* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Secrets; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\EnvVarLoaderInterface; use Symfony\Component\VarExporter\VarExporter; /** * @author Tobias Schultze * @author Jérémy Derussé * @author Nicolas Grekas * * @internal */ class SodiumVault extends AbstractVault implements EnvVarLoaderInterface { private ?string $encryptionKey = null; private string|\Stringable|null $decryptionKey = null; private string $pathPrefix; private ?string $secretsDir; /** * @param $decryptionKey A string or a stringable object that defines the private key to use to decrypt the vault * or null to store generated keys in the provided $secretsDir */ public function __construct(string $secretsDir, string|\Stringable $decryptionKey = null) { $this->pathPrefix = rtrim(strtr($secretsDir, '/', \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR), \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR).\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.basename($secretsDir).'.'; $this->decryptionKey = $decryptionKey; $this->secretsDir = $secretsDir; } public function generateKeys(bool $override = false): bool { $this->lastMessage = null; if (null === $this->encryptionKey && '' !== $this->decryptionKey = (string) $this->decryptionKey) { $this->lastMessage = 'Cannot generate keys when a decryption key has been provided while instantiating the vault.'; return false; } try { $this->loadKeys(); } catch (\RuntimeException $e) { // ignore failures to load keys } if ('' !== $this->decryptionKey && !is_file($this->pathPrefix.'encrypt.public.php')) { $this->export('encrypt.public', $this->encryptionKey); } if (!$override && null !== $this->encryptionKey) { $this->lastMessage = sprintf('Sodium keys already exist at "%s*.{public,private}" and won\'t be overridden.', $this->getPrettyPath($this->pathPrefix)); return false; } $this->decryptionKey = sodium_crypto_box_keypair(); $this->encryptionKey = sodium_crypto_box_publickey($this->decryptionKey); $this->export('encrypt.public', $this->encryptionKey); $this->export('decrypt.private', $this->decryptionKey); $this->lastMessage = sprintf('Sodium keys have been generated at "%s*.public/private.php".', $this->getPrettyPath($this->pathPrefix)); return true; } public function seal(string $name, string $value): void { $this->lastMessage = null; $this->validateName($name); $this->loadKeys(); $filename = $this->getFilename($name); $this->export($filename, sodium_crypto_box_seal($value, $this->encryptionKey ?? sodium_crypto_box_publickey($this->decryptionKey))); $list = $this->list(); $list[$name] = null; uksort($list, 'strnatcmp'); file_put_contents($this->pathPrefix.'list.php', sprintf("lastMessage = sprintf('Secret "%s" encrypted in "%s"; you can commit it.', $name, $this->getPrettyPath(\dirname($this->pathPrefix).\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)); } public function reveal(string $name): ?string { $this->lastMessage = null; $this->validateName($name); $filename = $this->getFilename($name); if (!is_file($file = $this->pathPrefix.$filename.'.php')) { $this->lastMessage = sprintf('Secret "%s" not found in "%s".', $name, $this->getPrettyPath(\dirname($this->pathPrefix).\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)); return null; } if (!\function_exists('sodium_crypto_box_seal')) { $this->lastMessage = sprintf('Secret "%s" cannot be revealed as the "sodium" PHP extension missing. Try running "composer require paragonie/sodium_compat" if you cannot enable the extension."', $name); return null; } $this->loadKeys(); if ('' === $this->decryptionKey) { $this->lastMessage = sprintf('Secret "%s" cannot be revealed as no decryption key was found in "%s".', $name, $this->getPrettyPath(\dirname($this->pathPrefix).\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)); return null; } if (false === $value = sodium_crypto_box_seal_open(include $file, $this->decryptionKey)) { $this->lastMessage = sprintf('Secret "%s" cannot be revealed as the wrong decryption key was provided for "%s".', $name, $this->getPrettyPath(\dirname($this->pathPrefix).\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)); return null; } return $value; } public function remove(string $name): bool { $this->lastMessage = null; $this->validateName($name); $filename = $this->getFilename($name); if (!is_file($file = $this->pathPrefix.$filename.'.php')) { $this->lastMessage = sprintf('Secret "%s" not found in "%s".', $name, $this->getPrettyPath(\dirname($this->pathPrefix).\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)); return false; } $list = $this->list(); unset($list[$name]); file_put_contents($this->pathPrefix.'list.php', sprintf("lastMessage = sprintf('Secret "%s" removed from "%s".', $name, $this->getPrettyPath(\dirname($this->pathPrefix).\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)); return @unlink($file) || !file_exists($file); } public function list(bool $reveal = false): array { $this->lastMessage = null; if (!is_file($file = $this->pathPrefix.'list.php')) { return []; } $secrets = include $file; if (!$reveal) { return $secrets; } foreach ($secrets as $name => $value) { $secrets[$name] = $this->reveal($name); } return $secrets; } public function loadEnvVars(): array { return $this->list(true); } private function loadKeys(): void { if (!\function_exists('sodium_crypto_box_seal')) { throw new \LogicException('The "sodium" PHP extension is required to deal with secrets. Alternatively, try running "composer require paragonie/sodium_compat" if you cannot enable the extension.".'); } if (null !== $this->encryptionKey || '' !== $this->decryptionKey = (string) $this->decryptionKey) { return; } if (is_file($this->pathPrefix.'decrypt.private.php')) { $this->decryptionKey = (string) include $this->pathPrefix.'decrypt.private.php'; } if (is_file($this->pathPrefix.'encrypt.public.php')) { $this->encryptionKey = (string) include $this->pathPrefix.'encrypt.public.php'; } elseif ('' !== $this->decryptionKey) { $this->encryptionKey = sodium_crypto_box_publickey($this->decryptionKey); } else { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Encryption key not found in "%s".', \dirname($this->pathPrefix))); } } private function export(string $filename, string $data): void { $b64 = 'decrypt.private' === $filename ? '// SYMFONY_DECRYPTION_SECRET='.base64_encode($data)."\n" : ''; $name = basename($this->pathPrefix.$filename); $data = str_replace('%', '\x', rawurlencode($data)); $data = sprintf("createSecretsDir(); if (false === file_put_contents($this->pathPrefix.$filename.'.php', $data, \LOCK_EX)) { $e = error_get_last(); throw new \ErrorException($e['message'] ?? 'Failed to write secrets data.', 0, $e['type'] ?? \E_USER_WARNING); } } private function createSecretsDir(): void { if ($this->secretsDir && !is_dir($this->secretsDir) && !@mkdir($this->secretsDir, 0777, true) && !is_dir($this->secretsDir)) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Unable to create the secrets directory (%s).', $this->secretsDir)); } $this->secretsDir = null; } private function getFilename(string $name): string { // The MD5 hash allows making secrets case-sensitive. The filename is not enough on Windows. return $name.'.'.substr(md5($name), 0, 6); } }