*/ class LazyServiceEntityRepository extends EntityRepository implements ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface { use LazyGhostTrait { createLazyGhost as private; } /** * @param string $entityClass The class name of the entity this repository manages * @psalm-param class-string $entityClass */ public function __construct(ManagerRegistry $registry, string $entityClass) { $initializer = function ($instance, $property) use ($registry, $entityClass) { $manager = $registry->getManagerForClass($entityClass); if ($manager === null) { throw new LogicException(sprintf( 'Could not find the entity manager for class "%s". Check your Doctrine configuration to make sure it is configured to load this entity’s metadata.', $entityClass )); } parent::__construct($manager, $manager->getClassMetadata($entityClass)); return $this->$property; }; if ($this instanceof LazyObjectInterface) { $initializer($this, '_entityName'); return; } self::createLazyGhost([ "\0*\0_em" => $initializer, "\0*\0_class" => $initializer, "\0*\0_entityName" => $initializer, ], null, $this); } }