* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Bridge\Twig\NodeVisitor; use Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Node\TransNode; use Twig\Environment; use Twig\Node\Expression\Binary\ConcatBinary; use Twig\Node\Expression\ConstantExpression; use Twig\Node\Expression\FilterExpression; use Twig\Node\Expression\FunctionExpression; use Twig\Node\Node; use Twig\NodeVisitor\AbstractNodeVisitor; /** * TranslationNodeVisitor extracts translation messages. * * @author Fabien Potencier */ final class TranslationNodeVisitor extends AbstractNodeVisitor { public const UNDEFINED_DOMAIN = '_undefined'; private bool $enabled = false; private array $messages = []; public function enable(): void { $this->enabled = true; $this->messages = []; } public function disable(): void { $this->enabled = false; $this->messages = []; } public function getMessages(): array { return $this->messages; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function doEnterNode(Node $node, Environment $env): Node { if (!$this->enabled) { return $node; } if ( $node instanceof FilterExpression && 'trans' === $node->getNode('filter')->getAttribute('value') && $node->getNode('node') instanceof ConstantExpression ) { // extract constant nodes with a trans filter $this->messages[] = [ $node->getNode('node')->getAttribute('value'), $this->getReadDomainFromArguments($node->getNode('arguments'), 1), ]; } elseif ( $node instanceof FunctionExpression && 't' === $node->getAttribute('name') ) { $nodeArguments = $node->getNode('arguments'); if ($nodeArguments->getIterator()->current() instanceof ConstantExpression) { $this->messages[] = [ $this->getReadMessageFromArguments($nodeArguments, 0), $this->getReadDomainFromArguments($nodeArguments, 2), ]; } } elseif ($node instanceof TransNode) { // extract trans nodes $this->messages[] = [ $node->getNode('body')->getAttribute('data'), $node->hasNode('domain') ? $this->getReadDomainFromNode($node->getNode('domain')) : null, ]; } elseif ( $node instanceof FilterExpression && 'trans' === $node->getNode('filter')->getAttribute('value') && $node->getNode('node') instanceof ConcatBinary && $message = $this->getConcatValueFromNode($node->getNode('node'), null) ) { $this->messages[] = [ $message, $this->getReadDomainFromArguments($node->getNode('arguments'), 1), ]; } return $node; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function doLeaveNode(Node $node, Environment $env): ?Node { return $node; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getPriority(): int { return 0; } private function getReadMessageFromArguments(Node $arguments, int $index): ?string { if ($arguments->hasNode('message')) { $argument = $arguments->getNode('message'); } elseif ($arguments->hasNode($index)) { $argument = $arguments->getNode($index); } else { return null; } return $this->getReadMessageFromNode($argument); } private function getReadMessageFromNode(Node $node): ?string { if ($node instanceof ConstantExpression) { return $node->getAttribute('value'); } return null; } private function getReadDomainFromArguments(Node $arguments, int $index): ?string { if ($arguments->hasNode('domain')) { $argument = $arguments->getNode('domain'); } elseif ($arguments->hasNode($index)) { $argument = $arguments->getNode($index); } else { return null; } return $this->getReadDomainFromNode($argument); } private function getReadDomainFromNode(Node $node): ?string { if ($node instanceof ConstantExpression) { return $node->getAttribute('value'); } return self::UNDEFINED_DOMAIN; } private function getConcatValueFromNode(Node $node, ?string $value): ?string { if ($node instanceof ConcatBinary) { foreach ($node as $nextNode) { if ($nextNode instanceof ConcatBinary) { $nextValue = $this->getConcatValueFromNode($nextNode, $value); if (null === $nextValue) { return null; } $value .= $nextValue; } elseif ($nextNode instanceof ConstantExpression) { $value .= $nextNode->getAttribute('value'); } else { // this is a node we cannot process (variable, or translation in translation) return null; } } } elseif ($node instanceof ConstantExpression) { $value .= $node->getAttribute('value'); } return $value; } }