* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Bridge\PhpUnit\DeprecationErrorHandler; /** * @internal */ class Configuration { /** * @var int[] */ private $thresholds; /** * @var string */ private $regex; /** * @var bool */ private $enabled = true; /** * @var bool[] */ private $verboseOutput; /** * @var string[] */ private $ignoreDeprecationPatterns = []; /** * @var bool */ private $generateBaseline = false; /** * @var string */ private $baselineFile = ''; /** * @var array */ private $baselineDeprecations = []; /** * @var string|null */ private $logFile; /** * @param int[] $thresholds A hash associating groups to thresholds * @param string $regex Will be matched against messages, to decide whether to display a stack trace * @param bool[] $verboseOutput Keyed by groups * @param string $ignoreFile The path to the ignore deprecation patterns file * @param bool $generateBaseline Whether to generate or update the baseline file * @param string $baselineFile The path to the baseline file * @param string|null $logFile The path to the log file */ private function __construct(array $thresholds = [], $regex = '', $verboseOutput = [], $ignoreFile = '', $generateBaseline = false, $baselineFile = '', $logFile = null) { $groups = ['total', 'indirect', 'direct', 'self']; foreach ($thresholds as $group => $threshold) { if (!\in_array($group, $groups, true)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Unrecognized threshold "%s", expected one of "%s".', $group, implode('", "', $groups))); } if (!is_numeric($threshold)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Threshold for group "%s" has invalid value "%s".', $group, $threshold)); } $this->thresholds[$group] = (int) $threshold; } if (isset($this->thresholds['direct'])) { $this->thresholds += [ 'self' => $this->thresholds['direct'], ]; } if (isset($this->thresholds['indirect'])) { $this->thresholds += [ 'direct' => $this->thresholds['indirect'], 'self' => $this->thresholds['indirect'], ]; } foreach ($groups as $group) { if (!isset($this->thresholds[$group])) { $this->thresholds[$group] = 999999; } } $this->regex = $regex; $this->verboseOutput = [ 'unsilenced' => true, 'direct' => true, 'indirect' => true, 'self' => true, 'other' => true, ]; foreach ($verboseOutput as $group => $status) { if (!isset($this->verboseOutput[$group])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Unsupported verbosity group "%s", expected one of "%s".', $group, implode('", "', array_keys($this->verboseOutput)))); } $this->verboseOutput[$group] = $status; } if ($ignoreFile) { if (!is_file($ignoreFile)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The ignoreFile "%s" does not exist.', $ignoreFile)); } set_error_handler(static function ($t, $m) use ($ignoreFile, &$line) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Invalid pattern found in "%s" on line "%d"', $ignoreFile, 1 + $line).substr($m, 12)); }); try { foreach (file($ignoreFile) as $line => $pattern) { if ('#' !== (trim($pattern)[0] ?? '#')) { preg_match($pattern, ''); $this->ignoreDeprecationPatterns[] = $pattern; } } } finally { restore_error_handler(); } } if ($generateBaseline && !$baselineFile) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('You cannot use the "generateBaseline" configuration option without providing a "baselineFile" configuration option.'); } $this->generateBaseline = $generateBaseline; $this->baselineFile = $baselineFile; if ($this->baselineFile && !$this->generateBaseline) { if (is_file($this->baselineFile)) { $map = json_decode(file_get_contents($this->baselineFile)); foreach ($map as $baseline_deprecation) { $this->baselineDeprecations[$baseline_deprecation->location][$baseline_deprecation->message] = $baseline_deprecation->count; } } else { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The baselineFile "%s" does not exist.', $this->baselineFile)); } } $this->logFile = $logFile; } public function isEnabled(): bool { return $this->enabled; } /** * @param DeprecationGroup[] $deprecationGroups */ public function tolerates(array $deprecationGroups): bool { $grandTotal = 0; foreach ($deprecationGroups as $name => $group) { if ('legacy' !== $name) { $grandTotal += $group->count(); } } if ($grandTotal > $this->thresholds['total']) { return false; } foreach (['self', 'direct', 'indirect'] as $deprecationType) { if ($deprecationGroups[$deprecationType]->count() > $this->thresholds[$deprecationType]) { return false; } } return true; } public function isIgnoredDeprecation(Deprecation $deprecation): bool { if (!$this->ignoreDeprecationPatterns) { return false; } $result = @preg_filter($this->ignoreDeprecationPatterns, '$0', $deprecation->getMessage()); if (\PREG_NO_ERROR !== preg_last_error()) { throw new \RuntimeException(preg_last_error_msg()); } return (bool) $result; } /** * @param array $deprecationGroups * * @return bool true if the threshold is not reached for the deprecation type nor for the total */ public function toleratesForGroup(string $groupName, array $deprecationGroups): bool { $grandTotal = 0; foreach ($deprecationGroups as $type => $group) { if ('legacy' !== $type) { $grandTotal += $group->count(); } } if ($grandTotal > $this->thresholds['total']) { return false; } if (\in_array($groupName, ['self', 'direct', 'indirect'], true) && $deprecationGroups[$groupName]->count() > $this->thresholds[$groupName]) { return false; } return true; } public function isBaselineDeprecation(Deprecation $deprecation): bool { if ($deprecation->isLegacy()) { return false; } if ($deprecation->originatesFromAnObject()) { $location = $deprecation->originatingClass().'::'.$deprecation->originatingMethod(); } else { $location = 'procedural code'; } $message = $deprecation->getMessage(); $result = isset($this->baselineDeprecations[$location][$message]) && $this->baselineDeprecations[$location][$message] > 0; if ($this->generateBaseline) { if ($result) { ++$this->baselineDeprecations[$location][$message]; } else { $this->baselineDeprecations[$location][$message] = 1; $result = true; } } elseif ($result) { --$this->baselineDeprecations[$location][$message]; } return $result; } public function isGeneratingBaseline(): bool { return $this->generateBaseline; } public function getBaselineFile(): string { return $this->baselineFile; } public function writeBaseline(): void { $map = []; foreach ($this->baselineDeprecations as $location => $messages) { foreach ($messages as $message => $count) { $map[] = [ 'location' => $location, 'message' => $message, 'count' => $count, ]; } } file_put_contents($this->baselineFile, json_encode($map, \JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | \JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES)); } /** * @param string $message */ public function shouldDisplayStackTrace($message): bool { return '' !== $this->regex && preg_match($this->regex, $message); } public function isInRegexMode(): bool { return '' !== $this->regex; } public function verboseOutput($group): bool { return $this->verboseOutput[$group]; } public function shouldWriteToLogFile(): bool { return null !== $this->logFile; } public function getLogFile(): ?string { return $this->logFile; } /** * @param string $serializedConfiguration an encoded string, for instance * max[total]=1234&max[indirect]=42 */ public static function fromUrlEncodedString($serializedConfiguration): self { parse_str($serializedConfiguration, $normalizedConfiguration); foreach (array_keys($normalizedConfiguration) as $key) { if (!\in_array($key, ['max', 'disabled', 'verbose', 'quiet', 'ignoreFile', 'generateBaseline', 'baselineFile', 'logFile'], true)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Unknown configuration option "%s".', $key)); } } $normalizedConfiguration += [ 'max' => ['total' => 0], 'disabled' => false, 'verbose' => true, 'quiet' => [], 'ignoreFile' => '', 'generateBaseline' => false, 'baselineFile' => '', 'logFile' => null, ]; if ('' === $normalizedConfiguration['disabled'] || filter_var($normalizedConfiguration['disabled'], \FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN)) { return self::inDisabledMode(); } $verboseOutput = []; foreach (['unsilenced', 'direct', 'indirect', 'self', 'other'] as $group) { $verboseOutput[$group] = filter_var($normalizedConfiguration['verbose'], \FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN); } if (\is_array($normalizedConfiguration['quiet'])) { foreach ($normalizedConfiguration['quiet'] as $shushedGroup) { $verboseOutput[$shushedGroup] = false; } } return new self( $normalizedConfiguration['max'], '', $verboseOutput, $normalizedConfiguration['ignoreFile'], filter_var($normalizedConfiguration['generateBaseline'], \FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN), $normalizedConfiguration['baselineFile'], $normalizedConfiguration['logFile'] ); } public static function inDisabledMode(): self { $configuration = new self(); $configuration->enabled = false; return $configuration; } public static function inStrictMode(): self { return new self(['total' => 0]); } public static function inWeakMode(): self { $verboseOutput = []; foreach (['unsilenced', 'direct', 'indirect', 'self', 'other'] as $group) { $verboseOutput[$group] = false; } return new self([], '', $verboseOutput); } public static function fromNumber($upperBound): self { return new self(['total' => $upperBound]); } public static function fromRegex($regex): self { return new self([], $regex); } }