* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Node; use Twig\Compiler; use Twig\Node\Node; /** * @author Julien Galenski */ final class DumpNode extends Node { private string $varPrefix; public function __construct(string $varPrefix, ?Node $values, int $lineno, string $tag = null) { $nodes = []; if (null !== $values) { $nodes['values'] = $values; } parent::__construct($nodes, [], $lineno, $tag); $this->varPrefix = $varPrefix; } public function compile(Compiler $compiler): void { $compiler ->write("if (\$this->env->isDebug()) {\n") ->indent(); if (!$this->hasNode('values')) { // remove embedded templates (macros) from the context $compiler ->write(sprintf('$%svars = [];'."\n", $this->varPrefix)) ->write(sprintf('foreach ($context as $%1$skey => $%1$sval) {'."\n", $this->varPrefix)) ->indent() ->write(sprintf('if (!$%sval instanceof \Twig\Template) {'."\n", $this->varPrefix)) ->indent() ->write(sprintf('$%1$svars[$%1$skey] = $%1$sval;'."\n", $this->varPrefix)) ->outdent() ->write("}\n") ->outdent() ->write("}\n") ->addDebugInfo($this) ->write(sprintf('\Symfony\Component\VarDumper\VarDumper::dump($%svars);'."\n", $this->varPrefix)); } elseif (($values = $this->getNode('values')) && 1 === $values->count()) { $compiler ->addDebugInfo($this) ->write('\Symfony\Component\VarDumper\VarDumper::dump(') ->subcompile($values->getNode(0)) ->raw(");\n"); } else { $compiler ->addDebugInfo($this) ->write('\Symfony\Component\VarDumper\VarDumper::dump(['."\n") ->indent(); foreach ($values as $node) { $compiler->write(''); if ($node->hasAttribute('name')) { $compiler ->string($node->getAttribute('name')) ->raw(' => '); } $compiler ->subcompile($node) ->raw(",\n"); } $compiler ->outdent() ->write("]);\n"); } $compiler ->outdent() ->write("}\n"); } }