getRootNode(); } else { // BC layer for symfony/config 4.1 and older $rootNode = $treeBuilder->root('doctrine_migrations', 'array'); } $organizeMigrationModes = $this->getOrganizeMigrationsModes(); $rootNode ->fixXmlConfig('migration', 'migrations') ->fixXmlConfig('migrations_path', 'migrations_paths') ->children() ->arrayNode('migrations_paths') ->info('A list of namespace/path pairs where to look for migrations.') ->defaultValue([]) ->useAttributeAsKey('namespace') ->prototype('scalar')->end() ->end() ->arrayNode('services') ->info('A set of services to pass to the underlying doctrine/migrations library, allowing to change its behaviour.') ->useAttributeAsKey('service') ->defaultValue([]) ->validate() ->ifTrue(static function (array $v): bool { return count(array_filter(array_keys($v), static function (string $doctrineService): bool { return strpos($doctrineService, 'Doctrine\Migrations\\') !== 0; })) !== 0; }) ->thenInvalid('Valid services for the DoctrineMigrationsBundle must be in the "Doctrine\Migrations" namespace.') ->end() ->prototype('scalar')->end() ->end() ->arrayNode('factories') ->info('A set of callables to pass to the underlying doctrine/migrations library as services, allowing to change its behaviour.') ->useAttributeAsKey('factory') ->defaultValue([]) ->validate() ->ifTrue(static function (array $v): bool { return count(array_filter(array_keys($v), static function (string $doctrineService): bool { return strpos($doctrineService, 'Doctrine\Migrations\\') !== 0; })) !== 0; }) ->thenInvalid('Valid callables for the DoctrineMigrationsBundle must be in the "Doctrine\Migrations" namespace.') ->end() ->prototype('scalar')->end() ->end() ->arrayNode('storage') ->addDefaultsIfNotSet() ->info('Storage to use for migration status metadata.') ->children() ->arrayNode('table_storage') ->addDefaultsIfNotSet() ->info('The default metadata storage, implemented as a table in the database.') ->children() ->scalarNode('table_name')->defaultValue(null)->cannotBeEmpty()->end() ->scalarNode('version_column_name')->defaultValue(null)->end() ->scalarNode('version_column_length')->defaultValue(null)->end() ->scalarNode('executed_at_column_name')->defaultValue(null)->end() ->scalarNode('execution_time_column_name')->defaultValue(null)->end() ->end() ->end() ->end() ->end() ->arrayNode('migrations') ->info('A list of migrations to load in addition to the one discovered via "migrations_paths".') ->prototype('scalar')->end() ->defaultValue([]) ->end() ->scalarNode('connection') ->info('Connection name to use for the migrations database.') ->defaultValue(null) ->end() ->scalarNode('em') ->info('Entity manager name to use for the migrations database (available when doctrine/orm is installed).') ->defaultValue(null) ->end() ->scalarNode('all_or_nothing') ->info('Run all migrations in a transaction.') ->defaultValue(false) ->end() ->scalarNode('check_database_platform') ->info('Adds an extra check in the generated migrations to allow execution only on the same platform as they were initially generated on.') ->defaultValue(true) ->end() ->scalarNode('custom_template') ->info('Custom template path for generated migration classes.') ->defaultValue(null) ->end() ->scalarNode('organize_migrations') ->defaultValue(false) ->info('Organize migrations mode. Possible values are: "BY_YEAR", "BY_YEAR_AND_MONTH", false') ->validate() ->ifTrue(static function ($v) use ($organizeMigrationModes): bool { if ($v === false) { return false; } return ! is_string($v) || ! in_array(strtoupper($v), $organizeMigrationModes, true); }) ->thenInvalid('Invalid organize migrations mode value %s') ->end() ->validate() ->ifString() ->then(static function ($v) { return constant('Doctrine\Migrations\Configuration\Configuration::VERSIONS_ORGANIZATION_' . strtoupper($v)); }) ->end() ->end() ->booleanNode('enable_profiler') ->info('Whether or not to enable the profiler collector to calculate and visualize migration status. This adds some queries overhead.') ->defaultFalse() ->end() ->booleanNode('transactional') ->info('Whether or not to wrap migrations in a single transaction.') ->defaultTrue() ->end() ->end(); return $treeBuilder; } /** * Find organize migrations modes for their names * * @return string[] */ private function getOrganizeMigrationsModes(): array { $constPrefix = 'VERSIONS_ORGANIZATION_'; $prefixLen = strlen($constPrefix); $refClass = new ReflectionClass('Doctrine\Migrations\Configuration\Configuration'); $constsArray = $refClass->getConstants(); $namesArray = []; foreach ($constsArray as $key => $value) { if (strpos($key, $constPrefix) !== 0) { continue; } $namesArray[] = substr($key, $prefixLen); } return $namesArray; } }