'This value should be false.'=>'Arvon tulee olla epätosi.',
'This value should be true.'=>'Arvon tulee olla tosi.',
'This value should be of type {{ type }}.'=>'Arvon tulee olla tyyppiä {{ type }}.',
'This value should be blank.'=>'Arvon tulee olla tyhjä.',
'The value you selected is not a valid choice.'=>'Arvon tulee olla yksi annetuista vaihtoehdoista.',
'You must select at least {{ limit }} choice.|You must select at least {{ limit }} choices.'=>'Sinun tulee valita vähintään {{ limit }} vaihtoehtoa.',
'You must select at most {{ limit }} choice.|You must select at most {{ limit }} choices.'=>'Sinun tulee valitan enintään {{ limit }} vaihtoehtoa.',
'One or more of the given values is invalid.'=>'Yksi tai useampi annetuista arvoista on virheellinen.',
'This field was not expected.'=>'Tässä kentässä ei odotettu.',
'This field is missing.'=>'Tämä kenttä puuttuu.',
'This value is not a valid date.'=>'Annettu arvo ei ole kelvollinen päivämäärä.',
'This value is not a valid datetime.'=>'Annettu arvo ei ole kelvollinen päivämäärä ja kellonaika.',
'This value is not a valid email address.'=>'Annettu arvo ei ole kelvollinen sähköpostiosoite.',
'The file could not be found.'=>'Tiedostoa ei löydy.',
'The file is not readable.'=>'Tiedostoa ei voida lukea.',
'The file is too large ({{ size }} {{ suffix }}). Allowed maximum size is {{ limit }} {{ suffix }}.'=>'Tiedostonkoko ({{ size }} {{ suffix }}) on liian iso. Suurin sallittu tiedostonkoko on {{ limit }} {{ suffix }}.',
'The mime type of the file is invalid ({{ type }}). Allowed mime types are {{ types }}.'=>'Tiedostotyyppi ({{ type }}) on virheellinen. Sallittuja tiedostotyyppejä ovat {{ types }}.',
'This value should be {{ limit }} or less.'=>'Arvon tulee olla {{ limit }} tai vähemmän.',
'This value is too long. It should have {{ limit }} character or less.|This value is too long. It should have {{ limit }} characters or less.'=>'Liian pitkä syöte. Syöte saa olla enintään {{ limit }} merkkiä.',
'This value should be {{ limit }} or more.'=>'Arvon tulee olla {{ limit }} tai enemmän.',
'This value is too short. It should have {{ limit }} character or more.|This value is too short. It should have {{ limit }} characters or more.'=>'Liian lyhyt syöte. Syötteen tulee olla vähintään {{ limit }} merkkiä.',
'This value should not be blank.'=>'Kenttä ei voi olla tyhjä.',
'This value should not be null.'=>'Syöte ei voi olla null.',
'This value should be null.'=>'Syötteen tulee olla null.',
'This value is not valid.'=>'Virheellinen arvo.',
'This value is not a valid time.'=>'Annettu arvo ei ole kelvollinen kellonaika.',
'This value is not a valid URL.'=>'Annettu arvo ei ole kelvollinen URL-osoite.',
'The two values should be equal.'=>'Kahden annetun arvon tulee olla samat.',
'The file is too large. Allowed maximum size is {{ limit }} {{ suffix }}.'=>'Annettu tiedosto on liian iso. Suurin sallittu tiedostokoko on {{ limit }} {{ suffix }}.',
'The file is too large.'=>'Tiedosto on liian iso.',
'The file could not be uploaded.'=>'Tiedoston siirto epäonnistui.',
'This value should be a valid number.'=>'Tämän arvon tulee olla numero.',
'This file is not a valid image.'=>'Tämä tiedosto ei ole kelvollinen kuva.',
'This is not a valid IP address.'=>'Tämä ei ole kelvollinen IP-osoite.',
'This value is not a valid language.'=>'Tämä arvo ei ole kelvollinen kieli.',
'This value is not a valid locale.'=>'Tämä arvo ei ole kelvollinen kieli- ja alueasetus (locale).',
'This value is not a valid country.'=>'Tämä arvo ei ole kelvollinen maa.',
'This value is already used.'=>'Tämä arvo on jo käytetty.',
'The size of the image could not be detected.'=>'Kuvan kokoa ei voitu tunnistaa.',
'The image width is too big ({{ width }}px). Allowed maximum width is {{ max_width }}px.'=>'Kuva on liian leveä ({{ width }}px). Sallittu maksimileveys on {{ max_width }}px.',
'The image width is too small ({{ width }}px). Minimum width expected is {{ min_width }}px.'=>'Kuva on liian kapea ({{ width }}px). Leveyden tulisi olla vähintään {{ min_width }}px.',
'The image height is too big ({{ height }}px). Allowed maximum height is {{ max_height }}px.'=>'Kuva on liian korkea ({{ width }}px). Sallittu maksimikorkeus on {{ max_width }}px.',
'The image height is too small ({{ height }}px). Minimum height expected is {{ min_height }}px.'=>'Kuva on liian matala ({{ height }}px). Korkeuden tulisi olla vähintään {{ min_height }}px.',
'This value should be the user\'s current password.'=>'Tämän arvon tulisi olla käyttäjän tämänhetkinen salasana.',
'This value should have exactly {{ limit }} character.|This value should have exactly {{ limit }} characters.'=>'Tämän arvon tulisi olla tasan yhden merkin pituinen.|Tämän arvon tulisi olla tasan {{ limit }} merkkiä pitkä.',
'The file was only partially uploaded.'=>'Tiedosto ladattiin vain osittain.',
'No file was uploaded.'=>'Tiedostoa ei ladattu.',
'No temporary folder was configured in php.ini.'=>'Väliaikaishakemistoa ei ole asetettu php.ini -tiedostoon.',
'Cannot write temporary file to disk.'=>'Väliaikaistiedostoa ei voitu kirjoittaa levylle.',
'A PHP extension caused the upload to fail.'=>'PHP-laajennoksen vuoksi tiedoston lataus epäonnistui.',
'This collection should contain {{ limit }} element or more.|This collection should contain {{ limit }} elements or more.'=>'Tässä ryhmässä tulisi olla yksi tai useampi elementti.|Tässä ryhmässä tulisi olla vähintään {{ limit }} elementtiä.',
'This collection should contain {{ limit }} element or less.|This collection should contain {{ limit }} elements or less.'=>'Tässä ryhmässä tulisi olla enintään yksi elementti.|Tässä ryhmässä tulisi olla enintään {{ limit }} elementtiä.',
'This collection should contain exactly {{ limit }} element.|This collection should contain exactly {{ limit }} elements.'=>'Tässä ryhmässä tulisi olla tasan yksi elementti.|Tässä ryhmässä tulisi olla enintään {{ limit }} elementtiä.',
'Unsupported card type or invalid card number.'=>'Tätä korttityyppiä ei tueta tai korttinumero on virheellinen.',
'This is not a valid International Bank Account Number (IBAN).'=>'Arvo ei ole kelvollinen kansainvälinen pankkitilinumero (IBAN).',
'This value is not a valid ISBN-10.'=>'Arvo ei ole kelvollinen ISBN-10.',
'This value is not a valid ISBN-13.'=>'Arvo ei ole kelvollinen ISBN-13.',
'This value is neither a valid ISBN-10 nor a valid ISBN-13.'=>'Arvo ei ole kelvollinen ISBN-10 tai kelvollinen ISBN-13.',
'This value is not a valid ISSN.'=>'Arvo ei ole kelvollinen ISSN.',
'This value is not a valid currency.'=>'Arvo ei ole kelvollinen valuutta.',
'This value should be equal to {{ compared_value }}.'=>'Arvo ei ole sama kuin {{ compared_value }}.',
'This value should be greater than {{ compared_value }}.'=>'Arvon tulee olla suurempi kuin {{ compared_value }}.',
'This value should be greater than or equal to {{ compared_value }}.'=>'Arvon tulee olla suurempi tai yhtä suuri kuin {{ compared_value }}.',
'This value should be identical to {{ compared_value_type }} {{ compared_value }}.'=>'Tämä arvo tulee olla sama kuin {{ compared_value_type }} {{ compared_value }}.',
'This value should be less than {{ compared_value }}.'=>'Arvon tulee olla pienempi kuin {{ compared_value }}.',
'This value should be less than or equal to {{ compared_value }}.'=>'Arvon tulee olla pienempi tai yhtä suuri {{ compared_value }}.',
'This value should not be equal to {{ compared_value }}.'=>'Arvon ei tule olla sama kuin {{ compared_value }}.',
'This value should not be identical to {{ compared_value_type }} {{ compared_value }}.'=>'Tämä arvo ei tule olla sama kuin {{ compared_value_type }} {{ compared_value }}.',
'The image ratio is too big ({{ ratio }}). Allowed maximum ratio is {{ max_ratio }}.'=>'Kuvasuhde on liian suuri ({{ ratio }}). Suurin sallittu suhde on {{ max_ratio }}.',
'The image ratio is too small ({{ ratio }}). Minimum ratio expected is {{ min_ratio }}.'=>'Kuvasuhde on liian pieni ({{ ratio }}). Pienin sallittu arvo on {{ min_ratio }}.',
'The image is square ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Square images are not allowed.'=>'Kuva on neliä ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Neliöt kuvat eivät ole sallittuja.',
'The image is landscape oriented ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Landscape oriented images are not allowed.'=>'Kuva on vaakasuuntainen ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Vaakasuuntaiset kuvat eivät ole sallittuja.',
'The image is portrait oriented ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Portrait oriented images are not allowed.'=>'Kuva on pystysuuntainen ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Pystysuuntaiset kuvat eivät ole sallittuja.',
'An empty file is not allowed.'=>'Tyhjä tiedosto ei ole sallittu.',
'The host could not be resolved.'=>'Palvelimeen ei saatu yhteyttä.',
'This value does not match the expected {{ charset }} charset.'=>'Arvo ei vastaa odotettua merkistöä {{ charset }}.',
'This is not a valid Business Identifier Code (BIC).'=>'Arvo ei ole kelvollinen yritystunnus (BIC).',
'This is not a valid UUID.'=>'Arvo ei ole kelvollinen UUID.',
'This value should be a multiple of {{ compared_value }}.'=>'Tämän arvon tulisi olla kerrannainen {{ compared_value }}.',
'This Business Identifier Code (BIC) is not associated with IBAN {{ iban }}.'=>'Tämä yritystunnus (BIC) ei ole liitetty IBAN {{ iban }}.',
'This value should be valid JSON.'=>'Arvon tulee olla kelvollinen JSON.',
'This collection should contain only unique elements.'=>'Tämän ryhmän tulisi sisältää vain yksilöllisiä arvoja.',
'This value should be positive.'=>'Arvon tulisi olla positiivinen.',
'This value should be either positive or zero.'=>'Arvon tulisi olla joko positiivinen tai nolla.',
'This value should be negative.'=>'Arvon tulisi olla negatiivinen.',
'This value should be either negative or zero.'=>'Arvon tulisi olla joko negatiivinen tai nolla.',
'This value is not a valid timezone.'=>'Arvo ei ole kelvollinen aikavyöhyke.',
'This password has been leaked in a data breach, it must not be used. Please use another password.'=>'Tämä salasana on vuotanut tietomurrossa, sitä ei saa käyttää. Käytä toista salasanaa.',
'This value should be between {{ min }} and {{ max }}.'=>'Arvon tulisi olla välillä {{ min }} - {{ max }}.',
'This value is not a valid hostname.'=>'Arvo ei ole kelvollinen laitenimi (hostname).',
'The number of elements in this collection should be a multiple of {{ compared_value }}.'=>'Ryhmässä olevien elementtien määrän pitää olla monikerta luvulle {{ compared_value }}.',
'This value should satisfy at least one of the following constraints:'=>'Tämän arvon tulee läpäistä vähintään yksi seuraavista tarkistuksista:',
'Each element of this collection should satisfy its own set of constraints.'=>'Ryhmän jokaisen elementin tulee läpäistä omat tarkistuksensa.',
'This value is not a valid International Securities Identification Number (ISIN).'=>'Tämä arvo ei ole kelvollinen ISIN-koodi (International Securities Identification Number).',
'This value should be a valid expression.'=>'Tämän arvon on oltava kelvollinen lauseke.',
'This value is not a valid CSS color.'=>'Tämä arvo ei ole kelvollinen CSS-värimääritys.',
'This value is not a valid CIDR notation.'=>'Tämä arvo ei ole kelvollinen CIDR-merkintä.',
'The value of the netmask should be between {{ min }} and {{ max }}.'=>'Verkkomaskille annetun arvon tulisi olla {{ min }} ja {{ max }} välillä.',
'This form should not contain extra fields.'=>'Tämä lomake ei voi sisältää ylimääräisiä kenttiä.',
'The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file.'=>'Ladattu tiedosto on liian iso. Ole hyvä ja lataa pienempi tiedosto.',
'The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form.'=>'CSRF-tarkiste on virheellinen. Ole hyvä ja yritä lähettää lomake uudestaan.',
'This value is not a valid HTML5 color.'=>'Tämä arvo ei ole kelvollinen HTML5-väri.',
'Please enter a valid birthdate.'=>'Syötä kelvollinen syntymäaika.',
'The selected choice is invalid.'=>'Valittu vaihtoehto ei kelpaa.',
'The collection is invalid.'=>'Ryhmä ei kelpaa.',
'Please select a valid color.'=>'Valitse kelvollinen väri.',
'Please select a valid country.'=>'Valitse kelvollinen maa.',
'Please select a valid currency.'=>'Valitse kelvollinen valuutta.',
'Please choose a valid date interval.'=>'Valitse kelvollinen aikaväli.',
'Please enter a valid date and time.'=>'Syötä kelvolliset päivä ja aika.',
'Please enter a valid date.'=>'Syötä kelvollinen päivä.',
'Please select a valid file.'=>'Valitse kelvollinen tiedosto.',
'The hidden field is invalid.'=>'Piilotettu kenttä ei ole kelvollinen.',
'Please enter an integer.'=>'Syötä kokonaisluku.',
'Please select a valid language.'=>'Valitse kelvollinen kieli.',
'Please select a valid locale.'=>'Valitse kelvollinen kielikoodi.',
'Please enter a valid money amount.'=>'Syötä kelvollinen rahasumma.',
'Please enter a number.'=>'Syötä numero.',
'The password is invalid.'=>'Salasana ei kelpaa.',
'Please enter a percentage value.'=>'Syötä prosenttiluku.',
'The values do not match.'=>'Arvot eivät vastaa toisiaan.',
'Please enter a valid time.'=>'Syötä kelvollinen kellonaika.',
'Please select a valid timezone.'=>'Valitse kelvollinen aikavyöhyke.',
'Please enter a valid URL.'=>'Syötä kelvollinen URL.',
'Please enter a valid search term.'=>'Syötä kelvollinen hakusana.',
'Please provide a valid phone number.'=>'Anna kelvollinen puhelinnumero.',
'The checkbox has an invalid value.'=>'Valintaruudun arvo ei kelpaa.',
'Please enter a valid email address.'=>'Syötä kelvollinen sähköpostiosoite.',
'Please select a valid option.'=>'Valitse kelvollinen vaihtoehto.',
'Please select a valid range.'=>'Valitse kelvollinen väli.',
'Please enter a valid week.'=>'Syötä kelvollinen viikko.',
'No authentication provider found to support the authentication token.'=>'Autentikointi tunnukselle ei löydetty tuettua autentikointi tarjoajaa.',
'No session available, it either timed out or cookies are not enabled.'=>'Sessio ei ole saatavilla, se on joko vanhentunut tai evästeet eivät ole käytössä.',
'No token could be found.'=>'Tunnusta ei löytynyt.',
'Username could not be found.'=>'Käyttäjätunnusta ei löydetty.',
'Account has expired.'=>'Tili on vanhentunut.',
'Credentials have expired.'=>'Tunnistetiedot ovat vanhentuneet.',
'Account is disabled.'=>'Tili on poistettu käytöstä.',
'Account is locked.'=>'Tili on lukittu.',
'Too many failed login attempts, please try again later.'=>'Liian monta epäonnistunutta kirjautumisyritystä, yritä myöhemmin uudelleen.',
'Invalid or expired login link.'=>'Virheellinen tai vanhentunut kirjautumislinkki.',
'Too many failed login attempts, please try again in %minutes% minute.'=>'Liian monta epäonnistunutta kirjautumisyritystä, yritä uudelleen %minutes% minuutin kuluttua.',
'Too many failed login attempts, please try again in %minutes% minutes.'=>'Liian monta epäonnistunutta kirjautumisyritystä, yritä uudelleen %minutes% minuutin kuluttua.',
'This value should be false.'=>'This value should be false.',
'This value should be true.'=>'This value should be true.',
'This value should be of type {{ type }}.'=>'This value should be of type {{ type }}.',
'This value should be blank.'=>'This value should be blank.',
'The value you selected is not a valid choice.'=>'The value you selected is not a valid choice.',
'You must select at least {{ limit }} choice.|You must select at least {{ limit }} choices.'=>'You must select at least {{ limit }} choice.|You must select at least {{ limit }} choices.',
'You must select at most {{ limit }} choice.|You must select at most {{ limit }} choices.'=>'You must select at most {{ limit }} choice.|You must select at most {{ limit }} choices.',
'One or more of the given values is invalid.'=>'One or more of the given values is invalid.',
'This field was not expected.'=>'This field was not expected.',
'This field is missing.'=>'This field is missing.',
'This value is not a valid date.'=>'This value is not a valid date.',
'This value is not a valid datetime.'=>'This value is not a valid datetime.',
'This value is not a valid email address.'=>'This value is not a valid email address.',
'The file could not be found.'=>'The file could not be found.',
'The file is not readable.'=>'The file is not readable.',
'The file is too large ({{ size }} {{ suffix }}). Allowed maximum size is {{ limit }} {{ suffix }}.'=>'The file is too large ({{ size }} {{ suffix }}). Allowed maximum size is {{ limit }} {{ suffix }}.',
'The mime type of the file is invalid ({{ type }}). Allowed mime types are {{ types }}.'=>'The mime type of the file is invalid ({{ type }}). Allowed mime types are {{ types }}.',
'This value should be {{ limit }} or less.'=>'This value should be {{ limit }} or less.',
'This value is too long. It should have {{ limit }} character or less.|This value is too long. It should have {{ limit }} characters or less.'=>'This value is too long. It should have {{ limit }} character or less.|This value is too long. It should have {{ limit }} characters or less.',
'This value should be {{ limit }} or more.'=>'This value should be {{ limit }} or more.',
'This value is too short. It should have {{ limit }} character or more.|This value is too short. It should have {{ limit }} characters or more.'=>'This value is too short. It should have {{ limit }} character or more.|This value is too short. It should have {{ limit }} characters or more.',
'This value should not be blank.'=>'This value should not be blank.',
'This value should not be null.'=>'This value should not be null.',
'This value should be null.'=>'This value should be null.',
'This value is not valid.'=>'This value is not valid.',
'This value is not a valid time.'=>'This value is not a valid time.',
'This value is not a valid URL.'=>'This value is not a valid URL.',
'The two values should be equal.'=>'The two values should be equal.',
'The file is too large. Allowed maximum size is {{ limit }} {{ suffix }}.'=>'The file is too large. Allowed maximum size is {{ limit }} {{ suffix }}.',
'The file is too large.'=>'The file is too large.',
'The file could not be uploaded.'=>'The file could not be uploaded.',
'This value should be a valid number.'=>'This value should be a valid number.',
'This file is not a valid image.'=>'This file is not a valid image.',
'This is not a valid IP address.'=>'This is not a valid IP address.',
'This value is not a valid language.'=>'This value is not a valid language.',
'This value is not a valid locale.'=>'This value is not a valid locale.',
'This value is not a valid country.'=>'This value is not a valid country.',
'This value is already used.'=>'This value is already used.',
'The size of the image could not be detected.'=>'The size of the image could not be detected.',
'The image width is too big ({{ width }}px). Allowed maximum width is {{ max_width }}px.'=>'The image width is too big ({{ width }}px). Allowed maximum width is {{ max_width }}px.',
'The image width is too small ({{ width }}px). Minimum width expected is {{ min_width }}px.'=>'The image width is too small ({{ width }}px). Minimum width expected is {{ min_width }}px.',
'The image height is too big ({{ height }}px). Allowed maximum height is {{ max_height }}px.'=>'The image height is too big ({{ height }}px). Allowed maximum height is {{ max_height }}px.',
'The image height is too small ({{ height }}px). Minimum height expected is {{ min_height }}px.'=>'The image height is too small ({{ height }}px). Minimum height expected is {{ min_height }}px.',
'This value should be the user\'s current password.'=>'This value should be the user\'s current password.',
'This value should have exactly {{ limit }} character.|This value should have exactly {{ limit }} characters.'=>'This value should have exactly {{ limit }} character.|This value should have exactly {{ limit }} characters.',
'The file was only partially uploaded.'=>'The file was only partially uploaded.',
'No file was uploaded.'=>'No file was uploaded.',
'No temporary folder was configured in php.ini.'=>'No temporary folder was configured in php.ini, or the configured folder does not exist.',
'Cannot write temporary file to disk.'=>'Cannot write temporary file to disk.',
'A PHP extension caused the upload to fail.'=>'A PHP extension caused the upload to fail.',
'This collection should contain {{ limit }} element or more.|This collection should contain {{ limit }} elements or more.'=>'This collection should contain {{ limit }} element or more.|This collection should contain {{ limit }} elements or more.',
'This collection should contain {{ limit }} element or less.|This collection should contain {{ limit }} elements or less.'=>'This collection should contain {{ limit }} element or less.|This collection should contain {{ limit }} elements or less.',
'This collection should contain exactly {{ limit }} element.|This collection should contain exactly {{ limit }} elements.'=>'This collection should contain exactly {{ limit }} element.|This collection should contain exactly {{ limit }} elements.',
'Invalid card number.'=>'Invalid card number.',
'Unsupported card type or invalid card number.'=>'Unsupported card type or invalid card number.',
'This is not a valid International Bank Account Number (IBAN).'=>'This is not a valid International Bank Account Number (IBAN).',
'This value is not a valid ISBN-10.'=>'This value is not a valid ISBN-10.',
'This value is not a valid ISBN-13.'=>'This value is not a valid ISBN-13.',
'This value is neither a valid ISBN-10 nor a valid ISBN-13.'=>'This value is neither a valid ISBN-10 nor a valid ISBN-13.',
'This value is not a valid ISSN.'=>'This value is not a valid ISSN.',
'This value is not a valid currency.'=>'This value is not a valid currency.',
'This value should be equal to {{ compared_value }}.'=>'This value should be equal to {{ compared_value }}.',
'This value should be greater than {{ compared_value }}.'=>'This value should be greater than {{ compared_value }}.',
'This value should be greater than or equal to {{ compared_value }}.'=>'This value should be greater than or equal to {{ compared_value }}.',
'This value should be identical to {{ compared_value_type }} {{ compared_value }}.'=>'This value should be identical to {{ compared_value_type }} {{ compared_value }}.',
'This value should be less than {{ compared_value }}.'=>'This value should be less than {{ compared_value }}.',
'This value should be less than or equal to {{ compared_value }}.'=>'This value should be less than or equal to {{ compared_value }}.',
'This value should not be equal to {{ compared_value }}.'=>'This value should not be equal to {{ compared_value }}.',
'This value should not be identical to {{ compared_value_type }} {{ compared_value }}.'=>'This value should not be identical to {{ compared_value_type }} {{ compared_value }}.',
'The image ratio is too big ({{ ratio }}). Allowed maximum ratio is {{ max_ratio }}.'=>'The image ratio is too big ({{ ratio }}). Allowed maximum ratio is {{ max_ratio }}.',
'The image ratio is too small ({{ ratio }}). Minimum ratio expected is {{ min_ratio }}.'=>'The image ratio is too small ({{ ratio }}). Minimum ratio expected is {{ min_ratio }}.',
'The image is square ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Square images are not allowed.'=>'The image is square ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Square images are not allowed.',
'The image is landscape oriented ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Landscape oriented images are not allowed.'=>'The image is landscape oriented ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Landscape oriented images are not allowed.',
'The image is portrait oriented ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Portrait oriented images are not allowed.'=>'The image is portrait oriented ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Portrait oriented images are not allowed.',
'An empty file is not allowed.'=>'An empty file is not allowed.',
'The host could not be resolved.'=>'The host could not be resolved.',
'This value does not match the expected {{ charset }} charset.'=>'This value does not match the expected {{ charset }} charset.',
'This is not a valid Business Identifier Code (BIC).'=>'This is not a valid Business Identifier Code (BIC).',
'This is not a valid UUID.'=>'This is not a valid UUID.',
'This value should be a multiple of {{ compared_value }}.'=>'This value should be a multiple of {{ compared_value }}.',
'This Business Identifier Code (BIC) is not associated with IBAN {{ iban }}.'=>'This Business Identifier Code (BIC) is not associated with IBAN {{ iban }}.',
'This value should be valid JSON.'=>'This value should be valid JSON.',
'This collection should contain only unique elements.'=>'This collection should contain only unique elements.',
'This value should be positive.'=>'This value should be positive.',
'This value should be either positive or zero.'=>'This value should be either positive or zero.',
'This value should be negative.'=>'This value should be negative.',
'This value should be either negative or zero.'=>'This value should be either negative or zero.',
'This value is not a valid timezone.'=>'This value is not a valid timezone.',
'This password has been leaked in a data breach, it must not be used. Please use another password.'=>'This password has been leaked in a data breach, it must not be used. Please use another password.',
'This value should be between {{ min }} and {{ max }}.'=>'This value should be between {{ min }} and {{ max }}.',
'This value is not a valid hostname.'=>'This value is not a valid hostname.',
'The number of elements in this collection should be a multiple of {{ compared_value }}.'=>'The number of elements in this collection should be a multiple of {{ compared_value }}.',
'This value should satisfy at least one of the following constraints:'=>'This value should satisfy at least one of the following constraints:',
'Each element of this collection should satisfy its own set of constraints.'=>'Each element of this collection should satisfy its own set of constraints.',
'This value is not a valid International Securities Identification Number (ISIN).'=>'This value is not a valid International Securities Identification Number (ISIN).',
'This value should be a valid expression.'=>'This value should be a valid expression.',
'This value is not a valid CSS color.'=>'This value is not a valid CSS color.',
'This value is not a valid CIDR notation.'=>'This value is not a valid CIDR notation.',
'The value of the netmask should be between {{ min }} and {{ max }}.'=>'The value of the netmask should be between {{ min }} and {{ max }}.',
'This form should not contain extra fields.'=>'This form should not contain extra fields.',
'The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file.'=>'The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file.',
'The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form.'=>'The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form.',
'This value is not a valid HTML5 color.'=>'This value is not a valid HTML5 color.',
'Please enter a valid birthdate.'=>'Please enter a valid birthdate.',
'The selected choice is invalid.'=>'The selected choice is invalid.',
'The collection is invalid.'=>'The collection is invalid.',
'Please select a valid color.'=>'Please select a valid color.',
'Please select a valid country.'=>'Please select a valid country.',
'Please select a valid currency.'=>'Please select a valid currency.',
'Please choose a valid date interval.'=>'Please choose a valid date interval.',
'Please enter a valid date and time.'=>'Please enter a valid date and time.',
'Please enter a valid date.'=>'Please enter a valid date.',
'Please select a valid file.'=>'Please select a valid file.',
'The hidden field is invalid.'=>'The hidden field is invalid.',
'Please enter an integer.'=>'Please enter an integer.',
'Please select a valid language.'=>'Please select a valid language.',
'Please select a valid locale.'=>'Please select a valid locale.',
'Please enter a valid money amount.'=>'Please enter a valid money amount.',
'Please enter a number.'=>'Please enter a number.',
'The password is invalid.'=>'The password is invalid.',
'Please enter a percentage value.'=>'Please enter a percentage value.',
'The values do not match.'=>'The values do not match.',
'Please enter a valid time.'=>'Please enter a valid time.',
'Please select a valid timezone.'=>'Please select a valid timezone.',
'Please enter a valid URL.'=>'Please enter a valid URL.',
'Please enter a valid search term.'=>'Please enter a valid search term.',
'Please provide a valid phone number.'=>'Please provide a valid phone number.',
'The checkbox has an invalid value.'=>'The checkbox has an invalid value.',
'Please enter a valid email address.'=>'Please enter a valid email address.',
'Please select a valid option.'=>'Please select a valid option.',
'Please select a valid range.'=>'Please select a valid range.',
'Please enter a valid week.'=>'Please enter a valid week.',