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2025-02-09 16:45:35 +01:00
layout.login: login
layout.logout: logout
layout.register: subscribe
menu.title: 'Bliss cash register'
menu.dashboard: Dashboard
menu.history: History
menu.import: Import
menu.festivals: Festivals
menu.series: Séries
menu.products: Products
menu.categories: Categories
menu.future: Forecast
user.greet: Hi
security.login.login: 'login'
security.login.logout: 'logout'
security.login.username: user
security.login.password: password
security.login.remember_me: remember
security.login.submit: send
home.main_description: 'Your dynamic mobile online cash register thought for exhibitors and creators during festivals. This cash register will be able to adapt to your stock evolution and will release you from the throes of making and completing account master record yourself.'
home.try: 'Try now'
home.demo_hint: 'Démonstration en vous connectant avec le login: demo et le mot de passe demo.' 'No cost'
home.specs.free_text: 'Manage your stand accounts online without spending a dime. No need to carry an inventory and use quick and dirty spreadsheets.'
home.specs.flex: Flexible
home.specs.flex_text: 'Change your products on the fly, more than one can mange the cash register if you wish, change who is manager at anytime. Create several products just by writing their name with simplified import interface.'
home.specs.portable: Portable
home.specs.portable_text: 'Made to be used on markets and fairs. Your inventory management will therefore be simplified.' 'Open Source'
home.specs.open_text: 'Auto hébergeable et modifiable à volonté. Sources disponible sur gitlab. Développé par CipherBliss.'
home.specs.stats: Statistiques
home.specs.stats_text: 'Statistics and stock management updated in real time.' 'Data Love'
home.specs.data_text: 'Données exportables et importables en masse librement.' 'contact me for more information' 'by email' 'Telegram @Tykayn' 'or on Mastodon' 'mode vente express'
dashboard.options.express_text: 'express sale lets you record a sale for a single article without completing the details'
dashboard.options.stocks: stocks
dashboard.options.sold: sold
dashboard.customer: 'Current customer'
dashboard.customer_default_name: 'an individual'
dashboard.products: produits
dashboard.visibility: 'Categories visibility' Total
dashboard.festival: Festival
global.made_by: 'developed by'
global.categ: 'Product category'
global.categ_new: 'New category'
global.products: Products
global.products_hint: 'hint: use mass import to create several products and categories at once'
global.products_new: 'New product'
global.festivals: Festivals
global.current: Current
global.wip: 'Work in progress' Name
category.products: Products
category.sold: Sold
category.actions: Actions
products.category: Category Name
products.image: Picture
products.price: Price
products.stocks: Stocks
products.comment: Comment
products.actions: Actions Name
festivals.creation: 'Creation date'
festivals.costs: 'Tous Frais'
festivals.customers: Customers
festivals.before: 'petty cash before'
festivals.after: 'petty cash after' 'chiffre affaire'
festivals.stock: 'petty cash + revenue'
festivals.diff: diff
festivals.benef: 'bénefices CA - frais'
festivals.actions: Actions
history.title: History
history.export: 'Export all data as csv'
history.sold.customers: Clients Revenue
history.sold.cart: 'panier moyen'
history.stats: 'Sales statistics'
history.last: 'Latest Sales' date
sellings.comm: comment
sellings.products: products
sellings.amount: amount
import.title: 'Mass import, create'
import.create: 'Mass products creation'
import.create_text: 'Create massively products and their category, one per line'
import.validate: 'Mass creation'
import.import: 'Import sales history'
import.import_step_1: 'Download template file'
import.import_step_2: 'Fill your template with your sales'
import.import_step_3: 'to do'
forecast.title: 'Sales forecast'
forecast.saving: Saving...
forecast.saved: 'Changes saved'
forecast.conf: Configuration
forecast.start: 'Initially available money'
forecast.month_earnings: 'Average earnings per month'
forecast.delay: 'Manage payment deadlines'
forecast.repeat: 'Manage rehearsals'
forecast.monthly: 'Monthly expenses'
forecast.benef: 'Monthly profit' 'Achievable monthly credit (33%% of average earnings per month)'
forecast.posts_title: 'Monthly expenses'
forecast.posts_text: 'Specify the categories of monthly expenses you make to change the remaining months budget simulation.'
forecast.simulation: 'Simulation on % month'
forecast.table.warning_text: 'It will be broke in months %'
forecast.table.months: 'Month in the future' date
forecast.table.expenses: Expenses
forecast.table.availability: Availability Name
forecast.columns.monthly: 'price per month'
forecast.columns.yearly: 'annual price'
forecast.columns.enabled: enabled
forecast.example.title: 'Examples of expenses to add'
forecast.example.content: 'home rent, heath insurance, public transport, car insurance, motorbike insurance, leisure stuff, miscellaneous, gas, electricity, savings, social security contributions, business meals, shopping, web hosting, protonmail subscription, VPN subscription, audio/video service subscription, fuel, vehicle, donations, doctor, cat, dog, unicorn '