* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Runtime; use Symfony\Component\Runtime\Internal\BasicErrorHandler; use Symfony\Component\Runtime\Resolver\ClosureResolver; use Symfony\Component\Runtime\Resolver\DebugClosureResolver; use Symfony\Component\Runtime\Runner\ClosureRunner; // Help opcache.preload discover always-needed symbols class_exists(ClosureResolver::class); /** * A runtime to do bare-metal PHP without using superglobals. * * It supports the following options: * - "debug" toggles displaying errors and defaults * to the "APP_DEBUG" environment variable; * - "runtimes" maps types to a GenericRuntime implementation * that knows how to deal with each of them; * - "error_handler" defines the class to use to handle PHP errors; * - "env_var_name" and "debug_var_name" define the name of the env * vars that hold the Symfony env and the debug flag respectively. * * The app-callable can declare arguments among either: * - "array $context" to get a local array similar to $_SERVER; * - "array $argv" to get the command line arguments when running on the CLI; * - "array $request" to get a local array with keys "query", "body", "files" and * "session", which map to $_GET, $_POST, $FILES and &$_SESSION respectively. * * It should return a Closure():int|string|null or an instance of RunnerInterface. * * In debug mode, the runtime registers a strict error handler * that throws exceptions when a PHP warning/notice is raised. * * @author Nicolas Grekas */ class GenericRuntime implements RuntimeInterface { protected $options; /** * @param array { * debug?: ?bool, * runtimes?: ?array, * error_handler?: string|false, * env_var_name?: string, * debug_var_name?: string, * } $options */ public function __construct(array $options = []) { $options['env_var_name'] ?? $options['env_var_name'] = 'APP_ENV'; $debugKey = $options['debug_var_name'] ?? $options['debug_var_name'] = 'APP_DEBUG'; $debug = $options['debug'] ?? $_SERVER[$debugKey] ?? $_ENV[$debugKey] ?? true; if (!\is_bool($debug)) { $debug = filter_var($debug, \FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN); } if ($debug) { umask(0000); $_SERVER[$debugKey] = $_ENV[$debugKey] = '1'; if (false !== $errorHandler = ($options['error_handler'] ?? BasicErrorHandler::class)) { $errorHandler::register($debug); $options['error_handler'] = false; } } else { $_SERVER[$debugKey] = $_ENV[$debugKey] = '0'; } $this->options = $options; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getResolver(callable $callable, \ReflectionFunction $reflector = null): ResolverInterface { if (!$callable instanceof \Closure) { $callable = \Closure::fromCallable($callable); } $parameters = ($reflector ?? new \ReflectionFunction($callable))->getParameters(); $arguments = function () use ($parameters) { $arguments = []; try { foreach ($parameters as $parameter) { $type = $parameter->getType(); $arguments[] = $this->getArgument($parameter, $type instanceof \ReflectionNamedType ? $type->getName() : null); } } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) { if (!$parameter->isOptional()) { throw $e; } } return $arguments; }; if ($_SERVER[$this->options['debug_var_name']]) { return new DebugClosureResolver($callable, $arguments); } return new ClosureResolver($callable, $arguments); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getRunner(?object $application): RunnerInterface { if (null === $application) { $application = static function () { return 0; }; } if ($application instanceof RunnerInterface) { return $application; } if (!$application instanceof \Closure) { if ($runtime = $this->resolveRuntime(\get_class($application))) { return $runtime->getRunner($application); } if (!\is_callable($application)) { throw new \LogicException(sprintf('"%s" doesn\'t know how to handle apps of type "%s".', get_debug_type($this), get_debug_type($application))); } $application = \Closure::fromCallable($application); } if ($_SERVER[$this->options['debug_var_name']] && ($r = new \ReflectionFunction($application)) && $r->getNumberOfRequiredParameters()) { throw new \ArgumentCountError(sprintf('Zero argument should be required by the runner callable, but at least one is in "%s" on line "%d.', $r->getFileName(), $r->getStartLine())); } return new ClosureRunner($application); } protected function getArgument(\ReflectionParameter $parameter, ?string $type): mixed { if ('array' === $type) { switch ($parameter->name) { case 'context': $context = $_SERVER; if ($_ENV && !isset($_SERVER['PATH']) && !isset($_SERVER['Path'])) { $context += $_ENV; } return $context; case 'argv': return $_SERVER['argv'] ?? []; case 'request': return [ 'query' => $_GET, 'body' => $_POST, 'files' => $_FILES, 'session' => &$_SESSION, ]; } } if (RuntimeInterface::class === $type) { return $this; } if (!$runtime = $this->getRuntime($type)) { $r = $parameter->getDeclaringFunction(); throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Cannot resolve argument "%s $%s" in "%s" on line "%d": "%s" supports only arguments "array $context", "array $argv" and "array $request", or a runtime named "Symfony\Runtime\%1$sRuntime".', $type, $parameter->name, $r->getFileName(), $r->getStartLine(), get_debug_type($this))); } return $runtime->getArgument($parameter, $type); } protected static function register(self $runtime): self { return $runtime; } private function getRuntime(string $type): ?self { if (null === $runtime = ($this->options['runtimes'][$type] ?? null)) { $runtime = 'Symfony\Runtime\\'.$type.'Runtime'; $runtime = class_exists($runtime) ? $runtime : $this->options['runtimes'][$type] = false; } if (\is_string($runtime)) { $runtime = $runtime::register($this); } if ($this === $runtime) { return null; } return $runtime ?: null; } private function resolveRuntime(string $class): ?self { if ($runtime = $this->getRuntime($class)) { return $runtime; } foreach (class_parents($class) as $type) { if ($runtime = $this->getRuntime($type)) { return $runtime; } } foreach (class_implements($class) as $type) { if ($runtime = $this->getRuntime($type)) { return $runtime; } } return null; } }