i in range(NUMBER_THREADS)] # start uploaders as daemon threads that can be stopped (ctrl-c) try: print("Uploading with {} threads".format(NUMBER_THREADS)) for uploader in uploaders: uploader.daemon = True uploader.start() for uploader in uploaders: uploaders[i].join(1) while q.unfinished_tasks: time.sleep(1) q.join() except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): print("\nBREAK: Stopping upload.") sys.exit() def upload_summary(file_list, total_uploads, split_groups, duplicate_groups, missing_groups): total_success = len([f for f in file_list if 'success' in f]) total_failed = len([f for f in file_list if 'failed' in f]) lines = [] if duplicate_groups: lines.append('Duplicates (skipping):') lines.append(' groups: {}'.format(len(duplicate_groups))) lines.append(' total: {}'.format(sum([len(g) for g in duplicate_groups]))) if missing_groups: lines.append('Missing Required EXIF (skipping):') lines.append(' total: {}'.format(sum([len(g) for g in missing_groups]))) lines.append('Sequences:') lines.append(' groups: {}'.format(len(split_groups))) lines.append(' total: {}'.format(sum([len(g) for g in split_groups]))) lines.append('Uploads:') lines.append(' total uploads this run: {}'.format(total_uploads)) lines.append(' total: {}'.format(total_success+total_failed)) lines.append(' success: {}'.format(total_success)) lines.append(' failed: {}'.format(total_failed)) lines = '\n'.join(lines) return lines