* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Mime; use Symfony\Component\ErrorHandler\Exception\FlattenException; use Symfony\Component\Mime\Header\Headers; use Symfony\Component\Mime\Part\AbstractPart; use Twig\Extra\CssInliner\CssInlinerExtension; use Twig\Extra\Inky\InkyExtension; use Twig\Extra\Markdown\MarkdownExtension; /** * @author Fabien Potencier */ class NotificationEmail extends TemplatedEmail { public const IMPORTANCE_URGENT = 'urgent'; public const IMPORTANCE_HIGH = 'high'; public const IMPORTANCE_MEDIUM = 'medium'; public const IMPORTANCE_LOW = 'low'; private string $theme = 'default'; private array $context = [ 'importance' => self::IMPORTANCE_LOW, 'content' => '', 'exception' => false, 'action_text' => null, 'action_url' => null, 'markdown' => false, 'raw' => false, 'footer_text' => 'Notification e-mail sent by Symfony', ]; public function __construct(Headers $headers = null, AbstractPart $body = null) { $missingPackages = []; if (!class_exists(CssInlinerExtension::class)) { $missingPackages['twig/cssinliner-extra'] = 'CSS Inliner'; } if (!class_exists(InkyExtension::class)) { $missingPackages['twig/inky-extra'] = 'Inky'; } if ($missingPackages) { throw new \LogicException(sprintf('You cannot use "%s" if the "%s" Twig extension%s not available; try running "%s".', static::class, implode('" and "', $missingPackages), \count($missingPackages) > 1 ? 's are' : ' is', 'composer require '.implode(' ', array_keys($missingPackages)))); } parent::__construct($headers, $body); } /** * Creates a NotificationEmail instance that is appropriate to send to normal (non-admin) users. */ public static function asPublicEmail(Headers $headers = null, AbstractPart $body = null): self { $email = new static($headers, $body); $email->markAsPublic(); return $email; } /** * @return $this */ public function markAsPublic(): static { $this->context['importance'] = null; $this->context['footer_text'] = null; return $this; } /** * @return $this */ public function markdown(string $content): static { if (!class_exists(MarkdownExtension::class)) { throw new \LogicException(sprintf('You cannot use "%s" if the Markdown Twig extension is not available; try running "composer require twig/markdown-extra".', __METHOD__)); } $this->context['markdown'] = true; return $this->content($content); } /** * @return $this */ public function content(string $content, bool $raw = false): static { $this->context['content'] = $content; $this->context['raw'] = $raw; return $this; } /** * @return $this */ public function action(string $text, string $url): static { $this->context['action_text'] = $text; $this->context['action_url'] = $url; return $this; } /** * @return $this */ public function importance(string $importance): static { $this->context['importance'] = $importance; return $this; } /** * @return $this */ public function exception(\Throwable|FlattenException $exception): static { $exceptionAsString = $this->getExceptionAsString($exception); $this->context['exception'] = true; $this->attach($exceptionAsString, 'exception.txt', 'text/plain'); $this->importance(self::IMPORTANCE_URGENT); if (!$this->getSubject()) { $this->subject($exception->getMessage()); } return $this; } /** * @return $this */ public function theme(string $theme): static { $this->theme = $theme; return $this; } public function getTextTemplate(): ?string { if ($template = parent::getTextTemplate()) { return $template; } return '@email/'.$this->theme.'/notification/body.txt.twig'; } public function getHtmlTemplate(): ?string { if ($template = parent::getHtmlTemplate()) { return $template; } return '@email/'.$this->theme.'/notification/body.html.twig'; } public function getContext(): array { return array_merge($this->context, parent::getContext()); } public function getPreparedHeaders(): Headers { $headers = parent::getPreparedHeaders(); $importance = $this->context['importance'] ?? self::IMPORTANCE_LOW; $this->priority($this->determinePriority($importance)); if ($this->context['importance']) { $headers->setHeaderBody('Text', 'Subject', sprintf('[%s] %s', strtoupper($importance), $this->getSubject())); } return $headers; } private function determinePriority(string $importance): int { switch ($importance) { case self::IMPORTANCE_URGENT: return self::PRIORITY_HIGHEST; case self::IMPORTANCE_HIGH: return self::PRIORITY_HIGH; case self::IMPORTANCE_MEDIUM: return self::PRIORITY_NORMAL; case self::IMPORTANCE_LOW: default: return self::PRIORITY_LOW; } } private function getExceptionAsString(\Throwable|FlattenException $exception): string { if (class_exists(FlattenException::class)) { $exception = $exception instanceof FlattenException ? $exception : FlattenException::createFromThrowable($exception); return $exception->getAsString(); } $message = \get_class($exception); if ('' !== $exception->getMessage()) { $message .= ': '.$exception->getMessage(); } $message .= ' in '.$exception->getFile().':'.$exception->getLine()."\n"; $message .= "Stack trace:\n".$exception->getTraceAsString()."\n\n"; return rtrim($message); } /** * @internal */ public function __serialize(): array { return [$this->context, $this->theme, parent::__serialize()]; } /** * @internal */ public function __unserialize(array $data): void { if (3 === \count($data)) { [$this->context, $this->theme, $parentData] = $data; } else { // Backwards compatibility for deserializing data structures that were serialized without the theme [$this->context, $parentData] = $data; } parent::__unserialize($parentData); } }