601 lines
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601 lines
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'use strict'
const log = require('./log')
const { existsSync } = require('fs')
const { win32: path } = require('path')
const { regSearchKeys, execFile } = require('./util')
class VisualStudioFinder {
static findVisualStudio = (...args) => new VisualStudioFinder(...args).findVisualStudio()
log = log.withPrefix('find VS')
regSearchKeys = regSearchKeys
constructor (nodeSemver, configMsvsVersion) {
this.nodeSemver = nodeSemver
this.configMsvsVersion = configMsvsVersion
this.errorLog = []
this.validVersions = []
// Logs a message at verbose level, but also saves it to be displayed later
// at error level if an error occurs. This should help diagnose the problem.
addLog (message) {
async findVisualStudio () {
this.configVersionYear = null
this.configPath = null
if (this.configMsvsVersion) {
this.addLog('msvs_version was set from command line or npm config')
if (this.configMsvsVersion.match(/^\d{4}$/)) {
this.configVersionYear = parseInt(this.configMsvsVersion, 10)
`- looking for Visual Studio version ${this.configVersionYear}`)
} else {
this.configPath = path.resolve(this.configMsvsVersion)
`- looking for Visual Studio installed in "${this.configPath}"`)
} else {
this.addLog('msvs_version not set from command line or npm config')
if (process.env.VCINSTALLDIR) {
this.envVcInstallDir =
path.resolve(process.env.VCINSTALLDIR, '..')
this.addLog('running in VS Command Prompt, installation path is:\n' +
`"${this.envVcInstallDir}"\n- will only use this version`)
} else {
this.addLog('VCINSTALLDIR not set, not running in VS Command Prompt')
const checks = [
() => this.findVisualStudio2019OrNewerFromSpecifiedLocation(),
() => this.findVisualStudio2019OrNewerUsingSetupModule(),
() => this.findVisualStudio2019OrNewer(),
() => this.findVisualStudio2017FromSpecifiedLocation(),
() => this.findVisualStudio2017UsingSetupModule(),
() => this.findVisualStudio2017(),
() => this.findVisualStudio2015(),
() => this.findVisualStudio2013()
for (const check of checks) {
const info = await check()
if (info) {
return this.succeed(info)
return this.fail()
succeed (info) {
this.log.info(`using VS${info.versionYear} (${info.version}) found at:` +
`\n"${info.path}"` +
'\nrun with --verbose for detailed information')
return info
fail () {
if (this.configMsvsVersion && this.envVcInstallDir) {
'msvs_version does not match this VS Command Prompt or the',
'installation cannot be used.')
} else if (this.configMsvsVersion) {
// If msvs_version was specified but finding VS failed, print what would
// have been accepted
if (this.validVersions) {
this.errorLog.push('valid versions for msvs_version:')
this.validVersions.forEach((version) => {
this.errorLog.push(`- "${version}"`)
} else {
this.errorLog.push('no valid versions for msvs_version were found')
const errorLog = this.errorLog.join('\n')
// For Windows 80 col console, use up to the column before the one marked
// with X (total 79 chars including logger prefix, 62 chars usable here):
// X
const infoLog = [
'You need to install the latest version of Visual Studio',
'including the "Desktop development with C++" workload.',
'For more information consult the documentation at:',
throw new Error('Could not find any Visual Studio installation to use')
async findVisualStudio2019OrNewerFromSpecifiedLocation () {
return this.findVSFromSpecifiedLocation([2019, 2022])
async findVisualStudio2017FromSpecifiedLocation () {
if (this.nodeSemver.major >= 22) {
'not looking for VS2017 as it is only supported up to Node.js 21')
return null
return this.findVSFromSpecifiedLocation([2017])
async findVSFromSpecifiedLocation (supportedYears) {
if (!this.envVcInstallDir) {
return null
const info = {
path: path.resolve(this.envVcInstallDir),
// Assume the version specified by the user is correct.
// Since Visual Studio 2015, the Developer Command Prompt sets the
// VSCMD_VER environment variable which contains the version information
// for Visual Studio.
// https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/ide/reference/command-prompt-powershell?view=vs-2022
version: process.env.VSCMD_VER,
packages: [
// Assume MSBuild exists. It will be checked in processing.
// Is there a better way to get SDK information?
const envWindowsSDKVersion = process.env.WindowsSDKVersion
const sdkVersionMatched = envWindowsSDKVersion?.match(/^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\..*/)
if (sdkVersionMatched) {
// pass for further processing
return this.processData([info], supportedYears)
async findVisualStudio2019OrNewerUsingSetupModule () {
return this.findNewVSUsingSetupModule([2019, 2022])
async findVisualStudio2017UsingSetupModule () {
if (this.nodeSemver.major >= 22) {
'not looking for VS2017 as it is only supported up to Node.js 21')
return null
return this.findNewVSUsingSetupModule([2017])
async findNewVSUsingSetupModule (supportedYears) {
const ps = path.join(process.env.SystemRoot, 'System32',
'WindowsPowerShell', 'v1.0', 'powershell.exe')
const vcInstallDir = this.envVcInstallDir
const checkModuleArgs = [
'&{@(Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name VSSetup).Version.ToString()}'
this.log.silly('Running', ps, checkModuleArgs)
const [cErr] = await this.execFile(ps, checkModuleArgs)
if (cErr) {
this.addLog('VSSetup module doesn\'t seem to exist. You can install it via: "Install-Module VSSetup -Scope CurrentUser"')
this.log.silly('VSSetup error = %j', cErr && (cErr.stack || cErr))
return null
const filterArg = vcInstallDir !== undefined ? `| where {$_.InstallationPath -eq '${vcInstallDir}' }` : ''
const psArgs = [
`&{Get-VSSetupInstance ${filterArg} | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 3}`
this.log.silly('Running', ps, psArgs)
const [err, stdout, stderr] = await this.execFile(ps, psArgs)
let parsedData = this.parseData(err, stdout, stderr)
if (parsedData === null) {
return null
this.log.silly('Parsed data', parsedData)
if (!Array.isArray(parsedData)) {
// if there are only 1 result, then Powershell will output non-array
parsedData = [parsedData]
// normalize output
parsedData = parsedData.map((info) => {
info.path = info.InstallationPath
info.version = `${info.InstallationVersion.Major}.${info.InstallationVersion.Minor}.${info.InstallationVersion.Build}.${info.InstallationVersion.Revision}`
info.packages = info.Packages.map((p) => p.Id)
return info
// pass for further processing
return this.processData(parsedData, supportedYears)
// Invoke the PowerShell script to get information about Visual Studio 2019
// or newer installations
async findVisualStudio2019OrNewer () {
return this.findNewVS([2019, 2022])
// Invoke the PowerShell script to get information about Visual Studio 2017
async findVisualStudio2017 () {
if (this.nodeSemver.major >= 22) {
'not looking for VS2017 as it is only supported up to Node.js 21')
return null
return this.findNewVS([2017])
// Invoke the PowerShell script to get information about Visual Studio 2017
// or newer installations
async findNewVS (supportedYears) {
const ps = path.join(process.env.SystemRoot, 'System32',
'WindowsPowerShell', 'v1.0', 'powershell.exe')
const csFile = path.join(__dirname, 'Find-VisualStudio.cs')
const psArgs = [
'&{Add-Type -Path \'' + csFile + '\';' + '[VisualStudioConfiguration.Main]::PrintJson()}'
this.log.silly('Running', ps, psArgs)
const [err, stdout, stderr] = await this.execFile(ps, psArgs)
const parsedData = this.parseData(err, stdout, stderr, { checkIsArray: true })
if (parsedData === null) {
return null
return this.processData(parsedData, supportedYears)
// Parse the output of the PowerShell script, make sanity checks
parseData (err, stdout, stderr, sanityCheckOptions) {
const defaultOptions = {
checkIsArray: false
// Merging provided options with the default options
const sanityOptions = { ...defaultOptions, ...sanityCheckOptions }
this.log.silly('PS stderr = %j', stderr)
const failPowershell = (failureDetails) => {
`could not use PowerShell to find Visual Studio 2017 or newer, try re-running with '--loglevel silly' for more details. \n
Failure details: ${failureDetails}`)
return null
if (err) {
this.log.silly('PS err = %j', err && (err.stack || err))
return failPowershell(`${err}`.substring(0, 40))
let vsInfo
try {
vsInfo = JSON.parse(stdout)
} catch (e) {
this.log.silly('PS stdout = %j', stdout)
return failPowershell()
if (sanityOptions.checkIsArray && !Array.isArray(vsInfo)) {
this.log.silly('PS stdout = %j', stdout)
return failPowershell('Expected array as output of the PS script')
return vsInfo
// Process parsed data containing information about VS installations
// Look for the required parts, extract and output them back
processData (vsInfo, supportedYears) {
vsInfo = vsInfo.map((info) => {
this.log.silly(`processing installation: "${info.path}"`)
info.path = path.resolve(info.path)
const ret = this.getVersionInfo(info)
ret.path = info.path
ret.msBuild = this.getMSBuild(info, ret.versionYear)
ret.toolset = this.getToolset(info, ret.versionYear)
ret.sdk = this.getSDK(info)
return ret
this.log.silly('vsInfo:', vsInfo)
// Remove future versions or errors parsing version number
// Also remove any unsupported versions
vsInfo = vsInfo.filter((info) => {
if (info.versionYear && supportedYears.indexOf(info.versionYear) !== -1) {
return true
this.addLog(`${info.versionYear ? 'unsupported' : 'unknown'} version "${info.version}" found at "${info.path}"`)
return false
// Sort to place newer versions first
vsInfo.sort((a, b) => b.versionYear - a.versionYear)
for (let i = 0; i < vsInfo.length; ++i) {
const info = vsInfo[i]
this.addLog(`checking VS${info.versionYear} (${info.version}) found ` +
if (info.msBuild) {
this.addLog('- found "Visual Studio C++ core features"')
} else {
this.addLog('- "Visual Studio C++ core features" missing')
if (info.toolset) {
this.addLog(`- found VC++ toolset: ${info.toolset}`)
} else {
this.addLog('- missing any VC++ toolset')
if (info.sdk) {
this.addLog(`- found Windows SDK: ${info.sdk}`)
} else {
this.addLog('- missing any Windows SDK')
if (!this.checkConfigVersion(info.versionYear, info.path)) {
return info
'could not find a version of Visual Studio 2017 or newer to use')
return null
// Helper - process version information
getVersionInfo (info) {
const match = /^(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\..*)?/.exec(info.version)
if (!match) {
this.log.silly('- failed to parse version:', info.version)
return {}
this.log.silly('- version match = %j', match)
const ret = {
version: info.version,
versionMajor: parseInt(match[1], 10),
versionMinor: parseInt(match[2], 10)
if (ret.versionMajor === 15) {
ret.versionYear = 2017
return ret
if (ret.versionMajor === 16) {
ret.versionYear = 2019
return ret
if (ret.versionMajor === 17) {
ret.versionYear = 2022
return ret
this.log.silly('- unsupported version:', ret.versionMajor)
return {}
msBuildPathExists (path) {
return existsSync(path)
// Helper - process MSBuild information
getMSBuild (info, versionYear) {
const pkg = 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.VC.MSBuild.Base'
const msbuildPath = path.join(info.path, 'MSBuild', 'Current', 'Bin', 'MSBuild.exe')
const msbuildPathArm64 = path.join(info.path, 'MSBuild', 'Current', 'Bin', 'arm64', 'MSBuild.exe')
if (info.packages.indexOf(pkg) !== -1) {
this.log.silly('- found VC.MSBuild.Base')
if (versionYear === 2017) {
return path.join(info.path, 'MSBuild', '15.0', 'Bin', 'MSBuild.exe')
if (versionYear === 2019) {
if (process.arch === 'arm64' && this.msBuildPathExists(msbuildPathArm64)) {
return msbuildPathArm64
} else {
return msbuildPath
* Visual Studio 2022 doesn't have the MSBuild package.
* Support for compiling _on_ ARM64 was added in MSVC 14.32.31326,
* so let's leverage it if the user has an ARM64 device.
if (process.arch === 'arm64' && this.msBuildPathExists(msbuildPathArm64)) {
return msbuildPathArm64
} else if (this.msBuildPathExists(msbuildPath)) {
return msbuildPath
return null
// Helper - process toolset information
getToolset (info, versionYear) {
const vcToolsArm64 = 'VC.Tools.ARM64'
const pkgArm64 = `Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.${vcToolsArm64}`
const vcToolsX64 = 'VC.Tools.x86.x64'
const pkgX64 = `Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.${vcToolsX64}`
const express = 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.WDExpress'
if (process.arch === 'arm64' && info.packages.includes(pkgArm64)) {
this.log.silly(`- found ${vcToolsArm64}`)
} else if (info.packages.includes(pkgX64)) {
if (process.arch === 'arm64') {
this.addLog(`- found ${vcToolsX64} on ARM64 platform. Expect less performance and/or link failure with ARM64 binary.`)
} else {
this.log.silly(`- found ${vcToolsX64}`)
} else if (info.packages.includes(express)) {
this.log.silly('- found Visual Studio Express (looking for toolset)')
} else {
return null
if (versionYear === 2017) {
return 'v141'
} else if (versionYear === 2019) {
return 'v142'
} else if (versionYear === 2022) {
return 'v143'
this.log.silly('- invalid versionYear:', versionYear)
return null
// Helper - process Windows SDK information
getSDK (info) {
const win8SDK = 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.Windows81SDK'
const win10SDKPrefix = 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.Windows10SDK.'
const win11SDKPrefix = 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.Windows11SDK.'
let Win10or11SDKVer = 0
info.packages.forEach((pkg) => {
if (!pkg.startsWith(win10SDKPrefix) && !pkg.startsWith(win11SDKPrefix)) {
const parts = pkg.split('.')
if (parts.length > 5 && parts[5] !== 'Desktop') {
this.log.silly('- ignoring non-Desktop Win10/11SDK:', pkg)
const foundSdkVer = parseInt(parts[4], 10)
if (isNaN(foundSdkVer)) {
// Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.Windows10SDK.IpOverUsb
this.log.silly('- failed to parse Win10/11SDK number:', pkg)
this.log.silly('- found Win10/11SDK:', foundSdkVer)
Win10or11SDKVer = Math.max(Win10or11SDKVer, foundSdkVer)
if (Win10or11SDKVer !== 0) {
return `10.0.${Win10or11SDKVer}.0`
} else if (info.packages.indexOf(win8SDK) !== -1) {
this.log.silly('- found Win8SDK')
return '8.1'
return null
// Find an installation of Visual Studio 2015 to use
async findVisualStudio2015 () {
if (this.nodeSemver.major >= 19) {
'not looking for VS2015 as it is only supported up to Node.js 18')
return null
return this.findOldVS({
version: '14.0',
versionMajor: 14,
versionMinor: 0,
versionYear: 2015,
toolset: 'v140'
// Find an installation of Visual Studio 2013 to use
async findVisualStudio2013 () {
if (this.nodeSemver.major >= 9) {
'not looking for VS2013 as it is only supported up to Node.js 8')
return null
return this.findOldVS({
version: '12.0',
versionMajor: 12,
versionMinor: 0,
versionYear: 2013,
toolset: 'v120'
// Helper - common code for VS2013 and VS2015
async findOldVS (info) {
const regVC7 = ['HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\VisualStudio\\SxS\\VC7',
const regMSBuild = 'HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSBuild\\ToolsVersions'
this.addLog(`looking for Visual Studio ${info.versionYear}`)
try {
let res = await this.regSearchKeys(regVC7, info.version, [])
const vsPath = path.resolve(res, '..')
this.addLog(`- found in "${vsPath}"`)
const msBuildRegOpts = process.arch === 'ia32' ? [] : ['/reg:32']
try {
res = await this.regSearchKeys([`${regMSBuild}\\${info.version}`], 'MSBuildToolsPath', msBuildRegOpts)
} catch (err) {
this.addLog('- could not find MSBuild in registry for this version')
return null
const msBuild = path.join(res, 'MSBuild.exe')
this.addLog(`- MSBuild in "${msBuild}"`)
if (!this.checkConfigVersion(info.versionYear, vsPath)) {
return null
info.path = vsPath
info.msBuild = msBuild
info.sdk = null
return info
} catch (err) {
this.addLog('- not found')
return null
// After finding a usable version of Visual Studio:
// - add it to validVersions to be displayed at the end if a specific
// version was requested and not found;
// - check if this is the version that was requested.
// - check if this matches the Visual Studio Command Prompt
checkConfigVersion (versionYear, vsPath) {
if (this.configVersionYear && this.configVersionYear !== versionYear) {
this.addLog('- msvs_version does not match this version')
return false
if (this.configPath &&
path.relative(this.configPath, vsPath) !== '') {
this.addLog('- msvs_version does not point to this installation')
return false
if (this.envVcInstallDir &&
path.relative(this.envVcInstallDir, vsPath) !== '') {
this.addLog('- does not match this Visual Studio Command Prompt')
return false
return true
async execFile (exec, args) {
return await execFile(exec, args, { encoding: 'utf8' })
module.exports = VisualStudioFinder