'pdo_sqlite', 'memory' => true], $config); * $entityManager = new EntityManager($connection, $config); * * For more information see * {@link http://docs.doctrine-project.org/projects/doctrine-orm/en/stable/reference/configuration.html} * * You should never attempt to inherit from the EntityManager: Inheritance * is not a valid extension point for the EntityManager. Instead you * should take a look at the {@see \Doctrine\ORM\Decorator\EntityManagerDecorator} * and wrap your entity manager in a decorator. * * @final */ class EntityManager implements EntityManagerInterface { /** * The used Configuration. * * @var Configuration */ private $config; /** * The database connection used by the EntityManager. * * @var Connection */ private $conn; /** * The metadata factory, used to retrieve the ORM metadata of entity classes. * * @var ClassMetadataFactory */ private $metadataFactory; /** * The UnitOfWork used to coordinate object-level transactions. * * @var UnitOfWork */ private $unitOfWork; /** * The event manager that is the central point of the event system. * * @var EventManager */ private $eventManager; /** * The proxy factory used to create dynamic proxies. * * @var ProxyFactory */ private $proxyFactory; /** * The repository factory used to create dynamic repositories. * * @var RepositoryFactory */ private $repositoryFactory; /** * The expression builder instance used to generate query expressions. * * @var Expr|null */ private $expressionBuilder; /** * Whether the EntityManager is closed or not. * * @var bool */ private $closed = false; /** * Collection of query filters. * * @var FilterCollection|null */ private $filterCollection; /** * The second level cache regions API. * * @var Cache|null */ private $cache; /** * Creates a new EntityManager that operates on the given database connection * and uses the given Configuration and EventManager implementations. */ public function __construct(Connection $conn, Configuration $config, ?EventManager $eventManager = null) { if (! $config->getMetadataDriverImpl()) { throw MissingMappingDriverImplementation::create(); } $this->conn = $conn; $this->config = $config; $this->eventManager = $eventManager ?? $conn->getEventManager(); $metadataFactoryClassName = $config->getClassMetadataFactoryName(); $this->metadataFactory = new $metadataFactoryClassName(); $this->metadataFactory->setEntityManager($this); $this->configureMetadataCache(); $this->repositoryFactory = $config->getRepositoryFactory(); $this->unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork($this); $this->proxyFactory = new ProxyFactory( $this, $config->getProxyDir(), $config->getProxyNamespace(), $config->getAutoGenerateProxyClasses() ); if ($config->isSecondLevelCacheEnabled()) { $cacheConfig = $config->getSecondLevelCacheConfiguration(); $cacheFactory = $cacheConfig->getCacheFactory(); $this->cache = $cacheFactory->createCache($this); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getConnection() { return $this->conn; } /** * Gets the metadata factory used to gather the metadata of classes. * * @return ClassMetadataFactory */ public function getMetadataFactory() { return $this->metadataFactory; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getExpressionBuilder() { if ($this->expressionBuilder === null) { $this->expressionBuilder = new Query\Expr(); } return $this->expressionBuilder; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function beginTransaction() { $this->conn->beginTransaction(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getCache() { return $this->cache; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function transactional($func) { if (! is_callable($func)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Expected argument of type "callable", got "' . gettype($func) . '"'); } $this->conn->beginTransaction(); try { $return = $func($this); $this->flush(); $this->conn->commit(); return $return ?: true; } catch (Throwable $e) { $this->close(); $this->conn->rollBack(); throw $e; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function wrapInTransaction(callable $func) { $this->conn->beginTransaction(); try { $return = $func($this); $this->flush(); $this->conn->commit(); return $return; } catch (Throwable $e) { $this->close(); $this->conn->rollBack(); throw $e; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function commit() { $this->conn->commit(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function rollback() { $this->conn->rollBack(); } /** * Returns the ORM metadata descriptor for a class. * * The class name must be the fully-qualified class name without a leading backslash * (as it is returned by get_class($obj)) or an aliased class name. * * Examples: * MyProject\Domain\User * sales:PriceRequest * * Internal note: Performance-sensitive method. * * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getClassMetadata($className) { return $this->metadataFactory->getMetadataFor($className); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function createQuery($dql = '') { $query = new Query($this); if (! empty($dql)) { $query->setDQL($dql); } return $query; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function createNamedQuery($name) { return $this->createQuery($this->config->getNamedQuery($name)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function createNativeQuery($sql, ResultSetMapping $rsm) { $query = new NativeQuery($this); $query->setSQL($sql); $query->setResultSetMapping($rsm); return $query; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function createNamedNativeQuery($name) { [$sql, $rsm] = $this->config->getNamedNativeQuery($name); return $this->createNativeQuery($sql, $rsm); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function createQueryBuilder() { return new QueryBuilder($this); } /** * Flushes all changes to objects that have been queued up to now to the database. * This effectively synchronizes the in-memory state of managed objects with the * database. * * If an entity is explicitly passed to this method only this entity and * the cascade-persist semantics + scheduled inserts/removals are synchronized. * * @param object|mixed[]|null $entity * * @return void * * @throws OptimisticLockException If a version check on an entity that * makes use of optimistic locking fails. * @throws ORMException */ public function flush($entity = null) { if ($entity !== null) { Deprecation::trigger( 'doctrine/orm', 'https://github.com/doctrine/orm/issues/8459', 'Calling %s() with any arguments to flush specific entities is deprecated and will not be supported in Doctrine ORM 3.0.', __METHOD__ ); } $this->errorIfClosed(); $this->unitOfWork->commit($entity); } /** * Finds an Entity by its identifier. * * @param string $className The class name of the entity to find. * @param mixed $id The identity of the entity to find. * @param int|null $lockMode One of the \Doctrine\DBAL\LockMode::* constants * or NULL if no specific lock mode should be used * during the search. * @param int|null $lockVersion The version of the entity to find when using * optimistic locking. * @psalm-param class-string $className * @psalm-param LockMode::*|null $lockMode * * @return object|null The entity instance or NULL if the entity can not be found. * @psalm-return ?T * * @throws OptimisticLockException * @throws ORMInvalidArgumentException * @throws TransactionRequiredException * @throws ORMException * * @template T */ public function find($className, $id, $lockMode = null, $lockVersion = null) { $class = $this->metadataFactory->getMetadataFor(ltrim($className, '\\')); if ($lockMode !== null) { $this->checkLockRequirements($lockMode, $class); } if (! is_array($id)) { if ($class->isIdentifierComposite) { throw ORMInvalidArgumentException::invalidCompositeIdentifier(); } $id = [$class->identifier[0] => $id]; } foreach ($id as $i => $value) { if (is_object($value)) { $className = ClassUtils::getClass($value); if ($this->metadataFactory->hasMetadataFor($className)) { $id[$i] = $this->unitOfWork->getSingleIdentifierValue($value); if ($id[$i] === null) { throw ORMInvalidArgumentException::invalidIdentifierBindingEntity($className); } } } } $sortedId = []; foreach ($class->identifier as $identifier) { if (! isset($id[$identifier])) { throw MissingIdentifierField::fromFieldAndClass($identifier, $class->name); } if ($id[$identifier] instanceof BackedEnum) { $sortedId[$identifier] = $id[$identifier]->value; } else { $sortedId[$identifier] = $id[$identifier]; } unset($id[$identifier]); } if ($id) { throw UnrecognizedIdentifierFields::fromClassAndFieldNames($class->name, array_keys($id)); } $unitOfWork = $this->getUnitOfWork(); $entity = $unitOfWork->tryGetById($sortedId, $class->rootEntityName); // Check identity map first if ($entity !== false) { if (! ($entity instanceof $class->name)) { return null; } switch (true) { case $lockMode === LockMode::OPTIMISTIC: $this->lock($entity, $lockMode, $lockVersion); break; case $lockMode === LockMode::NONE: case $lockMode === LockMode::PESSIMISTIC_READ: case $lockMode === LockMode::PESSIMISTIC_WRITE: $persister = $unitOfWork->getEntityPersister($class->name); $persister->refresh($sortedId, $entity, $lockMode); break; } return $entity; // Hit! } $persister = $unitOfWork->getEntityPersister($class->name); switch (true) { case $lockMode === LockMode::OPTIMISTIC: $entity = $persister->load($sortedId); if ($entity !== null) { $unitOfWork->lock($entity, $lockMode, $lockVersion); } return $entity; case $lockMode === LockMode::PESSIMISTIC_READ: case $lockMode === LockMode::PESSIMISTIC_WRITE: return $persister->load($sortedId, null, null, [], $lockMode); default: return $persister->loadById($sortedId); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getReference($entityName, $id) { $class = $this->metadataFactory->getMetadataFor(ltrim($entityName, '\\')); if (! is_array($id)) { $id = [$class->identifier[0] => $id]; } $sortedId = []; foreach ($class->identifier as $identifier) { if (! isset($id[$identifier])) { throw MissingIdentifierField::fromFieldAndClass($identifier, $class->name); } $sortedId[$identifier] = $id[$identifier]; unset($id[$identifier]); } if ($id) { throw UnrecognizedIdentifierFields::fromClassAndFieldNames($class->name, array_keys($id)); } $entity = $this->unitOfWork->tryGetById($sortedId, $class->rootEntityName); // Check identity map first, if its already in there just return it. if ($entity !== false) { return $entity instanceof $class->name ? $entity : null; } if ($class->subClasses) { return $this->find($entityName, $sortedId); } $entity = $this->proxyFactory->getProxy($class->name, $sortedId); $this->unitOfWork->registerManaged($entity, $sortedId, []); return $entity; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getPartialReference($entityName, $identifier) { $class = $this->metadataFactory->getMetadataFor(ltrim($entityName, '\\')); $entity = $this->unitOfWork->tryGetById($identifier, $class->rootEntityName); // Check identity map first, if its already in there just return it. if ($entity !== false) { return $entity instanceof $class->name ? $entity : null; } if (! is_array($identifier)) { $identifier = [$class->identifier[0] => $identifier]; } $entity = $class->newInstance(); $class->setIdentifierValues($entity, $identifier); $this->unitOfWork->registerManaged($entity, $identifier, []); $this->unitOfWork->markReadOnly($entity); return $entity; } /** * Clears the EntityManager. All entities that are currently managed * by this EntityManager become detached. * * @param string|null $entityName if given, only entities of this type will get detached * * @return void * * @throws ORMInvalidArgumentException If a non-null non-string value is given. * @throws MappingException If a $entityName is given, but that entity is not * found in the mappings. */ public function clear($entityName = null) { if ($entityName !== null && ! is_string($entityName)) { throw ORMInvalidArgumentException::invalidEntityName($entityName); } if ($entityName !== null) { Deprecation::trigger( 'doctrine/orm', 'https://github.com/doctrine/orm/issues/8460', 'Calling %s() with any arguments to clear specific entities is deprecated and will not be supported in Doctrine ORM 3.0.', __METHOD__ ); } $this->unitOfWork->clear( $entityName === null ? null : $this->metadataFactory->getMetadataFor($entityName)->getName() ); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function close() { $this->clear(); $this->closed = true; } /** * Tells the EntityManager to make an instance managed and persistent. * * The entity will be entered into the database at or before transaction * commit or as a result of the flush operation. * * NOTE: The persist operation always considers entities that are not yet known to * this EntityManager as NEW. Do not pass detached entities to the persist operation. * * @param object $entity The instance to make managed and persistent. * * @return void * * @throws ORMInvalidArgumentException * @throws ORMException */ public function persist($entity) { if (! is_object($entity)) { throw ORMInvalidArgumentException::invalidObject('EntityManager#persist()', $entity); } $this->errorIfClosed(); $this->unitOfWork->persist($entity); } /** * Removes an entity instance. * * A removed entity will be removed from the database at or before transaction commit * or as a result of the flush operation. * * @param object $entity The entity instance to remove. * * @return void * * @throws ORMInvalidArgumentException * @throws ORMException */ public function remove($entity) { if (! is_object($entity)) { throw ORMInvalidArgumentException::invalidObject('EntityManager#remove()', $entity); } $this->errorIfClosed(); $this->unitOfWork->remove($entity); } /** * Refreshes the persistent state of an entity from the database, * overriding any local changes that have not yet been persisted. * * @param object $entity The entity to refresh * @psalm-param LockMode::*|null $lockMode * * @return void * * @throws ORMInvalidArgumentException * @throws ORMException * @throws TransactionRequiredException */ public function refresh($entity, ?int $lockMode = null) { if (! is_object($entity)) { throw ORMInvalidArgumentException::invalidObject('EntityManager#refresh()', $entity); } $this->errorIfClosed(); $this->unitOfWork->refresh($entity, $lockMode); } /** * Detaches an entity from the EntityManager, causing a managed entity to * become detached. Unflushed changes made to the entity if any * (including removal of the entity), will not be synchronized to the database. * Entities which previously referenced the detached entity will continue to * reference it. * * @param object $entity The entity to detach. * * @return void * * @throws ORMInvalidArgumentException */ public function detach($entity) { if (! is_object($entity)) { throw ORMInvalidArgumentException::invalidObject('EntityManager#detach()', $entity); } $this->unitOfWork->detach($entity); } /** * Merges the state of a detached entity into the persistence context * of this EntityManager and returns the managed copy of the entity. * The entity passed to merge will not become associated/managed with this EntityManager. * * @deprecated 2.7 This method is being removed from the ORM and won't have any replacement * * @param object $entity The detached entity to merge into the persistence context. * * @return object The managed copy of the entity. * * @throws ORMInvalidArgumentException * @throws ORMException */ public function merge($entity) { Deprecation::trigger( 'doctrine/orm', 'https://github.com/doctrine/orm/issues/8461', 'Method %s() is deprecated and will be removed in Doctrine ORM 3.0.', __METHOD__ ); if (! is_object($entity)) { throw ORMInvalidArgumentException::invalidObject('EntityManager#merge()', $entity); } $this->errorIfClosed(); return $this->unitOfWork->merge($entity); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @psalm-return never */ public function copy($entity, $deep = false) { Deprecation::trigger( 'doctrine/orm', 'https://github.com/doctrine/orm/issues/8462', 'Method %s() is deprecated and will be removed in Doctrine ORM 3.0.', __METHOD__ ); throw new BadMethodCallException('Not implemented.'); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function lock($entity, $lockMode, $lockVersion = null) { $this->unitOfWork->lock($entity, $lockMode, $lockVersion); } /** * Gets the repository for an entity class. * * @param string $entityName The name of the entity. * @psalm-param class-string $entityName * * @return ObjectRepository|EntityRepository The repository class. * @psalm-return EntityRepository * * @template T of object */ public function getRepository($entityName) { if (strpos($entityName, ':') !== false) { if (class_exists(PersistentObject::class)) { Deprecation::trigger( 'doctrine/orm', 'https://github.com/doctrine/orm/issues/8818', 'Short namespace aliases such as "%s" are deprecated and will be removed in Doctrine ORM 3.0.', $entityName ); } else { throw NotSupported::createForPersistence3(sprintf( 'Using short namespace alias "%s" when calling %s', $entityName, __METHOD__ )); } } $repository = $this->repositoryFactory->getRepository($this, $entityName); if (! $repository instanceof EntityRepository) { Deprecation::trigger( 'doctrine/orm', 'https://github.com/doctrine/orm/pull/9533', 'Not returning an instance of %s from %s::getRepository() is deprecated and will cause a TypeError on 3.0.', EntityRepository::class, get_debug_type($this->repositoryFactory) ); } return $repository; } /** * Determines whether an entity instance is managed in this EntityManager. * * @param object $entity * * @return bool TRUE if this EntityManager currently manages the given entity, FALSE otherwise. */ public function contains($entity) { return $this->unitOfWork->isScheduledForInsert($entity) || $this->unitOfWork->isInIdentityMap($entity) && ! $this->unitOfWork->isScheduledForDelete($entity); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getEventManager() { return $this->eventManager; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getConfiguration() { return $this->config; } /** * Throws an exception if the EntityManager is closed or currently not active. * * @throws EntityManagerClosed If the EntityManager is closed. */ private function errorIfClosed(): void { if ($this->closed) { throw EntityManagerClosed::create(); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function isOpen() { return ! $this->closed; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getUnitOfWork() { return $this->unitOfWork; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getHydrator($hydrationMode) { return $this->newHydrator($hydrationMode); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function newHydrator($hydrationMode) { switch ($hydrationMode) { case Query::HYDRATE_OBJECT: return new Internal\Hydration\ObjectHydrator($this); case Query::HYDRATE_ARRAY: return new Internal\Hydration\ArrayHydrator($this); case Query::HYDRATE_SCALAR: return new Internal\Hydration\ScalarHydrator($this); case Query::HYDRATE_SINGLE_SCALAR: return new Internal\Hydration\SingleScalarHydrator($this); case Query::HYDRATE_SIMPLEOBJECT: return new Internal\Hydration\SimpleObjectHydrator($this); case Query::HYDRATE_SCALAR_COLUMN: return new Internal\Hydration\ScalarColumnHydrator($this); default: $class = $this->config->getCustomHydrationMode($hydrationMode); if ($class !== null) { return new $class($this); } } throw InvalidHydrationMode::fromMode((string) $hydrationMode); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getProxyFactory() { return $this->proxyFactory; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function initializeObject($obj) { $this->unitOfWork->initializeObject($obj); } /** * Factory method to create EntityManager instances. * * @deprecated Use {@see DriverManager::getConnection()} to bootstrap the connection and call the constructor. * * @param mixed[]|Connection $connection An array with the connection parameters or an existing Connection instance. * @param Configuration $config The Configuration instance to use. * @param EventManager|null $eventManager The EventManager instance to use. * @psalm-param array|Connection $connection * * @return EntityManager The created EntityManager. * * @throws InvalidArgumentException * @throws ORMException */ public static function create($connection, Configuration $config, ?EventManager $eventManager = null) { Deprecation::trigger( 'doctrine/orm', 'https://github.com/doctrine/orm/pull/9961', '%s() is deprecated. To boostrap a DBAL connection, call %s::getConnection() instead. Use the constructor to create an instance of %s.', __METHOD__, DriverManager::class, self::class ); $connection = static::createConnection($connection, $config, $eventManager); return new EntityManager($connection, $config); } /** * Factory method to create Connection instances. * * @deprecated Use {@see DriverManager::getConnection()} to bootstrap the connection. * * @param mixed[]|Connection $connection An array with the connection parameters or an existing Connection instance. * @param Configuration $config The Configuration instance to use. * @param EventManager|null $eventManager The EventManager instance to use. * @psalm-param array|Connection $connection * * @return Connection * * @throws InvalidArgumentException * @throws ORMException */ protected static function createConnection($connection, Configuration $config, ?EventManager $eventManager = null) { Deprecation::triggerIfCalledFromOutside( 'doctrine/orm', 'https://github.com/doctrine/orm/pull/9961', '%s() is deprecated, call %s::getConnection() instead.', __METHOD__, DriverManager::class ); if (is_array($connection)) { return DriverManager::getConnection($connection, $config, $eventManager ?: new EventManager()); } if (! $connection instanceof Connection) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( sprintf( 'Invalid $connection argument of type %s given%s.', get_debug_type($connection), is_object($connection) ? '' : ': "' . $connection . '"' ) ); } if ($eventManager !== null && $connection->getEventManager() !== $eventManager) { throw MismatchedEventManager::create(); } return $connection; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getFilters() { if ($this->filterCollection === null) { $this->filterCollection = new FilterCollection($this); } return $this->filterCollection; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function isFiltersStateClean() { return $this->filterCollection === null || $this->filterCollection->isClean(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function hasFilters() { return $this->filterCollection !== null; } /** * @psalm-param LockMode::* $lockMode * * @throws OptimisticLockException * @throws TransactionRequiredException */ private function checkLockRequirements(int $lockMode, ClassMetadata $class): void { switch ($lockMode) { case LockMode::OPTIMISTIC: if (! $class->isVersioned) { throw OptimisticLockException::notVersioned($class->name); } break; case LockMode::PESSIMISTIC_READ: case LockMode::PESSIMISTIC_WRITE: if (! $this->getConnection()->isTransactionActive()) { throw TransactionRequiredException::transactionRequired(); } } } private function configureMetadataCache(): void { $metadataCache = $this->config->getMetadataCache(); if (! $metadataCache) { $this->configureLegacyMetadataCache(); return; } $this->metadataFactory->setCache($metadataCache); } private function configureLegacyMetadataCache(): void { $metadataCache = $this->config->getMetadataCacheImpl(); if (! $metadataCache) { return; } // Wrap doctrine/cache to provide PSR-6 interface $this->metadataFactory->setCache(CacheAdapter::wrap($metadataCache)); } }