$newEntitiesWithAssociations non-empty an array * of [array $associationMapping, object $entity] pairs * * @return ORMInvalidArgumentException */ public static function newEntitiesFoundThroughRelationships($newEntitiesWithAssociations) { $errorMessages = array_map( static function (array $newEntityWithAssociation): string { [$associationMapping, $entity] = $newEntityWithAssociation; return self::newEntityFoundThroughRelationshipMessage($associationMapping, $entity); }, $newEntitiesWithAssociations ); if (count($errorMessages) === 1) { return new self(reset($errorMessages)); } return new self( 'Multiple non-persisted new entities were found through the given association graph:' . "\n\n * " . implode("\n * ", $errorMessages) ); } /** * @param object $entry * @psalm-param AssociationMapping $associationMapping * * @return ORMInvalidArgumentException */ public static function newEntityFoundThroughRelationship(array $associationMapping, $entry) { return new self(self::newEntityFoundThroughRelationshipMessage($associationMapping, $entry)); } /** * @param object $entry * @psalm-param AssociationMapping $assoc * * @return ORMInvalidArgumentException */ public static function detachedEntityFoundThroughRelationship(array $assoc, $entry) { return new self('A detached entity of type ' . $assoc['targetEntity'] . ' (' . self::objToStr($entry) . ') ' . " was found through the relationship '" . $assoc['sourceEntity'] . '#' . $assoc['fieldName'] . "' " . 'during cascading a persist operation.'); } /** * @param object $entity * * @return ORMInvalidArgumentException */ public static function entityNotManaged($entity) { return new self('Entity ' . self::objToStr($entity) . ' is not managed. An entity is managed if its fetched ' . 'from the database or registered as new through EntityManager#persist'); } /** * @param object $entity * @param string $operation * * @return ORMInvalidArgumentException */ public static function entityHasNoIdentity($entity, $operation) { return new self('Entity has no identity, therefore ' . $operation . ' cannot be performed. ' . self::objToStr($entity)); } /** * @param object $entity * @param string $operation * * @return ORMInvalidArgumentException */ public static function entityIsRemoved($entity, $operation) { return new self('Entity is removed, therefore ' . $operation . ' cannot be performed. ' . self::objToStr($entity)); } /** * @param object $entity * @param string $operation * * @return ORMInvalidArgumentException */ public static function detachedEntityCannot($entity, $operation) { return new self('Detached entity ' . self::objToStr($entity) . ' cannot be ' . $operation); } /** * @param string $context * @param mixed $given * @param int $parameterIndex * * @return ORMInvalidArgumentException */ public static function invalidObject($context, $given, $parameterIndex = 1) { return new self($context . ' expects parameter ' . $parameterIndex . ' to be an entity object, ' . gettype($given) . ' given.'); } /** @return ORMInvalidArgumentException */ public static function invalidCompositeIdentifier() { return new self('Binding an entity with a composite primary key to a query is not supported. ' . 'You should split the parameter into the explicit fields and bind them separately.'); } /** @return ORMInvalidArgumentException */ public static function invalidIdentifierBindingEntity(/* string $class */) { if (func_num_args() === 0) { Deprecation::trigger( 'doctrine/orm', 'https://github.com/doctrine/orm/pull/9642', 'Omitting the class name in the exception method %s is deprecated.', __METHOD__ ); return new self('Binding entities to query parameters only allowed for entities that have an identifier.'); } return new self(sprintf( <<<'EXCEPTION' Binding entities to query parameters only allowed for entities that have an identifier. Class "%s" does not have an identifier. EXCEPTION , func_get_arg(0) )); } /** * @param AssociationMapping $assoc * @param mixed $actualValue * * @return self */ public static function invalidAssociation(ClassMetadata $targetClass, $assoc, $actualValue) { $expectedType = $targetClass->getName(); return new self(sprintf( 'Expected value of type "%s" for association field "%s#$%s", got "%s" instead.', $expectedType, $assoc['sourceEntity'], $assoc['fieldName'], get_debug_type($actualValue) )); } /** * Used when a given entityName hasn't the good type * * @deprecated This method will be removed in 3.0. * * @param mixed $entityName The given entity (which shouldn't be a string) * * @return self */ public static function invalidEntityName($entityName) { Deprecation::triggerIfCalledFromOutside( 'doctrine/orm', 'https://github.com/doctrine/orm/pull/9471', '%s() is deprecated', __METHOD__ ); return new self(sprintf('Entity name must be a string, %s given', get_debug_type($entityName))); } /** * Helper method to show an object as string. * * @param object $obj */ private static function objToStr($obj): string { return method_exists($obj, '__toString') ? (string) $obj : get_debug_type($obj) . '@' . spl_object_id($obj); } /** * @param object $entity * @psalm-param AssociationMapping $associationMapping */ private static function newEntityFoundThroughRelationshipMessage(array $associationMapping, $entity): string { return 'A new entity was found through the relationship \'' . $associationMapping['sourceEntity'] . '#' . $associationMapping['fieldName'] . '\' that was not' . ' configured to cascade persist operations for entity: ' . self::objToStr($entity) . '.' . ' To solve this issue: Either explicitly call EntityManager#persist()' . ' on this unknown entity or configure cascade persist' . ' this association in the mapping for example @ManyToOne(..,cascade={"persist"}).' . (method_exists($entity, '__toString') ? '' : ' If you cannot find out which entity causes the problem implement \'' . $associationMapping['targetEntity'] . '#__toString()\' to get a clue.' ); } }