* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\PasswordHasher\Hasher; use Symfony\Component\PasswordHasher\Exception\LogicException; use Symfony\Component\PasswordHasher\PasswordHasherInterface; use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\PasswordAuthenticatedUserInterface; /** * A generic hasher factory implementation. * * @author Nicolas Grekas * @author Robin Chalas */ class PasswordHasherFactory implements PasswordHasherFactoryInterface { private array $passwordHashers; /** * @param array $passwordHashers */ public function __construct(array $passwordHashers) { $this->passwordHashers = $passwordHashers; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getPasswordHasher(string|PasswordAuthenticatedUserInterface|PasswordHasherAwareInterface $user): PasswordHasherInterface { $hasherKey = null; if ($user instanceof PasswordHasherAwareInterface && null !== $hasherName = $user->getPasswordHasherName()) { if (!\array_key_exists($hasherName, $this->passwordHashers)) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('The password hasher "%s" was not configured.', $hasherName)); } $hasherKey = $hasherName; } else { foreach ($this->passwordHashers as $class => $hasher) { if ((\is_object($user) && $user instanceof $class) || (!\is_object($user) && (is_subclass_of($user, $class) || $user == $class))) { $hasherKey = $class; break; } } } if (null === $hasherKey) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('No password hasher has been configured for account "%s".', \is_object($user) ? get_debug_type($user) : $user)); } if (!$this->passwordHashers[$hasherKey] instanceof PasswordHasherInterface) { $this->passwordHashers[$hasherKey] = $this->createHasher($this->passwordHashers[$hasherKey]); } return $this->passwordHashers[$hasherKey]; } /** * Creates the actual hasher instance. * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException */ private function createHasher(array $config, bool $isExtra = false): PasswordHasherInterface { if (isset($config['algorithm'])) { $rawConfig = $config; $config = $this->getHasherConfigFromAlgorithm($config); } if (!isset($config['class'])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('"class" must be set in '.json_encode($config)); } if (!isset($config['arguments'])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('"arguments" must be set in '.json_encode($config)); } $hasher = new $config['class'](...$config['arguments']); if ($isExtra || !\in_array($config['class'], [NativePasswordHasher::class, SodiumPasswordHasher::class], true)) { return $hasher; } if ($rawConfig ?? null) { $extrapasswordHashers = array_map(function (string $algo) use ($rawConfig): PasswordHasherInterface { $rawConfig['algorithm'] = $algo; return $this->createHasher($rawConfig); }, ['pbkdf2', $rawConfig['hash_algorithm'] ?? 'sha512']); } else { $extrapasswordHashers = [new Pbkdf2PasswordHasher(), new MessageDigestPasswordHasher()]; } return new MigratingPasswordHasher($hasher, ...$extrapasswordHashers); } private function getHasherConfigFromAlgorithm(array $config): array { if ('auto' === $config['algorithm']) { // "plaintext" is not listed as any leaked hashes could then be used to authenticate directly if (SodiumPasswordHasher::isSupported()) { $algorithms = ['native', 'sodium', 'pbkdf2']; } else { $algorithms = ['native', 'pbkdf2']; } if ($config['hash_algorithm'] ?? '') { $algorithms[] = $config['hash_algorithm']; } $hasherChain = []; foreach ($algorithms as $algorithm) { $config['algorithm'] = $algorithm; $hasherChain[] = $this->createHasher($config, true); } return [ 'class' => MigratingPasswordHasher::class, 'arguments' => $hasherChain, ]; } if ($frompasswordHashers = ($config['migrate_from'] ?? false)) { unset($config['migrate_from']); $hasherChain = [$this->createHasher($config, true)]; foreach ($frompasswordHashers as $name) { if ($hasher = $this->passwordHashers[$name] ?? false) { $hasher = $hasher instanceof PasswordHasherInterface ? $hasher : $this->createHasher($hasher, true); } else { $hasher = $this->createHasher(['algorithm' => $name], true); } $hasherChain[] = $hasher; } return [ 'class' => MigratingPasswordHasher::class, 'arguments' => $hasherChain, ]; } switch ($config['algorithm']) { case 'plaintext': return [ 'class' => PlaintextPasswordHasher::class, 'arguments' => [$config['ignore_case'] ?? false], ]; case 'pbkdf2': return [ 'class' => Pbkdf2PasswordHasher::class, 'arguments' => [ $config['hash_algorithm'] ?? 'sha512', $config['encode_as_base64'] ?? true, $config['iterations'] ?? 1000, $config['key_length'] ?? 40, ], ]; case 'bcrypt': $config['algorithm'] = 'native'; $config['native_algorithm'] = \PASSWORD_BCRYPT; return $this->getHasherConfigFromAlgorithm($config); case 'native': return [ 'class' => NativePasswordHasher::class, 'arguments' => [ $config['time_cost'] ?? null, (($config['memory_cost'] ?? 0) << 10) ?: null, $config['cost'] ?? null, ] + (isset($config['native_algorithm']) ? [3 => $config['native_algorithm']] : []), ]; case 'sodium': return [ 'class' => SodiumPasswordHasher::class, 'arguments' => [ $config['time_cost'] ?? null, (($config['memory_cost'] ?? 0) << 10) ?: null, ], ]; case 'argon2i': if (SodiumPasswordHasher::isSupported() && !\defined('SODIUM_CRYPTO_PWHASH_ALG_ARGON2ID13')) { $config['algorithm'] = 'sodium'; } elseif (\defined('PASSWORD_ARGON2I')) { $config['algorithm'] = 'native'; $config['native_algorithm'] = \PASSWORD_ARGON2I; } else { throw new LogicException(sprintf('Algorithm "argon2i" is not available. Use "%s" instead.', \defined('SODIUM_CRYPTO_PWHASH_ALG_ARGON2ID13') ? 'argon2id" or "auto' : 'auto')); } return $this->getHasherConfigFromAlgorithm($config); case 'argon2id': if (($hasSodium = SodiumPasswordHasher::isSupported()) && \defined('SODIUM_CRYPTO_PWHASH_ALG_ARGON2ID13')) { $config['algorithm'] = 'sodium'; } elseif (\defined('PASSWORD_ARGON2ID')) { $config['algorithm'] = 'native'; $config['native_algorithm'] = \PASSWORD_ARGON2ID; } else { throw new LogicException(sprintf('Algorithm "argon2id" is not available. Either use "%s", upgrade to PHP 7.3+ or use libsodium 1.0.15+ instead.', \defined('PASSWORD_ARGON2I') || $hasSodium ? 'argon2i", "auto' : 'auto')); } return $this->getHasherConfigFromAlgorithm($config); } return [ 'class' => MessageDigestPasswordHasher::class, 'arguments' => [ $config['algorithm'], $config['encode_as_base64'] ?? true, $config['iterations'] ?? 5000, ], ]; } }