* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Asset\VersionStrategy; use Symfony\Component\Asset\Exception\AssetNotFoundException; use Symfony\Component\Asset\Exception\LogicException; use Symfony\Component\Asset\Exception\RuntimeException; use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\Exception\ClientExceptionInterface; use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\Exception\DecodingExceptionInterface; use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\HttpClientInterface; /** * Reads the versioned path of an asset from a JSON manifest file. * * For example, the manifest file might look like this: * { * "main.js": "main.abc123.js", * "css/styles.css": "css/styles.555abc.css" * } * * You could then ask for the version of "main.js" or "css/styles.css". */ class JsonManifestVersionStrategy implements VersionStrategyInterface { private string $manifestPath; private array $manifestData; private $httpClient; private bool $strictMode; /** * @param string $manifestPath Absolute path to the manifest file * @param bool $strictMode Throws an exception for unknown paths */ public function __construct(string $manifestPath, HttpClientInterface $httpClient = null, bool $strictMode = false) { $this->manifestPath = $manifestPath; $this->httpClient = $httpClient; $this->strictMode = $strictMode; if (null === $this->httpClient && ($scheme = parse_url($this->manifestPath, \PHP_URL_SCHEME)) && 0 === strpos($scheme, 'http')) { throw new LogicException(sprintf('The "%s" class needs an HTTP client to use a remote manifest. Try running "composer require symfony/http-client".', self::class)); } } /** * With a manifest, we don't really know or care about what * the version is. Instead, this returns the path to the * versioned file. */ public function getVersion(string $path): string { return $this->applyVersion($path); } public function applyVersion(string $path): string { return $this->getManifestPath($path) ?: $path; } private function getManifestPath(string $path): ?string { if (!isset($this->manifestData)) { if (null !== $this->httpClient && ($scheme = parse_url($this->manifestPath, \PHP_URL_SCHEME)) && 0 === strpos($scheme, 'http')) { try { $this->manifestData = $this->httpClient->request('GET', $this->manifestPath, [ 'headers' => ['accept' => 'application/json'], ])->toArray(); } catch (DecodingExceptionInterface $e) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Error parsing JSON from asset manifest URL "%s".', $this->manifestPath), 0, $e); } catch (ClientExceptionInterface $e) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Error loading JSON from asset manifest URL "%s".', $this->manifestPath), 0, $e); } } else { if (!is_file($this->manifestPath)) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Asset manifest file "%s" does not exist. Did you forget to build the assets with npm or yarn?', $this->manifestPath)); } try { $this->manifestData = json_decode(file_get_contents($this->manifestPath), true, flags: \JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR); } catch (\JsonException $e) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Error parsing JSON from asset manifest file "%s": ', $this->manifestPath).$e->getMessage(), previous: $e); } } } if (isset($this->manifestData[$path])) { return $this->manifestData[$path]; } if ($this->strictMode) { $message = sprintf('Asset "%s" not found in manifest "%s".', $path, $this->manifestPath); $alternatives = $this->findAlternatives($path, $this->manifestData); if (\count($alternatives) > 0) { $message .= sprintf(' Did you mean one of these? "%s".', implode('", "', $alternatives)); } throw new AssetNotFoundException($message, $alternatives); } return null; } private function findAlternatives(string $path, array $manifestData): array { $path = strtolower($path); $alternatives = []; foreach ($manifestData as $key => $value) { $lev = levenshtein($path, strtolower($key)); if ($lev <= \strlen($path) / 3 || false !== stripos($key, $path)) { $alternatives[$key] = isset($alternatives[$key]) ? min($lev, $alternatives[$key]) : $lev; } $lev = levenshtein($path, strtolower($value)); if ($lev <= \strlen($path) / 3 || false !== stripos($key, $path)) { $alternatives[$key] = isset($alternatives[$key]) ? min($lev, $alternatives[$key]) : $lev; } } asort($alternatives); return array_keys($alternatives); } }