source = $this->getSourceContext(); $this->blocks = [ 'toolbar' => [$this, 'block_toolbar'], 'menu' => [$this, 'block_menu'], 'head' => [$this, 'block_head'], 'panel' => [$this, 'block_panel'], ]; } protected function doGetParent(array $context) { // line 1 return "@WebProfiler/Profiler/layout.html.twig"; } protected function doDisplay(array $context, array $blocks = []) { $macros = $this->macros; $__internal_085b0142806202599c7fe3b329164a92397d8978207a37e79d70b8c52599e33e = $this->extensions["Symfony\\Bundle\\WebProfilerBundle\\Twig\\WebProfilerExtension"]; $__internal_085b0142806202599c7fe3b329164a92397d8978207a37e79d70b8c52599e33e->enter($__internal_085b0142806202599c7fe3b329164a92397d8978207a37e79d70b8c52599e33e_prof = new \Twig\Profiler\Profile($this->getTemplateName(), "template", "@WebProfiler/Collector/form.html.twig")); $__internal_319393461309892924ff6e74d6d6e64287df64b63545b994e100d4ab223aed02 = $this->extensions["Symfony\\Bridge\\Twig\\Extension\\ProfilerExtension"]; $__internal_319393461309892924ff6e74d6d6e64287df64b63545b994e100d4ab223aed02->enter($__internal_319393461309892924ff6e74d6d6e64287df64b63545b994e100d4ab223aed02_prof = new \Twig\Profiler\Profile($this->getTemplateName(), "template", "@WebProfiler/Collector/form.html.twig")); // line 3 $macros["__internal_parse_0"] = $this->macros["__internal_parse_0"] = $this; // line 1 $this->parent = $this->loadTemplate("@WebProfiler/Profiler/layout.html.twig", "@WebProfiler/Collector/form.html.twig", 1); $this->parent->display($context, array_merge($this->blocks, $blocks)); $__internal_085b0142806202599c7fe3b329164a92397d8978207a37e79d70b8c52599e33e->leave($__internal_085b0142806202599c7fe3b329164a92397d8978207a37e79d70b8c52599e33e_prof); $__internal_319393461309892924ff6e74d6d6e64287df64b63545b994e100d4ab223aed02->leave($__internal_319393461309892924ff6e74d6d6e64287df64b63545b994e100d4ab223aed02_prof); } // line 5 public function block_toolbar($context, array $blocks = []) { $macros = $this->macros; $__internal_085b0142806202599c7fe3b329164a92397d8978207a37e79d70b8c52599e33e = $this->extensions["Symfony\\Bundle\\WebProfilerBundle\\Twig\\WebProfilerExtension"]; $__internal_085b0142806202599c7fe3b329164a92397d8978207a37e79d70b8c52599e33e->enter($__internal_085b0142806202599c7fe3b329164a92397d8978207a37e79d70b8c52599e33e_prof = new \Twig\Profiler\Profile($this->getTemplateName(), "block", "toolbar")); $__internal_319393461309892924ff6e74d6d6e64287df64b63545b994e100d4ab223aed02 = $this->extensions["Symfony\\Bridge\\Twig\\Extension\\ProfilerExtension"]; $__internal_319393461309892924ff6e74d6d6e64287df64b63545b994e100d4ab223aed02->enter($__internal_319393461309892924ff6e74d6d6e64287df64b63545b994e100d4ab223aed02_prof = new \Twig\Profiler\Profile($this->getTemplateName(), "block", "toolbar")); // line 6 echo " "; if (((twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (isset($context["collector"]) || array_key_exists("collector", $context) ? $context["collector"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "collector" does not exist.', 6, $this->source); })()), "data", [], "any", false, false, false, 6), "nb_errors", [], "any", false, false, false, 6) > 0) || twig_length_filter($this->env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (isset($context["collector"]) || array_key_exists("collector", $context) ? $context["collector"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "collector" does not exist.', 6, $this->source); })()), "data", [], "any", false, false, false, 6), "forms", [], "any", false, false, false, 6)))) { // line 7 echo " "; $context["status_color"] = ((twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (isset($context["collector"]) || array_key_exists("collector", $context) ? $context["collector"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "collector" does not exist.', 7, $this->source); })()), "data", [], "any", false, false, false, 7), "nb_errors", [], "any", false, false, false, 7)) ? ("red") : ("")); // line 8 echo " "; ob_start(); // line 9 echo " "; echo twig_include($this->env, $context, "@WebProfiler/Icon/form.svg"); echo " "; // line 11 echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, ((twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (isset($context["collector"]) || array_key_exists("collector", $context) ? $context["collector"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "collector" does not exist.', 11, $this->source); })()), "data", [], "any", false, false, false, 11), "nb_errors", [], "any", false, false, false, 11)) ? (twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (isset($context["collector"]) || array_key_exists("collector", $context) ? $context["collector"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "collector" does not exist.', 11, $this->source); })()), "data", [], "any", false, false, false, 11), "nb_errors", [], "any", false, false, false, 11)) : (twig_length_filter($this->env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (isset($context["collector"]) || array_key_exists("collector", $context) ? $context["collector"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "collector" does not exist.', 11, $this->source); })()), "data", [], "any", false, false, false, 11), "forms", [], "any", false, false, false, 11)))), "html", null, true); echo " "; $context["icon"] = ('' === $tmp = ob_get_clean()) ? '' : new Markup($tmp, $this->env->getCharset()); // line 14 echo " "; // line 15 ob_start(); // line 16 echo "
Number of forms "; // line 18 echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, twig_length_filter($this->env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (isset($context["collector"]) || array_key_exists("collector", $context) ? $context["collector"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "collector" does not exist.', 18, $this->source); })()), "data", [], "any", false, false, false, 18), "forms", [], "any", false, false, false, 18)), "html", null, true); echo "
Number of errors env, $this->source, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (isset($context["collector"]) || array_key_exists("collector", $context) ? $context["collector"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "collector" does not exist.', 22, $this->source); })()), "data", [], "any", false, false, false, 22), "nb_errors", [], "any", false, false, false, 22) > 0)) ? ("red") : ("")); echo "\">"; echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (isset($context["collector"]) || array_key_exists("collector", $context) ? $context["collector"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "collector" does not exist.', 22, $this->source); })()), "data", [], "any", false, false, false, 22), "nb_errors", [], "any", false, false, false, 22), "html", null, true); echo "
"; $context["text"] = ('' === $tmp = ob_get_clean()) ? '' : new Markup($tmp, $this->env->getCharset()); // line 25 echo " "; // line 26 echo twig_include($this->env, $context, "@WebProfiler/Profiler/toolbar_item.html.twig", ["link" => (isset($context["profiler_url"]) || array_key_exists("profiler_url", $context) ? $context["profiler_url"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "profiler_url" does not exist.', 26, $this->source); })()), "status" => (isset($context["status_color"]) || array_key_exists("status_color", $context) ? $context["status_color"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "status_color" does not exist.', 26, $this->source); })())]); echo " "; } $__internal_319393461309892924ff6e74d6d6e64287df64b63545b994e100d4ab223aed02->leave($__internal_319393461309892924ff6e74d6d6e64287df64b63545b994e100d4ab223aed02_prof); $__internal_085b0142806202599c7fe3b329164a92397d8978207a37e79d70b8c52599e33e->leave($__internal_085b0142806202599c7fe3b329164a92397d8978207a37e79d70b8c52599e33e_prof); } // line 30 public function block_menu($context, array $blocks = []) { $macros = $this->macros; $__internal_085b0142806202599c7fe3b329164a92397d8978207a37e79d70b8c52599e33e = $this->extensions["Symfony\\Bundle\\WebProfilerBundle\\Twig\\WebProfilerExtension"]; $__internal_085b0142806202599c7fe3b329164a92397d8978207a37e79d70b8c52599e33e->enter($__internal_085b0142806202599c7fe3b329164a92397d8978207a37e79d70b8c52599e33e_prof = new \Twig\Profiler\Profile($this->getTemplateName(), "block", "menu")); $__internal_319393461309892924ff6e74d6d6e64287df64b63545b994e100d4ab223aed02 = $this->extensions["Symfony\\Bridge\\Twig\\Extension\\ProfilerExtension"]; $__internal_319393461309892924ff6e74d6d6e64287df64b63545b994e100d4ab223aed02->enter($__internal_319393461309892924ff6e74d6d6e64287df64b63545b994e100d4ab223aed02_prof = new \Twig\Profiler\Profile($this->getTemplateName(), "block", "menu")); // line 31 echo " env, $this->source, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (isset($context["collector"]) || array_key_exists("collector", $context) ? $context["collector"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "collector" does not exist.', 31, $this->source); })()), "data", [], "any", false, false, false, 31), "nb_errors", [], "any", false, false, false, 31)) ? ("error") : ("")); echo " "; echo ((twig_test_empty(twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (isset($context["collector"]) || array_key_exists("collector", $context) ? $context["collector"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "collector" does not exist.', 31, $this->source); })()), "data", [], "any", false, false, false, 31), "forms", [], "any", false, false, false, 31))) ? ("disabled") : ("")); echo "\"> "; // line 32 echo twig_include($this->env, $context, "@WebProfiler/Icon/form.svg"); echo " Forms "; // line 34 if ((twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (isset($context["collector"]) || array_key_exists("collector", $context) ? $context["collector"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "collector" does not exist.', 34, $this->source); })()), "data", [], "any", false, false, false, 34), "nb_errors", [], "any", false, false, false, 34) > 0)) { // line 35 echo " "; // line 36 echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (isset($context["collector"]) || array_key_exists("collector", $context) ? $context["collector"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "collector" does not exist.', 36, $this->source); })()), "data", [], "any", false, false, false, 36), "nb_errors", [], "any", false, false, false, 36), "html", null, true); echo " "; } // line 39 echo " "; $__internal_319393461309892924ff6e74d6d6e64287df64b63545b994e100d4ab223aed02->leave($__internal_319393461309892924ff6e74d6d6e64287df64b63545b994e100d4ab223aed02_prof); $__internal_085b0142806202599c7fe3b329164a92397d8978207a37e79d70b8c52599e33e->leave($__internal_085b0142806202599c7fe3b329164a92397d8978207a37e79d70b8c52599e33e_prof); } // line 42 public function block_head($context, array $blocks = []) { $macros = $this->macros; $__internal_085b0142806202599c7fe3b329164a92397d8978207a37e79d70b8c52599e33e = $this->extensions["Symfony\\Bundle\\WebProfilerBundle\\Twig\\WebProfilerExtension"]; $__internal_085b0142806202599c7fe3b329164a92397d8978207a37e79d70b8c52599e33e->enter($__internal_085b0142806202599c7fe3b329164a92397d8978207a37e79d70b8c52599e33e_prof = new \Twig\Profiler\Profile($this->getTemplateName(), "block", "head")); $__internal_319393461309892924ff6e74d6d6e64287df64b63545b994e100d4ab223aed02 = $this->extensions["Symfony\\Bridge\\Twig\\Extension\\ProfilerExtension"]; $__internal_319393461309892924ff6e74d6d6e64287df64b63545b994e100d4ab223aed02->enter($__internal_319393461309892924ff6e74d6d6e64287df64b63545b994e100d4ab223aed02_prof = new \Twig\Profiler\Profile($this->getTemplateName(), "block", "head")); // line 43 echo " "; $this->displayParentBlock("head", $context, $blocks); echo " "; $__internal_319393461309892924ff6e74d6d6e64287df64b63545b994e100d4ab223aed02->leave($__internal_319393461309892924ff6e74d6d6e64287df64b63545b994e100d4ab223aed02_prof); $__internal_085b0142806202599c7fe3b329164a92397d8978207a37e79d70b8c52599e33e->leave($__internal_085b0142806202599c7fe3b329164a92397d8978207a37e79d70b8c52599e33e_prof); } // line 207 public function block_panel($context, array $blocks = []) { $macros = $this->macros; $__internal_085b0142806202599c7fe3b329164a92397d8978207a37e79d70b8c52599e33e = $this->extensions["Symfony\\Bundle\\WebProfilerBundle\\Twig\\WebProfilerExtension"]; $__internal_085b0142806202599c7fe3b329164a92397d8978207a37e79d70b8c52599e33e->enter($__internal_085b0142806202599c7fe3b329164a92397d8978207a37e79d70b8c52599e33e_prof = new \Twig\Profiler\Profile($this->getTemplateName(), "block", "panel")); $__internal_319393461309892924ff6e74d6d6e64287df64b63545b994e100d4ab223aed02 = $this->extensions["Symfony\\Bridge\\Twig\\Extension\\ProfilerExtension"]; $__internal_319393461309892924ff6e74d6d6e64287df64b63545b994e100d4ab223aed02->enter($__internal_319393461309892924ff6e74d6d6e64287df64b63545b994e100d4ab223aed02_prof = new \Twig\Profiler\Profile($this->getTemplateName(), "block", "panel")); // line 208 echo "


"; // line 210 if (twig_length_filter($this->env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (isset($context["collector"]) || array_key_exists("collector", $context) ? $context["collector"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "collector" does not exist.', 210, $this->source); })()), "data", [], "any", false, false, false, 210), "forms", [], "any", false, false, false, 210))) { // line 211 echo "
"; // line 220 $context['_parent'] = $context; $context['_seq'] = twig_ensure_traversable(twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (isset($context["collector"]) || array_key_exists("collector", $context) ? $context["collector"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "collector" does not exist.', 220, $this->source); })()), "data", [], "any", false, false, false, 220), "forms", [], "any", false, false, false, 220)); $context['loop'] = [ 'parent' => $context['_parent'], 'index0' => 0, 'index' => 1, 'first' => true, ]; if (is_array($context['_seq']) || (is_object($context['_seq']) && $context['_seq'] instanceof \Countable)) { $length = count($context['_seq']); $context['loop']['revindex0'] = $length - 1; $context['loop']['revindex'] = $length; $context['loop']['length'] = $length; $context['loop']['last'] = 1 === $length; } foreach ($context['_seq'] as $context["formName"] => $context["formData"]) { // line 221 echo " "; echo twig_call_macro($macros["__internal_parse_0"], "macro_form_tree_details", [$context["formName"], $context["formData"], twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (isset($context["collector"]) || array_key_exists("collector", $context) ? $context["collector"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "collector" does not exist.', 221, $this->source); })()), "data", [], "any", false, false, false, 221), "forms_by_hash", [], "any", false, false, false, 221), twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, $context["loop"], "first", [], "any", false, false, false, 221)], 221, $context, $this->getSourceContext()); echo " "; ++$context['loop']['index0']; ++$context['loop']['index']; $context['loop']['first'] = false; if (isset($context['loop']['length'])) { --$context['loop']['revindex0']; --$context['loop']['revindex']; $context['loop']['last'] = 0 === $context['loop']['revindex0']; } } $_parent = $context['_parent']; unset($context['_seq'], $context['_iterated'], $context['formName'], $context['formData'], $context['_parent'], $context['loop']); $context = array_intersect_key($context, $_parent) + $_parent; // line 223 echo "
"; } else { // line 225 echo "

No forms were submitted for this request.

"; } // line 229 echo " "; $__internal_319393461309892924ff6e74d6d6e64287df64b63545b994e100d4ab223aed02->leave($__internal_319393461309892924ff6e74d6d6e64287df64b63545b994e100d4ab223aed02_prof); $__internal_085b0142806202599c7fe3b329164a92397d8978207a37e79d70b8c52599e33e->leave($__internal_085b0142806202599c7fe3b329164a92397d8978207a37e79d70b8c52599e33e_prof); } // line 449 public function macro_form_tree_entry($__name__ = null, $__data__ = null, $__is_root__ = null, ...$__varargs__) { $macros = $this->macros; $context = $this->env->mergeGlobals([ "name" => $__name__, "data" => $__data__, "is_root" => $__is_root__, "varargs" => $__varargs__, ]); $blocks = []; ob_start(); try { $__internal_085b0142806202599c7fe3b329164a92397d8978207a37e79d70b8c52599e33e = $this->extensions["Symfony\\Bundle\\WebProfilerBundle\\Twig\\WebProfilerExtension"]; $__internal_085b0142806202599c7fe3b329164a92397d8978207a37e79d70b8c52599e33e->enter($__internal_085b0142806202599c7fe3b329164a92397d8978207a37e79d70b8c52599e33e_prof = new \Twig\Profiler\Profile($this->getTemplateName(), "macro", "form_tree_entry")); $__internal_319393461309892924ff6e74d6d6e64287df64b63545b994e100d4ab223aed02 = $this->extensions["Symfony\\Bridge\\Twig\\Extension\\ProfilerExtension"]; $__internal_319393461309892924ff6e74d6d6e64287df64b63545b994e100d4ab223aed02->enter($__internal_319393461309892924ff6e74d6d6e64287df64b63545b994e100d4ab223aed02_prof = new \Twig\Profiler\Profile($this->getTemplateName(), "macro", "form_tree_entry")); // line 450 echo " "; $macros["tree"] = $this; // line 451 echo " "; $context["has_error"] = (twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, ($context["data"] ?? null), "errors", [], "any", true, true, false, 451) && (twig_length_filter($this->env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (isset($context["data"]) || array_key_exists("data", $context) ? $context["data"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "data" does not exist.', 451, $this->source); })()), "errors", [], "any", false, false, false, 451)) > 0)); // line 452 echo "
  • env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (isset($context["data"]) || array_key_exists("data", $context) ? $context["data"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "data" does not exist.', 453, $this->source); })()), "id", [], "any", false, false, false, 453), "html", null, true); echo "-details\" title=\""; echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, ((array_key_exists("name", $context)) ? (_twig_default_filter((isset($context["name"]) || array_key_exists("name", $context) ? $context["name"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "name" does not exist.', 453, $this->source); })()), "(no name)")) : ("(no name)")), "html", null, true); echo "\"> "; // line 454 if ((isset($context["has_error"]) || array_key_exists("has_error", $context) ? $context["has_error"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "has_error" does not exist.', 454, $this->source); })())) { // line 455 echo "
    "; echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, twig_length_filter($this->env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (isset($context["data"]) || array_key_exists("data", $context) ? $context["data"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "data" does not exist.', 455, $this->source); })()), "errors", [], "any", false, false, false, 455)), "html", null, true); echo "
    "; } // line 457 echo " "; // line 458 if ( !twig_test_empty(twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (isset($context["data"]) || array_key_exists("data", $context) ? $context["data"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "data" does not exist.', 458, $this->source); })()), "children", [], "any", false, false, false, 458))) { // line 459 echo " env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (isset($context["data"]) || array_key_exists("data", $context) ? $context["data"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "data" does not exist.', 459, $this->source); })()), "id", [], "any", false, false, false, 459), "html", null, true); echo "-children\" href=\"#\"> "; } else { // line 461 echo "
    "; } // line 463 echo " source); })()) || ((twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, ($context["data"] ?? null), "has_children_error", [], "any", true, true, false, 464)) ? (_twig_default_filter(twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, ($context["data"] ?? null), "has_children_error", [], "any", false, false, false, 464), false)) : (false)))) { echo "class=\"has-error\""; } echo "> "; // line 465 echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, ((array_key_exists("name", $context)) ? (_twig_default_filter((isset($context["name"]) || array_key_exists("name", $context) ? $context["name"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "name" does not exist.', 465, $this->source); })()), "(no name)")) : ("(no name)")), "html", null, true); echo "
    "; // line 469 if ( !twig_test_empty(twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (isset($context["data"]) || array_key_exists("data", $context) ? $context["data"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "data" does not exist.', 469, $this->source); })()), "children", [], "any", false, false, false, 469))) { // line 470 echo " "; } // line 476 echo "
  • "; $__internal_319393461309892924ff6e74d6d6e64287df64b63545b994e100d4ab223aed02->leave($__internal_319393461309892924ff6e74d6d6e64287df64b63545b994e100d4ab223aed02_prof); $__internal_085b0142806202599c7fe3b329164a92397d8978207a37e79d70b8c52599e33e->leave($__internal_085b0142806202599c7fe3b329164a92397d8978207a37e79d70b8c52599e33e_prof); return ('' === $tmp = ob_get_contents()) ? '' : new Markup($tmp, $this->env->getCharset()); } finally { ob_end_clean(); } } // line 479 public function macro_form_tree_details($__name__ = null, $__data__ = null, $__forms_by_hash__ = null, $__show__ = null, ...$__varargs__) { $macros = $this->macros; $context = $this->env->mergeGlobals([ "name" => $__name__, "data" => $__data__, "forms_by_hash" => $__forms_by_hash__, "show" => $__show__, "varargs" => $__varargs__, ]); $blocks = []; ob_start(); try { $__internal_085b0142806202599c7fe3b329164a92397d8978207a37e79d70b8c52599e33e = $this->extensions["Symfony\\Bundle\\WebProfilerBundle\\Twig\\WebProfilerExtension"]; $__internal_085b0142806202599c7fe3b329164a92397d8978207a37e79d70b8c52599e33e->enter($__internal_085b0142806202599c7fe3b329164a92397d8978207a37e79d70b8c52599e33e_prof = new \Twig\Profiler\Profile($this->getTemplateName(), "macro", "form_tree_details")); $__internal_319393461309892924ff6e74d6d6e64287df64b63545b994e100d4ab223aed02 = $this->extensions["Symfony\\Bridge\\Twig\\Extension\\ProfilerExtension"]; $__internal_319393461309892924ff6e74d6d6e64287df64b63545b994e100d4ab223aed02->enter($__internal_319393461309892924ff6e74d6d6e64287df64b63545b994e100d4ab223aed02_prof = new \Twig\Profiler\Profile($this->getTemplateName(), "macro", "form_tree_details")); // line 480 echo " "; $macros["tree"] = $this; // line 481 echo "
    source); })()), false)) : (false))) { echo " hidden"; } echo "\" "; if (twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, ($context["data"] ?? null), "id", [], "any", true, true, false, 481)) { echo "id=\""; echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (isset($context["data"]) || array_key_exists("data", $context) ? $context["data"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "data" does not exist.', 481, $this->source); })()), "id", [], "any", false, false, false, 481), "html", null, true); echo "-details\""; } echo ">

    "; // line 482 echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, ((array_key_exists("name", $context)) ? (_twig_default_filter((isset($context["name"]) || array_key_exists("name", $context) ? $context["name"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "name" does not exist.', 482, $this->source); })()), "(no name)")) : ("(no name)")), "html", null, true); echo "

    "; // line 483 if (twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, ($context["data"] ?? null), "type_class", [], "any", true, true, false, 483)) { // line 484 echo "

    "; echo $this->extensions['Symfony\Bundle\WebProfilerBundle\Twig\WebProfilerExtension']->dumpData($this->env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (isset($context["data"]) || array_key_exists("data", $context) ? $context["data"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "data" does not exist.', 484, $this->source); })()), "type_class", [], "any", false, false, false, 484)); echo "

    "; } // line 486 echo " "; // line 487 if ((twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, ($context["data"] ?? null), "errors", [], "any", true, true, false, 487) && (twig_length_filter($this->env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (isset($context["data"]) || array_key_exists("data", $context) ? $context["data"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "data" does not exist.', 487, $this->source); })()), "errors", [], "any", false, false, false, 487)) > 0))) { // line 488 echo "

    env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (isset($context["data"]) || array_key_exists("data", $context) ? $context["data"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "data" does not exist.', 490, $this->source); })()), "id", [], "any", false, false, false, 490), "html", null, true); echo "-errors\" href=\"#\"> Errors

    env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (isset($context["data"]) || array_key_exists("data", $context) ? $context["data"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "data" does not exist.', 495, $this->source); })()), "id", [], "any", false, false, false, 495), "html", null, true); echo "-errors\"> "; // line 504 $context['_parent'] = $context; $context['_seq'] = twig_ensure_traversable(twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (isset($context["data"]) || array_key_exists("data", $context) ? $context["data"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "data" does not exist.', 504, $this->source); })()), "errors", [], "any", false, false, false, 504)); foreach ($context['_seq'] as $context["_key"] => $context["error"]) { // line 505 echo " "; } $_parent = $context['_parent']; unset($context['_seq'], $context['_iterated'], $context['_key'], $context['error'], $context['_parent'], $context['loop']); $context = array_intersect_key($context, $_parent) + $_parent; // line 528 echo "
    Message Origin Cause
    "; // line 506 echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, $context["error"], "message", [], "any", false, false, false, 506), "html", null, true); echo " "; // line 508 if (twig_test_empty(twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, $context["error"], "origin", [], "any", false, false, false, 508))) { // line 509 echo " This form. "; } elseif ( !twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, // line 510 ($context["forms_by_hash"] ?? null), twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, $context["error"], "origin", [], "any", false, false, false, 510), [], "array", true, true, false, 510)) { // line 511 echo " Unknown. "; } else { // line 513 echo " "; echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (isset($context["forms_by_hash"]) || array_key_exists("forms_by_hash", $context) ? $context["forms_by_hash"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "forms_by_hash" does not exist.', 513, $this->source); })()), twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, $context["error"], "origin", [], "any", false, false, false, 513), [], "array", false, false, false, 513), "name", [], "any", false, false, false, 513), "html", null, true); echo " "; } // line 515 echo " "; // line 517 if (twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, $context["error"], "trace", [], "any", false, false, false, 517)) { // line 518 echo " Caused by: "; // line 519 $context['_parent'] = $context; $context['_seq'] = twig_ensure_traversable(twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, $context["error"], "trace", [], "any", false, false, false, 519)); foreach ($context['_seq'] as $context["_key"] => $context["stacked"]) { // line 520 echo " "; echo $this->extensions['Symfony\Bundle\WebProfilerBundle\Twig\WebProfilerExtension']->dumpData($this->env, $context["stacked"]); echo " "; } $_parent = $context['_parent']; unset($context['_seq'], $context['_iterated'], $context['_key'], $context['stacked'], $context['_parent'], $context['loop']); $context = array_intersect_key($context, $_parent) + $_parent; // line 522 echo " "; } else { // line 523 echo " Unknown. "; } // line 525 echo "
    "; } // line 532 echo " "; // line 533 if (twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, ($context["data"] ?? null), "default_data", [], "any", true, true, false, 533)) { // line 534 echo "

    env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (isset($context["data"]) || array_key_exists("data", $context) ? $context["data"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "data" does not exist.', 535, $this->source); })()), "id", [], "any", false, false, false, 535), "html", null, true); echo "-default_data\" href=\"#\"> Default Data

    env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (isset($context["data"]) || array_key_exists("data", $context) ? $context["data"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "data" does not exist.', 540, $this->source); })()), "id", [], "any", false, false, false, 540), "html", null, true); echo "-default_data\">
    Property Value
    Model Format "; // line 552 if (twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, ($context["data"] ?? null), "default_data", [], "any", false, true, false, 552), "model", [], "any", true, true, false, 552)) { // line 553 echo " "; echo $this->extensions['Symfony\Bundle\WebProfilerBundle\Twig\WebProfilerExtension']->dumpData($this->env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (isset($context["data"]) || array_key_exists("data", $context) ? $context["data"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "data" does not exist.', 553, $this->source); })()), "default_data", [], "any", false, false, false, 553), "seek", [0 => "model"], "method", false, false, false, 553)); echo " "; } else { // line 555 echo " same as normalized format "; } // line 557 echo "
    Normalized Format "; // line 561 echo $this->extensions['Symfony\Bundle\WebProfilerBundle\Twig\WebProfilerExtension']->dumpData($this->env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (isset($context["data"]) || array_key_exists("data", $context) ? $context["data"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "data" does not exist.', 561, $this->source); })()), "default_data", [], "any", false, false, false, 561), "seek", [0 => "norm"], "method", false, false, false, 561)); echo "
    View Format "; // line 566 if (twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, ($context["data"] ?? null), "default_data", [], "any", false, true, false, 566), "view", [], "any", true, true, false, 566)) { // line 567 echo " "; echo $this->extensions['Symfony\Bundle\WebProfilerBundle\Twig\WebProfilerExtension']->dumpData($this->env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (isset($context["data"]) || array_key_exists("data", $context) ? $context["data"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "data" does not exist.', 567, $this->source); })()), "default_data", [], "any", false, false, false, 567), "seek", [0 => "view"], "method", false, false, false, 567)); echo " "; } else { // line 569 echo " same as normalized format "; } // line 571 echo "
    "; } // line 577 echo " "; // line 578 if (twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, ($context["data"] ?? null), "submitted_data", [], "any", true, true, false, 578)) { // line 579 echo "

    env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (isset($context["data"]) || array_key_exists("data", $context) ? $context["data"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "data" does not exist.', 580, $this->source); })()), "id", [], "any", false, false, false, 580), "html", null, true); echo "-submitted_data\" href=\"#\"> Submitted Data

    env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (isset($context["data"]) || array_key_exists("data", $context) ? $context["data"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "data" does not exist.', 585, $this->source); })()), "id", [], "any", false, false, false, 585), "html", null, true); echo "-submitted_data\"> "; // line 586 if (twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, ($context["data"] ?? null), "submitted_data", [], "any", false, true, false, 586), "norm", [], "any", true, true, false, 586)) { // line 587 echo "
    Property Value
    View Format "; // line 598 if (twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, ($context["data"] ?? null), "submitted_data", [], "any", false, true, false, 598), "view", [], "any", true, true, false, 598)) { // line 599 echo " "; echo $this->extensions['Symfony\Bundle\WebProfilerBundle\Twig\WebProfilerExtension']->dumpData($this->env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (isset($context["data"]) || array_key_exists("data", $context) ? $context["data"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "data" does not exist.', 599, $this->source); })()), "submitted_data", [], "any", false, false, false, 599), "seek", [0 => "view"], "method", false, false, false, 599)); echo " "; } else { // line 601 echo " same as normalized format "; } // line 603 echo "
    Normalized Format "; // line 607 echo $this->extensions['Symfony\Bundle\WebProfilerBundle\Twig\WebProfilerExtension']->dumpData($this->env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (isset($context["data"]) || array_key_exists("data", $context) ? $context["data"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "data" does not exist.', 607, $this->source); })()), "submitted_data", [], "any", false, false, false, 607), "seek", [0 => "norm"], "method", false, false, false, 607)); echo "
    Model Format "; // line 612 if (twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, ($context["data"] ?? null), "submitted_data", [], "any", false, true, false, 612), "model", [], "any", true, true, false, 612)) { // line 613 echo " "; echo $this->extensions['Symfony\Bundle\WebProfilerBundle\Twig\WebProfilerExtension']->dumpData($this->env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (isset($context["data"]) || array_key_exists("data", $context) ? $context["data"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "data" does not exist.', 613, $this->source); })()), "submitted_data", [], "any", false, false, false, 613), "seek", [0 => "model"], "method", false, false, false, 613)); echo " "; } else { // line 615 echo " same as normalized format "; } // line 617 echo "
    "; } else { // line 622 echo "

    This form was not submitted.

    "; } // line 626 echo "
    "; } // line 628 echo " "; // line 629 if (twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, ($context["data"] ?? null), "passed_options", [], "any", true, true, false, 629)) { // line 630 echo "

    env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (isset($context["data"]) || array_key_exists("data", $context) ? $context["data"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "data" does not exist.', 631, $this->source); })()), "id", [], "any", false, false, false, 631), "html", null, true); echo "-passed_options\" href=\"#\"> Passed Options

    env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (isset($context["data"]) || array_key_exists("data", $context) ? $context["data"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "data" does not exist.', 636, $this->source); })()), "id", [], "any", false, false, false, 636), "html", null, true); echo "-passed_options\"> "; // line 637 if (twig_length_filter($this->env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (isset($context["data"]) || array_key_exists("data", $context) ? $context["data"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "data" does not exist.', 637, $this->source); })()), "passed_options", [], "any", false, false, false, 637))) { // line 638 echo " "; // line 647 $context['_parent'] = $context; $context['_seq'] = twig_ensure_traversable(twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (isset($context["data"]) || array_key_exists("data", $context) ? $context["data"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "data" does not exist.', 647, $this->source); })()), "passed_options", [], "any", false, false, false, 647)); foreach ($context['_seq'] as $context["option"] => $context["value"]) { // line 648 echo " "; } $_parent = $context['_parent']; unset($context['_seq'], $context['_iterated'], $context['option'], $context['value'], $context['_parent'], $context['loop']); $context = array_intersect_key($context, $_parent) + $_parent; // line 663 echo "
    Option Passed Value Resolved Value
    "; // line 649 echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $context["option"], "html", null, true); echo " "; // line 650 echo $this->extensions['Symfony\Bundle\WebProfilerBundle\Twig\WebProfilerExtension']->dumpData($this->env, $context["value"]); echo " "; // line 653 echo " "; $context["option_value"] = ((twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, $context["value"], "value", [], "any", true, true, false, 653)) ? (_twig_default_filter(twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, $context["value"], "value", [], "any", false, false, false, 653), $context["value"])) : ($context["value"])); // line 654 echo " "; $context["resolved_option_value"] = ((twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, ($context["data"] ?? null), "resolved_options", [], "any", false, true, false, 654), $context["option"], [], "array", false, true, false, 654), "value", [], "any", true, true, false, 654)) ? (_twig_default_filter(twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, ($context["data"] ?? null), "resolved_options", [], "any", false, true, false, 654), $context["option"], [], "array", false, true, false, 654), "value", [], "any", false, false, false, 654), twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (isset($context["data"]) || array_key_exists("data", $context) ? $context["data"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "data" does not exist.', 654, $this->source); })()), "resolved_options", [], "any", false, false, false, 654), $context["option"], [], "array", false, false, false, 654))) : (twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (isset($context["data"]) || array_key_exists("data", $context) ? $context["data"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "data" does not exist.', 654, $this->source); })()), "resolved_options", [], "any", false, false, false, 654), $context["option"], [], "array", false, false, false, 654))); // line 655 echo " "; if (((isset($context["resolved_option_value"]) || array_key_exists("resolved_option_value", $context) ? $context["resolved_option_value"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "resolved_option_value" does not exist.', 655, $this->source); })()) == (isset($context["option_value"]) || array_key_exists("option_value", $context) ? $context["option_value"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "option_value" does not exist.', 655, $this->source); })()))) { // line 656 echo " same as passed value "; } else { // line 658 echo " "; echo $this->extensions['Symfony\Bundle\WebProfilerBundle\Twig\WebProfilerExtension']->dumpData($this->env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (isset($context["data"]) || array_key_exists("data", $context) ? $context["data"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "data" does not exist.', 658, $this->source); })()), "resolved_options", [], "any", false, false, false, 658), "seek", [0 => $context["option"]], "method", false, false, false, 658)); echo " "; } // line 660 echo "
    "; } else { // line 666 echo "

    No options were passed when constructing this form.

    "; } // line 670 echo "
    "; } // line 672 echo " "; // line 673 if (twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, ($context["data"] ?? null), "resolved_options", [], "any", true, true, false, 673)) { // line 674 echo "

    env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (isset($context["data"]) || array_key_exists("data", $context) ? $context["data"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "data" does not exist.', 675, $this->source); })()), "id", [], "any", false, false, false, 675), "html", null, true); echo "-resolved_options\" href=\"#\"> Resolved Options

    env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (isset($context["data"]) || array_key_exists("data", $context) ? $context["data"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "data" does not exist.', 680, $this->source); })()), "id", [], "any", false, false, false, 680), "html", null, true); echo "-resolved_options\" class=\"hidden\"> "; // line 689 $context['_parent'] = $context; $context['_seq'] = twig_ensure_traversable(twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (isset($context["data"]) || array_key_exists("data", $context) ? $context["data"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "data" does not exist.', 689, $this->source); })()), "resolved_options", [], "any", false, false, false, 689)); foreach ($context['_seq'] as $context["option"] => $context["value"]) { // line 690 echo " "; } $_parent = $context['_parent']; unset($context['_seq'], $context['_iterated'], $context['option'], $context['value'], $context['_parent'], $context['loop']); $context = array_intersect_key($context, $_parent) + $_parent; // line 695 echo "
    Option Value
    "; // line 691 echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $context["option"], "html", null, true); echo " "; // line 692 echo $this->extensions['Symfony\Bundle\WebProfilerBundle\Twig\WebProfilerExtension']->dumpData($this->env, $context["value"]); echo "
    "; } // line 699 echo " "; // line 700 if (twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, ($context["data"] ?? null), "view_vars", [], "any", true, true, false, 700)) { // line 701 echo "

    env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (isset($context["data"]) || array_key_exists("data", $context) ? $context["data"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "data" does not exist.', 702, $this->source); })()), "id", [], "any", false, false, false, 702), "html", null, true); echo "-view_vars\" href=\"#\"> View Variables

    env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (isset($context["data"]) || array_key_exists("data", $context) ? $context["data"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "data" does not exist.', 707, $this->source); })()), "id", [], "any", false, false, false, 707), "html", null, true); echo "-view_vars\" class=\"hidden\"> "; // line 716 $context['_parent'] = $context; $context['_seq'] = twig_ensure_traversable(twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (isset($context["data"]) || array_key_exists("data", $context) ? $context["data"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "data" does not exist.', 716, $this->source); })()), "view_vars", [], "any", false, false, false, 716)); foreach ($context['_seq'] as $context["variable"] => $context["value"]) { // line 717 echo " "; } $_parent = $context['_parent']; unset($context['_seq'], $context['_iterated'], $context['variable'], $context['value'], $context['_parent'], $context['loop']); $context = array_intersect_key($context, $_parent) + $_parent; // line 722 echo "
    Variable Value
    "; // line 718 echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $context["variable"], "html", null, true); echo " "; // line 719 echo $this->extensions['Symfony\Bundle\WebProfilerBundle\Twig\WebProfilerExtension']->dumpData($this->env, $context["value"]); echo "
    "; } // line 726 echo "
    "; // line 728 $context['_parent'] = $context; $context['_seq'] = twig_ensure_traversable(twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (isset($context["data"]) || array_key_exists("data", $context) ? $context["data"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "data" does not exist.', 728, $this->source); })()), "children", [], "any", false, false, false, 728)); foreach ($context['_seq'] as $context["childName"] => $context["childData"]) { // line 729 echo " "; echo twig_call_macro($macros["tree"], "macro_form_tree_details", [$context["childName"], $context["childData"], (isset($context["forms_by_hash"]) || array_key_exists("forms_by_hash", $context) ? $context["forms_by_hash"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "forms_by_hash" does not exist.', 729, $this->source); })())], 729, $context, $this->getSourceContext()); echo " "; } $_parent = $context['_parent']; unset($context['_seq'], $context['_iterated'], $context['childName'], $context['childData'], $context['_parent'], $context['loop']); $context = array_intersect_key($context, $_parent) + $_parent; $__internal_319393461309892924ff6e74d6d6e64287df64b63545b994e100d4ab223aed02->leave($__internal_319393461309892924ff6e74d6d6e64287df64b63545b994e100d4ab223aed02_prof); $__internal_085b0142806202599c7fe3b329164a92397d8978207a37e79d70b8c52599e33e->leave($__internal_085b0142806202599c7fe3b329164a92397d8978207a37e79d70b8c52599e33e_prof); return ('' === $tmp = ob_get_contents()) ? '' : new Markup($tmp, $this->env->getCharset()); } finally { ob_end_clean(); } } public function getTemplateName() { return "@WebProfiler/Collector/form.html.twig"; } public function isTraitable() { return false; } public function getDebugInfo() { return array ( 1318 => 729, 1314 => 728, 1310 => 726, 1304 => 722, 1295 => 719, 1291 => 718, 1288 => 717, 1284 => 716, 1272 => 707, 1264 => 702, 1261 => 701, 1259 => 700, 1256 => 699, 1250 => 695, 1241 => 692, 1237 => 691, 1234 => 690, 1230 => 689, 1218 => 680, 1210 => 675, 1207 => 674, 1205 => 673, 1202 => 672, 1198 => 670, 1192 => 666, 1187 => 663, 1179 => 660, 1173 => 658, 1169 => 656, 1166 => 655, 1163 => 654, 1160 => 653, 1155 => 650, 1151 => 649, 1148 => 648, 1144 => 647, 1133 => 638, 1131 => 637, 1127 => 636, 1119 => 631, 1116 => 630, 1114 => 629, 1111 => 628, 1107 => 626, 1101 => 622, 1094 => 617, 1090 => 615, 1084 => 613, 1082 => 612, 1074 => 607, 1068 => 603, 1064 => 601, 1058 => 599, 1056 => 598, 1043 => 587, 1041 => 586, 1037 => 585, 1029 => 580, 1026 => 579, 1024 => 578, 1021 => 577, 1013 => 571, 1009 => 569, 1003 => 567, 1001 => 566, 993 => 561, 987 => 557, 983 => 555, 977 => 553, 975 => 552, 960 => 540, 952 => 535, 949 => 534, 947 => 533, 944 => 532, 938 => 528, 930 => 525, 926 => 523, 923 => 522, 914 => 520, 910 => 519, 907 => 518, 905 => 517, 901 => 515, 895 => 513, 891 => 511, 889 => 510, 886 => 509, 884 => 508, 879 => 506, 876 => 505, 872 => 504, 860 => 495, 852 => 490, 848 => 488, 846 => 487, 843 => 486, 837 => 484, 835 => 483, 831 => 482, 818 => 481, 815 => 480, 793 => 479, 777 => 476, 773 => 474, 764 => 472, 760 => 471, 751 => 470, 749 => 469, 742 => 465, 736 => 464, 733 => 463, 729 => 461, 723 => 459, 721 => 458, 718 => 457, 712 => 455, 710 => 454, 704 => 453, 701 => 452, 698 => 451, 695 => 450, 674 => 449, 446 => 229, 440 => 225, 436 => 223, 419 => 221, 402 => 220, 396 => 216, 387 => 214, 383 => 213, 379 => 211, 377 => 210, 373 => 208, 363 => 207, 189 => 43, 179 => 42, 168 => 39, 162 => 36, 159 => 35, 157 => 34, 152 => 32, 145 => 31, 135 => 30, 122 => 26, 119 => 25, 111 => 22, 104 => 18, 100 => 16, 98 => 15, 95 => 14, 89 => 11, 83 => 9, 80 => 8, 77 => 7, 74 => 6, 64 => 5, 53 => 1, 51 => 3, 38 => 1,); } public function getSourceContext() { return new Source("{% extends '@WebProfiler/Profiler/layout.html.twig' %} {% from _self import form_tree_entry, form_tree_details %} {% block toolbar %} {% if > 0 or|length %} {% set status_color = ? 'red' %} {% set icon %} {{ include('@WebProfiler/Icon/form.svg') }} {{ ?:|length }} {% endset %} {% set text %}
    Number of forms {{|length }}
    Number of errors 0 ? 'red' }}\">{{ }}
    {% endset %} {{ include('@WebProfiler/Profiler/toolbar_item.html.twig', { link: profiler_url, status: status_color }) }} {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block menu %} {{ include('@WebProfiler/Icon/form.svg') }} Forms {% if > 0 %} {{ }} {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block head %} {{ parent() }} {% endblock %} {% block panel %}


    {% if|length %}
    {% for formName, formData in %} {{ form_tree_details(formName, formData,, loop.first) }} {% endfor %}
    {% else %}

    No forms were submitted for this request.

    {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% macro form_tree_entry(name, data, is_root) %} {% import _self as tree %} {% set has_error = data.errors is defined and data.errors|length > 0 %}
  • {% if has_error %}
    {{ data.errors|length }}
    {% endif %} {% if data.children is not empty %} {% else %}
    {% endif %} {{ name|default('(no name)') }}
    {% if data.children is not empty %} {% endif %}
  • {% endmacro %} {% macro form_tree_details(name, data, forms_by_hash, show) %} {% import _self as tree %}

    {{ name|default('(no name)') }}

    {% if data.type_class is defined %}

    {{ profiler_dump(data.type_class) }}

    {% endif %} {% if data.errors is defined and data.errors|length > 0 %}


    {% for error in data.errors %} {% endfor %}
    Message Origin Cause
    {{ error.message }} {% if error.origin is empty %} This form. {% elseif forms_by_hash[error.origin] is not defined %} Unknown. {% else %} {{ forms_by_hash[error.origin].name }} {% endif %} {% if error.trace %} Caused by: {% for stacked in error.trace %} {{ profiler_dump(stacked) }} {% endfor %} {% else %} Unknown. {% endif %}
    {% endif %} {% if data.default_data is defined %}

    Default Data

    Property Value
    Model Format {% if data.default_data.model is defined %} {{ profiler_dump('model')) }} {% else %} same as normalized format {% endif %}
    Normalized Format {{ profiler_dump('norm')) }}
    View Format {% if data.default_data.view is defined %} {{ profiler_dump('view')) }} {% else %} same as normalized format {% endif %}
    {% endif %} {% if data.submitted_data is defined %}

    Submitted Data

    {% if data.submitted_data.norm is defined %}
    Property Value
    View Format {% if data.submitted_data.view is defined %} {{ profiler_dump('view')) }} {% else %} same as normalized format {% endif %}
    Normalized Format {{ profiler_dump('norm')) }}
    Model Format {% if data.submitted_data.model is defined %} {{ profiler_dump('model')) }} {% else %} same as normalized format {% endif %}
    {% else %}

    This form was not submitted.

    {% endif %}
    {% endif %} {% if data.passed_options is defined %}

    Passed Options

    {% if data.passed_options|length %} {% for option, value in data.passed_options %} {% endfor %}
    Option Passed Value Resolved Value
    {{ option }} {{ profiler_dump(value) }} {# values can be stubs #} {% set option_value = value.value|default(value) %} {% set resolved_option_value = data.resolved_options[option].value|default(data.resolved_options[option]) %} {% if resolved_option_value == option_value %} same as passed value {% else %} {{ profiler_dump( }} {% endif %}
    {% else %}

    No options were passed when constructing this form.

    {% endif %}
    {% endif %} {% if data.resolved_options is defined %}

    Resolved Options

    {% for option, value in data.resolved_options %} {% endfor %}
    Option Value
    {{ option }} {{ profiler_dump(value) }}
    {% endif %} {% if data.view_vars is defined %}

    View Variables

    {% for variable, value in data.view_vars %} {% endfor %}
    Variable Value
    {{ variable }} {{ profiler_dump(value) }}
    {% endif %}
    {% for childName, childData in data.children %} {{ tree.form_tree_details(childName, childData, forms_by_hash) }} {% endfor %} {% endmacro %} ", "@WebProfiler/Collector/form.html.twig", "/home/poule/encrypted/stockage-syncable/www/development/html/caisse/vendor/symfony/web-profiler-bundle/Resources/views/Collector/form.html.twig"); } }