* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Encoder; use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Exception\UnexpectedValueException; /** * Encodes CSV data. * * @author Kévin Dunglas * @author Oliver Hoff */ class CsvEncoder implements EncoderInterface, DecoderInterface { public const FORMAT = 'csv'; public const DELIMITER_KEY = 'csv_delimiter'; public const ENCLOSURE_KEY = 'csv_enclosure'; public const ESCAPE_CHAR_KEY = 'csv_escape_char'; public const KEY_SEPARATOR_KEY = 'csv_key_separator'; public const HEADERS_KEY = 'csv_headers'; public const ESCAPE_FORMULAS_KEY = 'csv_escape_formulas'; public const AS_COLLECTION_KEY = 'as_collection'; public const NO_HEADERS_KEY = 'no_headers'; public const END_OF_LINE = 'csv_end_of_line'; public const OUTPUT_UTF8_BOM_KEY = 'output_utf8_bom'; private const UTF8_BOM = "\xEF\xBB\xBF"; private const FORMULAS_START_CHARACTERS = ['=', '-', '+', '@', "\t", "\r"]; private $defaultContext = [ self::DELIMITER_KEY => ',', self::ENCLOSURE_KEY => '"', self::ESCAPE_CHAR_KEY => '', self::END_OF_LINE => "\n", self::ESCAPE_FORMULAS_KEY => false, self::HEADERS_KEY => [], self::KEY_SEPARATOR_KEY => '.', self::NO_HEADERS_KEY => false, self::AS_COLLECTION_KEY => true, self::OUTPUT_UTF8_BOM_KEY => false, ]; public function __construct(array $defaultContext = []) { $this->defaultContext = array_merge($this->defaultContext, $defaultContext); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function encode(mixed $data, string $format, array $context = []): string { $handle = fopen('php://temp,', 'w+'); if (!is_iterable($data)) { $data = [[$data]]; } elseif (empty($data)) { $data = [[]]; } else { // Sequential arrays of arrays are considered as collections $i = 0; foreach ($data as $key => $value) { if ($i !== $key || !\is_array($value)) { $data = [$data]; break; } ++$i; } } [$delimiter, $enclosure, $escapeChar, $keySeparator, $headers, $escapeFormulas, $outputBom] = $this->getCsvOptions($context); foreach ($data as &$value) { $flattened = []; $this->flatten($value, $flattened, $keySeparator, '', $escapeFormulas); $value = $flattened; } unset($value); $headers = array_merge(array_values($headers), array_diff($this->extractHeaders($data), $headers)); $endOfLine = $context[self::END_OF_LINE] ?? $this->defaultContext[self::END_OF_LINE]; if (!($context[self::NO_HEADERS_KEY] ?? $this->defaultContext[self::NO_HEADERS_KEY])) { fputcsv($handle, $headers, $delimiter, $enclosure, $escapeChar); if ("\n" !== $endOfLine && 0 === fseek($handle, -1, \SEEK_CUR)) { fwrite($handle, $endOfLine); } } $headers = array_fill_keys($headers, ''); foreach ($data as $row) { fputcsv($handle, array_replace($headers, $row), $delimiter, $enclosure, $escapeChar); if ("\n" !== $endOfLine && 0 === fseek($handle, -1, \SEEK_CUR)) { fwrite($handle, $endOfLine); } } rewind($handle); $value = stream_get_contents($handle); fclose($handle); if ($outputBom) { if (!preg_match('//u', $value)) { throw new UnexpectedValueException('You are trying to add a UTF-8 BOM to a non UTF-8 text.'); } $value = self::UTF8_BOM.$value; } return $value; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function supportsEncoding(string $format): bool { return self::FORMAT === $format; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function decode(string $data, string $format, array $context = []): mixed { $handle = fopen('php://temp', 'r+'); fwrite($handle, $data); rewind($handle); if (str_starts_with($data, self::UTF8_BOM)) { fseek($handle, \strlen(self::UTF8_BOM)); } $headers = null; $nbHeaders = 0; $headerCount = []; $result = []; [$delimiter, $enclosure, $escapeChar, $keySeparator, , , , $asCollection] = $this->getCsvOptions($context); while (false !== ($cols = fgetcsv($handle, 0, $delimiter, $enclosure, $escapeChar))) { $nbCols = \count($cols); if (null === $headers) { $nbHeaders = $nbCols; if ($context[self::NO_HEADERS_KEY] ?? $this->defaultContext[self::NO_HEADERS_KEY]) { for ($i = 0; $i < $nbCols; ++$i) { $headers[] = [$i]; } $headerCount = array_fill(0, $nbCols, 1); } else { foreach ($cols as $col) { $header = explode($keySeparator, $col); $headers[] = $header; $headerCount[] = \count($header); } continue; } } $item = []; for ($i = 0; ($i < $nbCols) && ($i < $nbHeaders); ++$i) { $depth = $headerCount[$i]; $arr = &$item; for ($j = 0; $j < $depth; ++$j) { // Handle nested arrays if ($j === ($depth - 1)) { $arr[$headers[$i][$j]] = $cols[$i]; continue; } if (!isset($arr[$headers[$i][$j]])) { $arr[$headers[$i][$j]] = []; } $arr = &$arr[$headers[$i][$j]]; } } $result[] = $item; } fclose($handle); if ($asCollection) { return $result; } if (empty($result) || isset($result[1])) { return $result; } // If there is only one data line in the document, return it (the line), the result is not considered as a collection return $result[0]; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function supportsDecoding(string $format): bool { return self::FORMAT === $format; } /** * Flattens an array and generates keys including the path. */ private function flatten(iterable $array, array &$result, string $keySeparator, string $parentKey = '', bool $escapeFormulas = false) { foreach ($array as $key => $value) { if (is_iterable($value)) { $this->flatten($value, $result, $keySeparator, $parentKey.$key.$keySeparator, $escapeFormulas); } else { if ($escapeFormulas && \in_array(substr((string) $value, 0, 1), self::FORMULAS_START_CHARACTERS, true)) { $result[$parentKey.$key] = "'".$value; } else { // Ensures an actual value is used when dealing with true and false $result[$parentKey.$key] = false === $value ? 0 : (true === $value ? 1 : $value); } } } } private function getCsvOptions(array $context): array { $delimiter = $context[self::DELIMITER_KEY] ?? $this->defaultContext[self::DELIMITER_KEY]; $enclosure = $context[self::ENCLOSURE_KEY] ?? $this->defaultContext[self::ENCLOSURE_KEY]; $escapeChar = $context[self::ESCAPE_CHAR_KEY] ?? $this->defaultContext[self::ESCAPE_CHAR_KEY]; $keySeparator = $context[self::KEY_SEPARATOR_KEY] ?? $this->defaultContext[self::KEY_SEPARATOR_KEY]; $headers = $context[self::HEADERS_KEY] ?? $this->defaultContext[self::HEADERS_KEY]; $escapeFormulas = $context[self::ESCAPE_FORMULAS_KEY] ?? $this->defaultContext[self::ESCAPE_FORMULAS_KEY]; $outputBom = $context[self::OUTPUT_UTF8_BOM_KEY] ?? $this->defaultContext[self::OUTPUT_UTF8_BOM_KEY]; $asCollection = $context[self::AS_COLLECTION_KEY] ?? $this->defaultContext[self::AS_COLLECTION_KEY]; if (!\is_array($headers)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The "%s" context variable must be an array or null, given "%s".', self::HEADERS_KEY, get_debug_type($headers))); } return [$delimiter, $enclosure, $escapeChar, $keySeparator, $headers, $escapeFormulas, $outputBom, $asCollection]; } /** * @return string[] */ private function extractHeaders(iterable $data): array { $headers = []; $flippedHeaders = []; foreach ($data as $row) { $previousHeader = null; foreach ($row as $header => $_) { if (isset($flippedHeaders[$header])) { $previousHeader = $header; continue; } if (null === $previousHeader) { $n = \count($headers); } else { $n = $flippedHeaders[$previousHeader] + 1; for ($j = \count($headers); $j > $n; --$j) { ++$flippedHeaders[$headers[$j] = $headers[$j - 1]]; } } $headers[$n] = $header; $flippedHeaders[$header] = $n; $previousHeader = $header; } } return $headers; } }