2127 lines
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2127 lines
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![]() |
/* eslint-disable */
// @ts-nocheck
import fs from 'fs';
import { URL as URL$1, fileURLToPath, pathToFileURL } from 'url';
import path from 'path';
import { createHash } from 'crypto';
import { EOL } from 'os';
import esmModule, { createRequire, isBuiltin } from 'module';
import assert from 'assert';
const SAFE_TIME = 456789e3;
const PortablePath = {
root: `/`,
dot: `.`,
parent: `..`
const npath = Object.create(path);
const ppath = Object.create(path.posix);
npath.cwd = () => process.cwd();
ppath.cwd = process.platform === `win32` ? () => toPortablePath(process.cwd()) : process.cwd;
if (process.platform === `win32`) {
ppath.resolve = (...segments) => {
if (segments.length > 0 && ppath.isAbsolute(segments[0])) {
return path.posix.resolve(...segments);
} else {
return path.posix.resolve(ppath.cwd(), ...segments);
const contains = function(pathUtils, from, to) {
from = pathUtils.normalize(from);
to = pathUtils.normalize(to);
if (from === to)
return `.`;
if (!from.endsWith(pathUtils.sep))
from = from + pathUtils.sep;
if (to.startsWith(from)) {
return to.slice(from.length);
} else {
return null;
npath.contains = (from, to) => contains(npath, from, to);
ppath.contains = (from, to) => contains(ppath, from, to);
const WINDOWS_PATH_REGEXP = /^([a-zA-Z]:.*)$/;
const UNC_WINDOWS_PATH_REGEXP = /^\/\/(\.\/)?(.*)$/;
const PORTABLE_PATH_REGEXP = /^\/([a-zA-Z]:.*)$/;
const UNC_PORTABLE_PATH_REGEXP = /^\/unc\/(\.dot\/)?(.*)$/;
function fromPortablePathWin32(p) {
let portablePathMatch, uncPortablePathMatch;
if (portablePathMatch = p.match(PORTABLE_PATH_REGEXP))
p = portablePathMatch[1];
else if (uncPortablePathMatch = p.match(UNC_PORTABLE_PATH_REGEXP))
p = `\\\\${uncPortablePathMatch[1] ? `.\\` : ``}${uncPortablePathMatch[2]}`;
return p;
return p.replace(/\//g, `\\`);
function toPortablePathWin32(p) {
p = p.replace(/\\/g, `/`);
let windowsPathMatch, uncWindowsPathMatch;
if (windowsPathMatch = p.match(WINDOWS_PATH_REGEXP))
p = `/${windowsPathMatch[1]}`;
else if (uncWindowsPathMatch = p.match(UNC_WINDOWS_PATH_REGEXP))
p = `/unc/${uncWindowsPathMatch[1] ? `.dot/` : ``}${uncWindowsPathMatch[2]}`;
return p;
const toPortablePath = process.platform === `win32` ? toPortablePathWin32 : (p) => p;
const fromPortablePath = process.platform === `win32` ? fromPortablePathWin32 : (p) => p;
npath.fromPortablePath = fromPortablePath;
npath.toPortablePath = toPortablePath;
function convertPath(targetPathUtils, sourcePath) {
return targetPathUtils === npath ? fromPortablePath(sourcePath) : toPortablePath(sourcePath);
const defaultTime = new Date(SAFE_TIME * 1e3);
const defaultTimeMs = defaultTime.getTime();
async function copyPromise(destinationFs, destination, sourceFs, source, opts) {
const normalizedDestination = destinationFs.pathUtils.normalize(destination);
const normalizedSource = sourceFs.pathUtils.normalize(source);
const prelayout = [];
const postlayout = [];
const { atime, mtime } = opts.stableTime ? { atime: defaultTime, mtime: defaultTime } : await sourceFs.lstatPromise(normalizedSource);
await destinationFs.mkdirpPromise(destinationFs.pathUtils.dirname(destination), { utimes: [atime, mtime] });
await copyImpl(prelayout, postlayout, destinationFs, normalizedDestination, sourceFs, normalizedSource, { ...opts, didParentExist: true });
for (const operation of prelayout)
await operation();
await Promise.all(postlayout.map((operation) => {
return operation();
async function copyImpl(prelayout, postlayout, destinationFs, destination, sourceFs, source, opts) {
const destinationStat = opts.didParentExist ? await maybeLStat(destinationFs, destination) : null;
const sourceStat = await sourceFs.lstatPromise(source);
const { atime, mtime } = opts.stableTime ? { atime: defaultTime, mtime: defaultTime } : sourceStat;
let updated;
switch (true) {
case sourceStat.isDirectory():
updated = await copyFolder(prelayout, postlayout, destinationFs, destination, destinationStat, sourceFs, source, sourceStat, opts);
case sourceStat.isFile():
updated = await copyFile(prelayout, postlayout, destinationFs, destination, destinationStat, sourceFs, source, sourceStat, opts);
case sourceStat.isSymbolicLink():
updated = await copySymlink(prelayout, postlayout, destinationFs, destination, destinationStat, sourceFs, source, sourceStat, opts);
default: {
throw new Error(`Unsupported file type (${sourceStat.mode})`);
if (opts.linkStrategy?.type !== `HardlinkFromIndex` || !sourceStat.isFile()) {
if (updated || destinationStat?.mtime?.getTime() !== mtime.getTime() || destinationStat?.atime?.getTime() !== atime.getTime()) {
postlayout.push(() => destinationFs.lutimesPromise(destination, atime, mtime));
updated = true;
if (destinationStat === null || (destinationStat.mode & 511) !== (sourceStat.mode & 511)) {
postlayout.push(() => destinationFs.chmodPromise(destination, sourceStat.mode & 511));
updated = true;
return updated;
async function maybeLStat(baseFs, p) {
try {
return await baseFs.lstatPromise(p);
} catch (e) {
return null;
async function copyFolder(prelayout, postlayout, destinationFs, destination, destinationStat, sourceFs, source, sourceStat, opts) {
if (destinationStat !== null && !destinationStat.isDirectory()) {
if (opts.overwrite) {
prelayout.push(async () => destinationFs.removePromise(destination));
destinationStat = null;
} else {
return false;
let updated = false;
if (destinationStat === null) {
prelayout.push(async () => {
try {
await destinationFs.mkdirPromise(destination, { mode: sourceStat.mode });
} catch (err) {
if (err.code !== `EEXIST`) {
throw err;
updated = true;
const entries = await sourceFs.readdirPromise(source);
const nextOpts = opts.didParentExist && !destinationStat ? { ...opts, didParentExist: false } : opts;
if (opts.stableSort) {
for (const entry of entries.sort()) {
if (await copyImpl(prelayout, postlayout, destinationFs, destinationFs.pathUtils.join(destination, entry), sourceFs, sourceFs.pathUtils.join(source, entry), nextOpts)) {
updated = true;
} else {
const entriesUpdateStatus = await Promise.all(entries.map(async (entry) => {
await copyImpl(prelayout, postlayout, destinationFs, destinationFs.pathUtils.join(destination, entry), sourceFs, sourceFs.pathUtils.join(source, entry), nextOpts);
if (entriesUpdateStatus.some((status) => status)) {
updated = true;
return updated;
async function copyFileViaIndex(prelayout, postlayout, destinationFs, destination, destinationStat, sourceFs, source, sourceStat, opts, linkStrategy) {
const sourceHash = await sourceFs.checksumFilePromise(source, { algorithm: `sha1` });
const defaultMode = 420;
const sourceMode = sourceStat.mode & 511;
const indexFileName = `${sourceHash}${sourceMode !== defaultMode ? sourceMode.toString(8) : ``}`;
const indexPath = destinationFs.pathUtils.join(linkStrategy.indexPath, sourceHash.slice(0, 2), `${indexFileName}.dat`);
let AtomicBehavior;
((AtomicBehavior2) => {
AtomicBehavior2[AtomicBehavior2["Lock"] = 0] = "Lock";
AtomicBehavior2[AtomicBehavior2["Rename"] = 1] = "Rename";
})(AtomicBehavior || (AtomicBehavior = {}));
let atomicBehavior = 1 /* Rename */;
let indexStat = await maybeLStat(destinationFs, indexPath);
if (destinationStat) {
const isDestinationHardlinkedFromIndex = indexStat && destinationStat.dev === indexStat.dev && destinationStat.ino === indexStat.ino;
const isIndexModified = indexStat?.mtimeMs !== defaultTimeMs;
if (isDestinationHardlinkedFromIndex) {
if (isIndexModified && linkStrategy.autoRepair) {
atomicBehavior = 0 /* Lock */;
indexStat = null;
if (!isDestinationHardlinkedFromIndex) {
if (opts.overwrite) {
prelayout.push(async () => destinationFs.removePromise(destination));
destinationStat = null;
} else {
return false;
const tempPath = !indexStat && atomicBehavior === 1 /* Rename */ ? `${indexPath}.${Math.floor(Math.random() * 4294967296).toString(16).padStart(8, `0`)}` : null;
let tempPathCleaned = false;
prelayout.push(async () => {
if (!indexStat) {
if (atomicBehavior === 0 /* Lock */) {
await destinationFs.lockPromise(indexPath, async () => {
const content = await sourceFs.readFilePromise(source);
await destinationFs.writeFilePromise(indexPath, content);
if (atomicBehavior === 1 /* Rename */ && tempPath) {
const content = await sourceFs.readFilePromise(source);
await destinationFs.writeFilePromise(tempPath, content);
try {
await destinationFs.linkPromise(tempPath, indexPath);
} catch (err) {
if (err.code === `EEXIST`) {
tempPathCleaned = true;
await destinationFs.unlinkPromise(tempPath);
} else {
throw err;
if (!destinationStat) {
await destinationFs.linkPromise(indexPath, destination);
postlayout.push(async () => {
if (!indexStat) {
await destinationFs.lutimesPromise(indexPath, defaultTime, defaultTime);
if (sourceMode !== defaultMode) {
await destinationFs.chmodPromise(indexPath, sourceMode);
if (tempPath && !tempPathCleaned) {
await destinationFs.unlinkPromise(tempPath);
return false;
async function copyFileDirect(prelayout, postlayout, destinationFs, destination, destinationStat, sourceFs, source, sourceStat, opts) {
if (destinationStat !== null) {
if (opts.overwrite) {
prelayout.push(async () => destinationFs.removePromise(destination));
destinationStat = null;
} else {
return false;
prelayout.push(async () => {
const content = await sourceFs.readFilePromise(source);
await destinationFs.writeFilePromise(destination, content);
return true;
async function copyFile(prelayout, postlayout, destinationFs, destination, destinationStat, sourceFs, source, sourceStat, opts) {
if (opts.linkStrategy?.type === `HardlinkFromIndex`) {
return copyFileViaIndex(prelayout, postlayout, destinationFs, destination, destinationStat, sourceFs, source, sourceStat, opts, opts.linkStrategy);
} else {
return copyFileDirect(prelayout, postlayout, destinationFs, destination, destinationStat, sourceFs, source, sourceStat, opts);
async function copySymlink(prelayout, postlayout, destinationFs, destination, destinationStat, sourceFs, source, sourceStat, opts) {
if (destinationStat !== null) {
if (opts.overwrite) {
prelayout.push(async () => destinationFs.removePromise(destination));
destinationStat = null;
} else {
return false;
prelayout.push(async () => {
await destinationFs.symlinkPromise(convertPath(destinationFs.pathUtils, await sourceFs.readlinkPromise(source)), destination);
return true;
class FakeFS {
constructor(pathUtils) {
this.pathUtils = pathUtils;
async *genTraversePromise(init, { stableSort = false } = {}) {
const stack = [init];
while (stack.length > 0) {
const p = stack.shift();
const entry = await this.lstatPromise(p);
if (entry.isDirectory()) {
const entries = await this.readdirPromise(p);
if (stableSort) {
for (const entry2 of entries.sort()) {
stack.push(this.pathUtils.join(p, entry2));
} else {
throw new Error(`Not supported`);
} else {
yield p;
async checksumFilePromise(path, { algorithm = `sha512` } = {}) {
const fd = await this.openPromise(path, `r`);
try {
const CHUNK_SIZE = 65536;
const chunk = Buffer.allocUnsafeSlow(CHUNK_SIZE);
const hash = createHash(algorithm);
let bytesRead = 0;
while ((bytesRead = await this.readPromise(fd, chunk, 0, CHUNK_SIZE)) !== 0)
hash.update(bytesRead === CHUNK_SIZE ? chunk : chunk.slice(0, bytesRead));
return hash.digest(`hex`);
} finally {
await this.closePromise(fd);
async removePromise(p, { recursive = true, maxRetries = 5 } = {}) {
let stat;
try {
stat = await this.lstatPromise(p);
} catch (error) {
if (error.code === `ENOENT`) {
} else {
throw error;
if (stat.isDirectory()) {
if (recursive) {
const entries = await this.readdirPromise(p);
await Promise.all(entries.map((entry) => {
return this.removePromise(this.pathUtils.resolve(p, entry));
for (let t = 0; t <= maxRetries; t++) {
try {
await this.rmdirPromise(p);
} catch (error) {
if (error.code !== `EBUSY` && error.code !== `ENOTEMPTY`) {
throw error;
} else if (t < maxRetries) {
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, t * 100));
} else {
await this.unlinkPromise(p);
removeSync(p, { recursive = true } = {}) {
let stat;
try {
stat = this.lstatSync(p);
} catch (error) {
if (error.code === `ENOENT`) {
} else {
throw error;
if (stat.isDirectory()) {
if (recursive)
for (const entry of this.readdirSync(p))
this.removeSync(this.pathUtils.resolve(p, entry));
} else {
async mkdirpPromise(p, { chmod, utimes } = {}) {
p = this.resolve(p);
if (p === this.pathUtils.dirname(p))
return void 0;
const parts = p.split(this.pathUtils.sep);
let createdDirectory;
for (let u = 2; u <= parts.length; ++u) {
const subPath = parts.slice(0, u).join(this.pathUtils.sep);
if (!this.existsSync(subPath)) {
try {
await this.mkdirPromise(subPath);
} catch (error) {
if (error.code === `EEXIST`) {
} else {
throw error;
createdDirectory ??= subPath;
if (chmod != null)
await this.chmodPromise(subPath, chmod);
if (utimes != null) {
await this.utimesPromise(subPath, utimes[0], utimes[1]);
} else {
const parentStat = await this.statPromise(this.pathUtils.dirname(subPath));
await this.utimesPromise(subPath, parentStat.atime, parentStat.mtime);
return createdDirectory;
mkdirpSync(p, { chmod, utimes } = {}) {
p = this.resolve(p);
if (p === this.pathUtils.dirname(p))
return void 0;
const parts = p.split(this.pathUtils.sep);
let createdDirectory;
for (let u = 2; u <= parts.length; ++u) {
const subPath = parts.slice(0, u).join(this.pathUtils.sep);
if (!this.existsSync(subPath)) {
try {
} catch (error) {
if (error.code === `EEXIST`) {
} else {
throw error;
createdDirectory ??= subPath;
if (chmod != null)
this.chmodSync(subPath, chmod);
if (utimes != null) {
this.utimesSync(subPath, utimes[0], utimes[1]);
} else {
const parentStat = this.statSync(this.pathUtils.dirname(subPath));
this.utimesSync(subPath, parentStat.atime, parentStat.mtime);
return createdDirectory;
async copyPromise(destination, source, { baseFs = this, overwrite = true, stableSort = false, stableTime = false, linkStrategy = null } = {}) {
return await copyPromise(this, destination, baseFs, source, { overwrite, stableSort, stableTime, linkStrategy });
copySync(destination, source, { baseFs = this, overwrite = true } = {}) {
const stat = baseFs.lstatSync(source);
const exists = this.existsSync(destination);
if (stat.isDirectory()) {
const directoryListing = baseFs.readdirSync(source);
for (const entry of directoryListing) {
this.copySync(this.pathUtils.join(destination, entry), baseFs.pathUtils.join(source, entry), { baseFs, overwrite });
} else if (stat.isFile()) {
if (!exists || overwrite) {
if (exists)
const content = baseFs.readFileSync(source);
this.writeFileSync(destination, content);
} else if (stat.isSymbolicLink()) {
if (!exists || overwrite) {
if (exists)
const target = baseFs.readlinkSync(source);
this.symlinkSync(convertPath(this.pathUtils, target), destination);
} else {
throw new Error(`Unsupported file type (file: ${source}, mode: 0o${stat.mode.toString(8).padStart(6, `0`)})`);
const mode = stat.mode & 511;
this.chmodSync(destination, mode);
async changeFilePromise(p, content, opts = {}) {
if (Buffer.isBuffer(content)) {
return this.changeFileBufferPromise(p, content, opts);
} else {
return this.changeFileTextPromise(p, content, opts);
async changeFileBufferPromise(p, content, { mode } = {}) {
let current = Buffer.alloc(0);
try {
current = await this.readFilePromise(p);
} catch (error) {
if (Buffer.compare(current, content) === 0)
await this.writeFilePromise(p, content, { mode });
async changeFileTextPromise(p, content, { automaticNewlines, mode } = {}) {
let current = ``;
try {
current = await this.readFilePromise(p, `utf8`);
} catch (error) {
const normalizedContent = automaticNewlines ? normalizeLineEndings(current, content) : content;
if (current === normalizedContent)
await this.writeFilePromise(p, normalizedContent, { mode });
changeFileSync(p, content, opts = {}) {
if (Buffer.isBuffer(content)) {
return this.changeFileBufferSync(p, content, opts);
} else {
return this.changeFileTextSync(p, content, opts);
changeFileBufferSync(p, content, { mode } = {}) {
let current = Buffer.alloc(0);
try {
current = this.readFileSync(p);
} catch (error) {
if (Buffer.compare(current, content) === 0)
this.writeFileSync(p, content, { mode });
changeFileTextSync(p, content, { automaticNewlines = false, mode } = {}) {
let current = ``;
try {
current = this.readFileSync(p, `utf8`);
} catch (error) {
const normalizedContent = automaticNewlines ? normalizeLineEndings(current, content) : content;
if (current === normalizedContent)
this.writeFileSync(p, normalizedContent, { mode });
async movePromise(fromP, toP) {
try {
await this.renamePromise(fromP, toP);
} catch (error) {
if (error.code === `EXDEV`) {
await this.copyPromise(toP, fromP);
await this.removePromise(fromP);
} else {
throw error;
moveSync(fromP, toP) {
try {
this.renameSync(fromP, toP);
} catch (error) {
if (error.code === `EXDEV`) {
this.copySync(toP, fromP);
} else {
throw error;
async lockPromise(affectedPath, callback) {
const lockPath = `${affectedPath}.flock`;
const interval = 1e3 / 60;
const startTime = Date.now();
let fd = null;
const isAlive = async () => {
let pid;
try {
[pid] = await this.readJsonPromise(lockPath);
} catch (error) {
return Date.now() - startTime < 500;
try {
process.kill(pid, 0);
return true;
} catch (error) {
return false;
while (fd === null) {
try {
fd = await this.openPromise(lockPath, `wx`);
} catch (error) {
if (error.code === `EEXIST`) {
if (!await isAlive()) {
try {
await this.unlinkPromise(lockPath);
} catch (error2) {
if (Date.now() - startTime < 60 * 1e3) {
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, interval));
} else {
throw new Error(`Couldn't acquire a lock in a reasonable time (via ${lockPath})`);
} else {
throw error;
await this.writePromise(fd, JSON.stringify([process.pid]));
try {
return await callback();
} finally {
try {
await this.closePromise(fd);
await this.unlinkPromise(lockPath);
} catch (error) {
async readJsonPromise(p) {
const content = await this.readFilePromise(p, `utf8`);
try {
return JSON.parse(content);
} catch (error) {
error.message += ` (in ${p})`;
throw error;
readJsonSync(p) {
const content = this.readFileSync(p, `utf8`);
try {
return JSON.parse(content);
} catch (error) {
error.message += ` (in ${p})`;
throw error;
async writeJsonPromise(p, data, { compact = false } = {}) {
const space = compact ? 0 : 2;
return await this.writeFilePromise(p, `${JSON.stringify(data, null, space)}
writeJsonSync(p, data, { compact = false } = {}) {
const space = compact ? 0 : 2;
return this.writeFileSync(p, `${JSON.stringify(data, null, space)}
async preserveTimePromise(p, cb) {
const stat = await this.lstatPromise(p);
const result = await cb();
if (typeof result !== `undefined`)
p = result;
await this.lutimesPromise(p, stat.atime, stat.mtime);
async preserveTimeSync(p, cb) {
const stat = this.lstatSync(p);
const result = cb();
if (typeof result !== `undefined`)
p = result;
this.lutimesSync(p, stat.atime, stat.mtime);
class BasePortableFakeFS extends FakeFS {
constructor() {
function getEndOfLine(content) {
const matches = content.match(/\r?\n/g);
if (matches === null)
return EOL;
const crlf = matches.filter((nl) => nl === `\r
const lf = matches.length - crlf;
return crlf > lf ? `\r
` : `
function normalizeLineEndings(originalContent, newContent) {
return newContent.replace(/\r?\n/g, getEndOfLine(originalContent));
class ProxiedFS extends FakeFS {
getExtractHint(hints) {
return this.baseFs.getExtractHint(hints);
resolve(path) {
return this.mapFromBase(this.baseFs.resolve(this.mapToBase(path)));
getRealPath() {
return this.mapFromBase(this.baseFs.getRealPath());
async openPromise(p, flags, mode) {
return this.baseFs.openPromise(this.mapToBase(p), flags, mode);
openSync(p, flags, mode) {
return this.baseFs.openSync(this.mapToBase(p), flags, mode);
async opendirPromise(p, opts) {
return Object.assign(await this.baseFs.opendirPromise(this.mapToBase(p), opts), { path: p });
opendirSync(p, opts) {
return Object.assign(this.baseFs.opendirSync(this.mapToBase(p), opts), { path: p });
async readPromise(fd, buffer, offset, length, position) {
return await this.baseFs.readPromise(fd, buffer, offset, length, position);
readSync(fd, buffer, offset, length, position) {
return this.baseFs.readSync(fd, buffer, offset, length, position);
async writePromise(fd, buffer, offset, length, position) {
if (typeof buffer === `string`) {
return await this.baseFs.writePromise(fd, buffer, offset);
} else {
return await this.baseFs.writePromise(fd, buffer, offset, length, position);
writeSync(fd, buffer, offset, length, position) {
if (typeof buffer === `string`) {
return this.baseFs.writeSync(fd, buffer, offset);
} else {
return this.baseFs.writeSync(fd, buffer, offset, length, position);
async closePromise(fd) {
return this.baseFs.closePromise(fd);
closeSync(fd) {
createReadStream(p, opts) {
return this.baseFs.createReadStream(p !== null ? this.mapToBase(p) : p, opts);
createWriteStream(p, opts) {
return this.baseFs.createWriteStream(p !== null ? this.mapToBase(p) : p, opts);
async realpathPromise(p) {
return this.mapFromBase(await this.baseFs.realpathPromise(this.mapToBase(p)));
realpathSync(p) {
return this.mapFromBase(this.baseFs.realpathSync(this.mapToBase(p)));
async existsPromise(p) {
return this.baseFs.existsPromise(this.mapToBase(p));
existsSync(p) {
return this.baseFs.existsSync(this.mapToBase(p));
accessSync(p, mode) {
return this.baseFs.accessSync(this.mapToBase(p), mode);
async accessPromise(p, mode) {
return this.baseFs.accessPromise(this.mapToBase(p), mode);
async statPromise(p, opts) {
return this.baseFs.statPromise(this.mapToBase(p), opts);
statSync(p, opts) {
return this.baseFs.statSync(this.mapToBase(p), opts);
async fstatPromise(fd, opts) {
return this.baseFs.fstatPromise(fd, opts);
fstatSync(fd, opts) {
return this.baseFs.fstatSync(fd, opts);
lstatPromise(p, opts) {
return this.baseFs.lstatPromise(this.mapToBase(p), opts);
lstatSync(p, opts) {
return this.baseFs.lstatSync(this.mapToBase(p), opts);
async fchmodPromise(fd, mask) {
return this.baseFs.fchmodPromise(fd, mask);
fchmodSync(fd, mask) {
return this.baseFs.fchmodSync(fd, mask);
async chmodPromise(p, mask) {
return this.baseFs.chmodPromise(this.mapToBase(p), mask);
chmodSync(p, mask) {
return this.baseFs.chmodSync(this.mapToBase(p), mask);
async fchownPromise(fd, uid, gid) {
return this.baseFs.fchownPromise(fd, uid, gid);
fchownSync(fd, uid, gid) {
return this.baseFs.fchownSync(fd, uid, gid);
async chownPromise(p, uid, gid) {
return this.baseFs.chownPromise(this.mapToBase(p), uid, gid);
chownSync(p, uid, gid) {
return this.baseFs.chownSync(this.mapToBase(p), uid, gid);
async renamePromise(oldP, newP) {
return this.baseFs.renamePromise(this.mapToBase(oldP), this.mapToBase(newP));
renameSync(oldP, newP) {
return this.baseFs.renameSync(this.mapToBase(oldP), this.mapToBase(newP));
async copyFilePromise(sourceP, destP, flags = 0) {
return this.baseFs.copyFilePromise(this.mapToBase(sourceP), this.mapToBase(destP), flags);
copyFileSync(sourceP, destP, flags = 0) {
return this.baseFs.copyFileSync(this.mapToBase(sourceP), this.mapToBase(destP), flags);
async appendFilePromise(p, content, opts) {
return this.baseFs.appendFilePromise(this.fsMapToBase(p), content, opts);
appendFileSync(p, content, opts) {
return this.baseFs.appendFileSync(this.fsMapToBase(p), content, opts);
async writeFilePromise(p, content, opts) {
return this.baseFs.writeFilePromise(this.fsMapToBase(p), content, opts);
writeFileSync(p, content, opts) {
return this.baseFs.writeFileSync(this.fsMapToBase(p), content, opts);
async unlinkPromise(p) {
return this.baseFs.unlinkPromise(this.mapToBase(p));
unlinkSync(p) {
return this.baseFs.unlinkSync(this.mapToBase(p));
async utimesPromise(p, atime, mtime) {
return this.baseFs.utimesPromise(this.mapToBase(p), atime, mtime);
utimesSync(p, atime, mtime) {
return this.baseFs.utimesSync(this.mapToBase(p), atime, mtime);
async lutimesPromise(p, atime, mtime) {
return this.baseFs.lutimesPromise(this.mapToBase(p), atime, mtime);
lutimesSync(p, atime, mtime) {
return this.baseFs.lutimesSync(this.mapToBase(p), atime, mtime);
async mkdirPromise(p, opts) {
return this.baseFs.mkdirPromise(this.mapToBase(p), opts);
mkdirSync(p, opts) {
return this.baseFs.mkdirSync(this.mapToBase(p), opts);
async rmdirPromise(p, opts) {
return this.baseFs.rmdirPromise(this.mapToBase(p), opts);
rmdirSync(p, opts) {
return this.baseFs.rmdirSync(this.mapToBase(p), opts);
async rmPromise(p, opts) {
return this.baseFs.rmPromise(this.mapToBase(p), opts);
rmSync(p, opts) {
return this.baseFs.rmSync(this.mapToBase(p), opts);
async linkPromise(existingP, newP) {
return this.baseFs.linkPromise(this.mapToBase(existingP), this.mapToBase(newP));
linkSync(existingP, newP) {
return this.baseFs.linkSync(this.mapToBase(existingP), this.mapToBase(newP));
async symlinkPromise(target, p, type) {
const mappedP = this.mapToBase(p);
if (this.pathUtils.isAbsolute(target))
return this.baseFs.symlinkPromise(this.mapToBase(target), mappedP, type);
const mappedAbsoluteTarget = this.mapToBase(this.pathUtils.join(this.pathUtils.dirname(p), target));
const mappedTarget = this.baseFs.pathUtils.relative(this.baseFs.pathUtils.dirname(mappedP), mappedAbsoluteTarget);
return this.baseFs.symlinkPromise(mappedTarget, mappedP, type);
symlinkSync(target, p, type) {
const mappedP = this.mapToBase(p);
if (this.pathUtils.isAbsolute(target))
return this.baseFs.symlinkSync(this.mapToBase(target), mappedP, type);
const mappedAbsoluteTarget = this.mapToBase(this.pathUtils.join(this.pathUtils.dirname(p), target));
const mappedTarget = this.baseFs.pathUtils.relative(this.baseFs.pathUtils.dirname(mappedP), mappedAbsoluteTarget);
return this.baseFs.symlinkSync(mappedTarget, mappedP, type);
async readFilePromise(p, encoding) {
return this.baseFs.readFilePromise(this.fsMapToBase(p), encoding);
readFileSync(p, encoding) {
return this.baseFs.readFileSync(this.fsMapToBase(p), encoding);
readdirPromise(p, opts) {
return this.baseFs.readdirPromise(this.mapToBase(p), opts);
readdirSync(p, opts) {
return this.baseFs.readdirSync(this.mapToBase(p), opts);
async readlinkPromise(p) {
return this.mapFromBase(await this.baseFs.readlinkPromise(this.mapToBase(p)));
readlinkSync(p) {
return this.mapFromBase(this.baseFs.readlinkSync(this.mapToBase(p)));
async truncatePromise(p, len) {
return this.baseFs.truncatePromise(this.mapToBase(p), len);
truncateSync(p, len) {
return this.baseFs.truncateSync(this.mapToBase(p), len);
async ftruncatePromise(fd, len) {
return this.baseFs.ftruncatePromise(fd, len);
ftruncateSync(fd, len) {
return this.baseFs.ftruncateSync(fd, len);
watch(p, a, b) {
return this.baseFs.watch(
// @ts-expect-error
watchFile(p, a, b) {
return this.baseFs.watchFile(
// @ts-expect-error
unwatchFile(p, cb) {
return this.baseFs.unwatchFile(this.mapToBase(p), cb);
fsMapToBase(p) {
if (typeof p === `number`) {
return p;
} else {
return this.mapToBase(p);
function direntToPortable(dirent) {
const portableDirent = dirent;
if (typeof dirent.path === `string`)
portableDirent.path = npath.toPortablePath(dirent.path);
return portableDirent;
class NodeFS extends BasePortableFakeFS {
constructor(realFs = fs) {
this.realFs = realFs;
getExtractHint() {
return false;
getRealPath() {
return PortablePath.root;
resolve(p) {
return ppath.resolve(p);
async openPromise(p, flags, mode) {
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.realFs.open(npath.fromPortablePath(p), flags, mode, this.makeCallback(resolve, reject));
openSync(p, flags, mode) {
return this.realFs.openSync(npath.fromPortablePath(p), flags, mode);
async opendirPromise(p, opts) {
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (typeof opts !== `undefined`) {
this.realFs.opendir(npath.fromPortablePath(p), opts, this.makeCallback(resolve, reject));
} else {
this.realFs.opendir(npath.fromPortablePath(p), this.makeCallback(resolve, reject));
}).then((dir) => {
const dirWithFixedPath = dir;
Object.defineProperty(dirWithFixedPath, `path`, {
value: p,
configurable: true,
writable: true
return dirWithFixedPath;
opendirSync(p, opts) {
const dir = typeof opts !== `undefined` ? this.realFs.opendirSync(npath.fromPortablePath(p), opts) : this.realFs.opendirSync(npath.fromPortablePath(p));
const dirWithFixedPath = dir;
Object.defineProperty(dirWithFixedPath, `path`, {
value: p,
configurable: true,
writable: true
return dirWithFixedPath;
async readPromise(fd, buffer, offset = 0, length = 0, position = -1) {
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.realFs.read(fd, buffer, offset, length, position, (error, bytesRead) => {
if (error) {
} else {
readSync(fd, buffer, offset, length, position) {
return this.realFs.readSync(fd, buffer, offset, length, position);
async writePromise(fd, buffer, offset, length, position) {
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (typeof buffer === `string`) {
return this.realFs.write(fd, buffer, offset, this.makeCallback(resolve, reject));
} else {
return this.realFs.write(fd, buffer, offset, length, position, this.makeCallback(resolve, reject));
writeSync(fd, buffer, offset, length, position) {
if (typeof buffer === `string`) {
return this.realFs.writeSync(fd, buffer, offset);
} else {
return this.realFs.writeSync(fd, buffer, offset, length, position);
async closePromise(fd) {
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.realFs.close(fd, this.makeCallback(resolve, reject));
closeSync(fd) {
createReadStream(p, opts) {
const realPath = p !== null ? npath.fromPortablePath(p) : p;
return this.realFs.createReadStream(realPath, opts);
createWriteStream(p, opts) {
const realPath = p !== null ? npath.fromPortablePath(p) : p;
return this.realFs.createWriteStream(realPath, opts);
async realpathPromise(p) {
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.realFs.realpath(npath.fromPortablePath(p), {}, this.makeCallback(resolve, reject));
}).then((path) => {
return npath.toPortablePath(path);
realpathSync(p) {
return npath.toPortablePath(this.realFs.realpathSync(npath.fromPortablePath(p), {}));
async existsPromise(p) {
return await new Promise((resolve) => {
this.realFs.exists(npath.fromPortablePath(p), resolve);
accessSync(p, mode) {
return this.realFs.accessSync(npath.fromPortablePath(p), mode);
async accessPromise(p, mode) {
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.realFs.access(npath.fromPortablePath(p), mode, this.makeCallback(resolve, reject));
existsSync(p) {
return this.realFs.existsSync(npath.fromPortablePath(p));
async statPromise(p, opts) {
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (opts) {
this.realFs.stat(npath.fromPortablePath(p), opts, this.makeCallback(resolve, reject));
} else {
this.realFs.stat(npath.fromPortablePath(p), this.makeCallback(resolve, reject));
statSync(p, opts) {
if (opts) {
return this.realFs.statSync(npath.fromPortablePath(p), opts);
} else {
return this.realFs.statSync(npath.fromPortablePath(p));
async fstatPromise(fd, opts) {
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (opts) {
this.realFs.fstat(fd, opts, this.makeCallback(resolve, reject));
} else {
this.realFs.fstat(fd, this.makeCallback(resolve, reject));
fstatSync(fd, opts) {
if (opts) {
return this.realFs.fstatSync(fd, opts);
} else {
return this.realFs.fstatSync(fd);
async lstatPromise(p, opts) {
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (opts) {
this.realFs.lstat(npath.fromPortablePath(p), opts, this.makeCallback(resolve, reject));
} else {
this.realFs.lstat(npath.fromPortablePath(p), this.makeCallback(resolve, reject));
lstatSync(p, opts) {
if (opts) {
return this.realFs.lstatSync(npath.fromPortablePath(p), opts);
} else {
return this.realFs.lstatSync(npath.fromPortablePath(p));
async fchmodPromise(fd, mask) {
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.realFs.fchmod(fd, mask, this.makeCallback(resolve, reject));
fchmodSync(fd, mask) {
return this.realFs.fchmodSync(fd, mask);
async chmodPromise(p, mask) {
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.realFs.chmod(npath.fromPortablePath(p), mask, this.makeCallback(resolve, reject));
chmodSync(p, mask) {
return this.realFs.chmodSync(npath.fromPortablePath(p), mask);
async fchownPromise(fd, uid, gid) {
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.realFs.fchown(fd, uid, gid, this.makeCallback(resolve, reject));
fchownSync(fd, uid, gid) {
return this.realFs.fchownSync(fd, uid, gid);
async chownPromise(p, uid, gid) {
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.realFs.chown(npath.fromPortablePath(p), uid, gid, this.makeCallback(resolve, reject));
chownSync(p, uid, gid) {
return this.realFs.chownSync(npath.fromPortablePath(p), uid, gid);
async renamePromise(oldP, newP) {
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.realFs.rename(npath.fromPortablePath(oldP), npath.fromPortablePath(newP), this.makeCallback(resolve, reject));
renameSync(oldP, newP) {
return this.realFs.renameSync(npath.fromPortablePath(oldP), npath.fromPortablePath(newP));
async copyFilePromise(sourceP, destP, flags = 0) {
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.realFs.copyFile(npath.fromPortablePath(sourceP), npath.fromPortablePath(destP), flags, this.makeCallback(resolve, reject));
copyFileSync(sourceP, destP, flags = 0) {
return this.realFs.copyFileSync(npath.fromPortablePath(sourceP), npath.fromPortablePath(destP), flags);
async appendFilePromise(p, content, opts) {
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const fsNativePath = typeof p === `string` ? npath.fromPortablePath(p) : p;
if (opts) {
this.realFs.appendFile(fsNativePath, content, opts, this.makeCallback(resolve, reject));
} else {
this.realFs.appendFile(fsNativePath, content, this.makeCallback(resolve, reject));
appendFileSync(p, content, opts) {
const fsNativePath = typeof p === `string` ? npath.fromPortablePath(p) : p;
if (opts) {
this.realFs.appendFileSync(fsNativePath, content, opts);
} else {
this.realFs.appendFileSync(fsNativePath, content);
async writeFilePromise(p, content, opts) {
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const fsNativePath = typeof p === `string` ? npath.fromPortablePath(p) : p;
if (opts) {
this.realFs.writeFile(fsNativePath, content, opts, this.makeCallback(resolve, reject));
} else {
this.realFs.writeFile(fsNativePath, content, this.makeCallback(resolve, reject));
writeFileSync(p, content, opts) {
const fsNativePath = typeof p === `string` ? npath.fromPortablePath(p) : p;
if (opts) {
this.realFs.writeFileSync(fsNativePath, content, opts);
} else {
this.realFs.writeFileSync(fsNativePath, content);
async unlinkPromise(p) {
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.realFs.unlink(npath.fromPortablePath(p), this.makeCallback(resolve, reject));
unlinkSync(p) {
return this.realFs.unlinkSync(npath.fromPortablePath(p));
async utimesPromise(p, atime, mtime) {
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.realFs.utimes(npath.fromPortablePath(p), atime, mtime, this.makeCallback(resolve, reject));
utimesSync(p, atime, mtime) {
this.realFs.utimesSync(npath.fromPortablePath(p), atime, mtime);
async lutimesPromise(p, atime, mtime) {
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.realFs.lutimes(npath.fromPortablePath(p), atime, mtime, this.makeCallback(resolve, reject));
lutimesSync(p, atime, mtime) {
this.realFs.lutimesSync(npath.fromPortablePath(p), atime, mtime);
async mkdirPromise(p, opts) {
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.realFs.mkdir(npath.fromPortablePath(p), opts, this.makeCallback(resolve, reject));
mkdirSync(p, opts) {
return this.realFs.mkdirSync(npath.fromPortablePath(p), opts);
async rmdirPromise(p, opts) {
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (opts) {
this.realFs.rmdir(npath.fromPortablePath(p), opts, this.makeCallback(resolve, reject));
} else {
this.realFs.rmdir(npath.fromPortablePath(p), this.makeCallback(resolve, reject));
rmdirSync(p, opts) {
return this.realFs.rmdirSync(npath.fromPortablePath(p), opts);
async rmPromise(p, opts) {
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (opts) {
this.realFs.rm(npath.fromPortablePath(p), opts, this.makeCallback(resolve, reject));
} else {
this.realFs.rm(npath.fromPortablePath(p), this.makeCallback(resolve, reject));
rmSync(p, opts) {
return this.realFs.rmSync(npath.fromPortablePath(p), opts);
async linkPromise(existingP, newP) {
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.realFs.link(npath.fromPortablePath(existingP), npath.fromPortablePath(newP), this.makeCallback(resolve, reject));
linkSync(existingP, newP) {
return this.realFs.linkSync(npath.fromPortablePath(existingP), npath.fromPortablePath(newP));
async symlinkPromise(target, p, type) {
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.realFs.symlink(npath.fromPortablePath(target.replace(/\/+$/, ``)), npath.fromPortablePath(p), type, this.makeCallback(resolve, reject));
symlinkSync(target, p, type) {
return this.realFs.symlinkSync(npath.fromPortablePath(target.replace(/\/+$/, ``)), npath.fromPortablePath(p), type);
async readFilePromise(p, encoding) {
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const fsNativePath = typeof p === `string` ? npath.fromPortablePath(p) : p;
this.realFs.readFile(fsNativePath, encoding, this.makeCallback(resolve, reject));
readFileSync(p, encoding) {
const fsNativePath = typeof p === `string` ? npath.fromPortablePath(p) : p;
return this.realFs.readFileSync(fsNativePath, encoding);
async readdirPromise(p, opts) {
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (opts) {
if (opts.recursive && process.platform === `win32`) {
if (opts.withFileTypes) {
this.realFs.readdir(npath.fromPortablePath(p), opts, this.makeCallback((results) => resolve(results.map(direntToPortable)), reject));
} else {
this.realFs.readdir(npath.fromPortablePath(p), opts, this.makeCallback((results) => resolve(results.map(npath.toPortablePath)), reject));
} else {
this.realFs.readdir(npath.fromPortablePath(p), opts, this.makeCallback(resolve, reject));
} else {
this.realFs.readdir(npath.fromPortablePath(p), this.makeCallback(resolve, reject));
readdirSync(p, opts) {
if (opts) {
if (opts.recursive && process.platform === `win32`) {
if (opts.withFileTypes) {
return this.realFs.readdirSync(npath.fromPortablePath(p), opts).map(direntToPortable);
} else {
return this.realFs.readdirSync(npath.fromPortablePath(p), opts).map(npath.toPortablePath);
} else {
return this.realFs.readdirSync(npath.fromPortablePath(p), opts);
} else {
return this.realFs.readdirSync(npath.fromPortablePath(p));
async readlinkPromise(p) {
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.realFs.readlink(npath.fromPortablePath(p), this.makeCallback(resolve, reject));
}).then((path) => {
return npath.toPortablePath(path);
readlinkSync(p) {
return npath.toPortablePath(this.realFs.readlinkSync(npath.fromPortablePath(p)));
async truncatePromise(p, len) {
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.realFs.truncate(npath.fromPortablePath(p), len, this.makeCallback(resolve, reject));
truncateSync(p, len) {
return this.realFs.truncateSync(npath.fromPortablePath(p), len);
async ftruncatePromise(fd, len) {
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.realFs.ftruncate(fd, len, this.makeCallback(resolve, reject));
ftruncateSync(fd, len) {
return this.realFs.ftruncateSync(fd, len);
watch(p, a, b) {
return this.realFs.watch(
// @ts-expect-error
watchFile(p, a, b) {
return this.realFs.watchFile(
// @ts-expect-error
unwatchFile(p, cb) {
return this.realFs.unwatchFile(npath.fromPortablePath(p), cb);
makeCallback(resolve, reject) {
return (err, result) => {
if (err) {
} else {
const NUMBER_REGEXP = /^[0-9]+$/;
const VIRTUAL_REGEXP = /^(\/(?:[^/]+\/)*?(?:\$\$virtual|__virtual__))((?:\/((?:[^/]+-)?[a-f0-9]+)(?:\/([^/]+))?)?((?:\/.*)?))$/;
const VALID_COMPONENT = /^([^/]+-)?[a-f0-9]+$/;
class VirtualFS extends ProxiedFS {
static makeVirtualPath(base, component, to) {
if (ppath.basename(base) !== `__virtual__`)
throw new Error(`Assertion failed: Virtual folders must be named "__virtual__"`);
if (!ppath.basename(component).match(VALID_COMPONENT))
throw new Error(`Assertion failed: Virtual components must be ended by an hexadecimal hash`);
const target = ppath.relative(ppath.dirname(base), to);
const segments = target.split(`/`);
let depth = 0;
while (depth < segments.length && segments[depth] === `..`)
depth += 1;
const finalSegments = segments.slice(depth);
const fullVirtualPath = ppath.join(base, component, String(depth), ...finalSegments);
return fullVirtualPath;
static resolveVirtual(p) {
const match = p.match(VIRTUAL_REGEXP);
if (!match || !match[3] && match[5])
return p;
const target = ppath.dirname(match[1]);
if (!match[3] || !match[4])
return target;
const isnum = NUMBER_REGEXP.test(match[4]);
if (!isnum)
return p;
const depth = Number(match[4]);
const backstep = `../`.repeat(depth);
const subpath = match[5] || `.`;
return VirtualFS.resolveVirtual(ppath.join(target, backstep, subpath));
constructor({ baseFs = new NodeFS() } = {}) {
this.baseFs = baseFs;
getExtractHint(hints) {
return this.baseFs.getExtractHint(hints);
getRealPath() {
return this.baseFs.getRealPath();
realpathSync(p) {
const match = p.match(VIRTUAL_REGEXP);
if (!match)
return this.baseFs.realpathSync(p);
if (!match[5])
return p;
const realpath = this.baseFs.realpathSync(this.mapToBase(p));
return VirtualFS.makeVirtualPath(match[1], match[3], realpath);
async realpathPromise(p) {
const match = p.match(VIRTUAL_REGEXP);
if (!match)
return await this.baseFs.realpathPromise(p);
if (!match[5])
return p;
const realpath = await this.baseFs.realpathPromise(this.mapToBase(p));
return VirtualFS.makeVirtualPath(match[1], match[3], realpath);
mapToBase(p) {
if (p === ``)
return p;
if (this.pathUtils.isAbsolute(p))
return VirtualFS.resolveVirtual(p);
const resolvedRoot = VirtualFS.resolveVirtual(this.baseFs.resolve(PortablePath.dot));
const resolvedP = VirtualFS.resolveVirtual(this.baseFs.resolve(p));
return ppath.relative(resolvedRoot, resolvedP) || PortablePath.dot;
mapFromBase(p) {
return p;
const URL = Number(process.versions.node.split('.', 1)[0]) < 20 ? URL$1 : globalThis.URL;
const [major, minor] = process.versions.node.split(`.`).map((value) => parseInt(value, 10));
const WATCH_MODE_MESSAGE_USES_ARRAYS = major > 19 || major === 19 && minor >= 2 || major === 18 && minor >= 13;
const HAS_LAZY_LOADED_TRANSLATORS = major === 20 && minor < 6 || major === 19 && minor >= 3;
const SUPPORTS_IMPORT_ATTRIBUTES = major >= 21 || major === 20 && minor >= 10 || major === 18 && minor >= 20;
function readPackageScope(checkPath) {
const rootSeparatorIndex = checkPath.indexOf(npath.sep);
let separatorIndex;
do {
separatorIndex = checkPath.lastIndexOf(npath.sep);
checkPath = checkPath.slice(0, separatorIndex);
if (checkPath.endsWith(`${npath.sep}node_modules`))
return false;
const pjson = readPackage(checkPath + npath.sep);
if (pjson) {
return {
data: pjson,
path: checkPath
} while (separatorIndex > rootSeparatorIndex);
return false;
function readPackage(requestPath) {
const jsonPath = npath.resolve(requestPath, `package.json`);
if (!fs.existsSync(jsonPath))
return null;
return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(jsonPath, `utf8`));
async function tryReadFile$1(path2) {
try {
return await fs.promises.readFile(path2, `utf8`);
} catch (error) {
if (error.code === `ENOENT`)
return null;
throw error;
function tryParseURL(str, base) {
try {
return new URL(str, base);
} catch {
return null;
let entrypointPath = null;
function setEntrypointPath(file) {
entrypointPath = file;
function getFileFormat(filepath) {
const ext = path.extname(filepath);
switch (ext) {
case `.mjs`: {
return `module`;
case `.cjs`: {
return `commonjs`;
case `.wasm`: {
throw new Error(
`Unknown file extension ".wasm" for ${filepath}`
case `.json`: {
return `json`;
case `.js`: {
const pkg = readPackageScope(filepath);
if (!pkg)
return `commonjs`;
return pkg.data.type ?? `commonjs`;
default: {
if (entrypointPath !== filepath)
return null;
const pkg = readPackageScope(filepath);
if (!pkg)
return `commonjs`;
if (pkg.data.type === `module`)
return null;
return pkg.data.type ?? `commonjs`;
async function load$1(urlString, context, nextLoad) {
const url = tryParseURL(urlString);
if (url?.protocol !== `file:`)
return nextLoad(urlString, context, nextLoad);
const filePath = fileURLToPath(url);
const format = getFileFormat(filePath);
if (!format)
return nextLoad(urlString, context, nextLoad);
if (format === `json`) {
if (context.importAttributes?.type !== `json`) {
const err = new TypeError(`[ERR_IMPORT_ATTRIBUTE_MISSING]: Module "${urlString}" needs an import attribute of "type: json"`);
throw err;
} else {
const type = `importAttributes` in context ? context.importAttributes?.type : context.importAssertions?.type;
if (type !== `json`) {
const err = new TypeError(`[ERR_IMPORT_ASSERTION_TYPE_MISSING]: Module "${urlString}" needs an import ${SUPPORTS_IMPORT_ATTRIBUTES ? `attribute` : `assertion`} of type "json"`);
throw err;
if (process.env.WATCH_REPORT_DEPENDENCIES && process.send) {
const pathToSend = pathToFileURL(
"watch:import": WATCH_MODE_MESSAGE_USES_ARRAYS ? [pathToSend] : pathToSend
return {
source: format === `commonjs` ? void 0 : await fs.promises.readFile(filePath, `utf8`),
shortCircuit: true
const ArrayIsArray = Array.isArray;
const JSONStringify = JSON.stringify;
const ObjectGetOwnPropertyNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
const ObjectPrototypeHasOwnProperty = (obj, prop) => Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, prop);
const RegExpPrototypeExec = (obj, string) => RegExp.prototype.exec.call(obj, string);
const RegExpPrototypeSymbolReplace = (obj, ...rest) => RegExp.prototype[Symbol.replace].apply(obj, rest);
const StringPrototypeEndsWith = (str, ...rest) => String.prototype.endsWith.apply(str, rest);
const StringPrototypeIncludes = (str, ...rest) => String.prototype.includes.apply(str, rest);
const StringPrototypeLastIndexOf = (str, ...rest) => String.prototype.lastIndexOf.apply(str, rest);
const StringPrototypeIndexOf = (str, ...rest) => String.prototype.indexOf.apply(str, rest);
const StringPrototypeReplace = (str, ...rest) => String.prototype.replace.apply(str, rest);
const StringPrototypeSlice = (str, ...rest) => String.prototype.slice.apply(str, rest);
const StringPrototypeStartsWith = (str, ...rest) => String.prototype.startsWith.apply(str, rest);
const SafeMap = Map;
const JSONParse = JSON.parse;
function createErrorType(code, messageCreator, errorType) {
return class extends errorType {
constructor(...args) {
this.code = code;
this.name = `${errorType.name} [${code}]`;
(specifier, packagePath, base) => {
return `Package import specifier "${specifier}" is not defined${packagePath ? ` in package ${packagePath}package.json` : ``} imported from ${base}`;
(request, reason, base = void 0) => {
return `Invalid module "${request}" ${reason}${base ? ` imported from ${base}` : ``}`;
const ERR_INVALID_PACKAGE_TARGET = createErrorType(
(pkgPath, key, target, isImport = false, base = void 0) => {
const relError = typeof target === `string` && !isImport && target.length && !StringPrototypeStartsWith(target, `./`);
if (key === `.`) {
assert(isImport === false);
return `Invalid "exports" main target ${JSONStringify(target)} defined in the package config ${pkgPath}package.json${base ? ` imported from ${base}` : ``}${relError ? `; targets must start with "./"` : ``}`;
return `Invalid "${isImport ? `imports` : `exports`}" target ${JSONStringify(
)} defined for '${key}' in the package config ${pkgPath}package.json${base ? ` imported from ${base}` : ``}${relError ? `; targets must start with "./"` : ``}`;
const ERR_INVALID_PACKAGE_CONFIG = createErrorType(
(path, base, message) => {
return `Invalid package config ${path}${base ? ` while importing ${base}` : ``}${message ? `. ${message}` : ``}`;
function filterOwnProperties(source, keys) {
const filtered = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
const key = keys[i];
if (ObjectPrototypeHasOwnProperty(source, key)) {
filtered[key] = source[key];
return filtered;
const packageJSONCache = new SafeMap();
function getPackageConfig(path, specifier, base, readFileSyncFn) {
const existing = packageJSONCache.get(path);
if (existing !== void 0) {
return existing;
const source = readFileSyncFn(path);
if (source === void 0) {
const packageConfig2 = {
pjsonPath: path,
exists: false,
main: void 0,
name: void 0,
type: "none",
exports: void 0,
imports: void 0
packageJSONCache.set(path, packageConfig2);
return packageConfig2;
let packageJSON;
try {
packageJSON = JSONParse(source);
} catch (error) {
(base ? `"${specifier}" from ` : "") + fileURLToPath(base || specifier),
let { imports, main, name, type } = filterOwnProperties(packageJSON, [
const exports = ObjectPrototypeHasOwnProperty(packageJSON, "exports") ? packageJSON.exports : void 0;
if (typeof imports !== "object" || imports === null) {
imports = void 0;
if (typeof main !== "string") {
main = void 0;
if (typeof name !== "string") {
name = void 0;
if (type !== "module" && type !== "commonjs") {
type = "none";
const packageConfig = {
pjsonPath: path,
exists: true,
packageJSONCache.set(path, packageConfig);
return packageConfig;
function getPackageScopeConfig(resolved, readFileSyncFn) {
let packageJSONUrl = new URL("./package.json", resolved);
while (true) {
const packageJSONPath2 = packageJSONUrl.pathname;
if (StringPrototypeEndsWith(packageJSONPath2, "node_modules/package.json")) {
const packageConfig2 = getPackageConfig(
void 0,
if (packageConfig2.exists) {
return packageConfig2;
const lastPackageJSONUrl = packageJSONUrl;
packageJSONUrl = new URL("../package.json", packageJSONUrl);
if (packageJSONUrl.pathname === lastPackageJSONUrl.pathname) {
const packageJSONPath = fileURLToPath(packageJSONUrl);
const packageConfig = {
pjsonPath: packageJSONPath,
exists: false,
main: void 0,
name: void 0,
type: "none",
exports: void 0,
imports: void 0
packageJSONCache.set(packageJSONPath, packageConfig);
return packageConfig;
function throwImportNotDefined(specifier, packageJSONUrl, base) {
packageJSONUrl && fileURLToPath(new URL(".", packageJSONUrl)),
function throwInvalidSubpath(subpath, packageJSONUrl, internal, base) {
const reason = `request is not a valid subpath for the "${internal ? "imports" : "exports"}" resolution of ${fileURLToPath(packageJSONUrl)}`;
base && fileURLToPath(base)
function throwInvalidPackageTarget(subpath, target, packageJSONUrl, internal, base) {
if (typeof target === "object" && target !== null) {
target = JSONStringify(target, null, "");
} else {
target = `${target}`;
fileURLToPath(new URL(".", packageJSONUrl)),
base && fileURLToPath(base)
const invalidSegmentRegEx = /(^|\\|\/)((\.|%2e)(\.|%2e)?|(n|%6e|%4e)(o|%6f|%4f)(d|%64|%44)(e|%65|%45)(_|%5f)(m|%6d|%4d)(o|%6f|%4f)(d|%64|%44)(u|%75|%55)(l|%6c|%4c)(e|%65|%45)(s|%73|%53))(\\|\/|$)/i;
const patternRegEx = /\*/g;
function resolvePackageTargetString(target, subpath, match, packageJSONUrl, base, pattern, internal, conditions) {
if (subpath !== "" && !pattern && target[target.length - 1] !== "/")
throwInvalidPackageTarget(match, target, packageJSONUrl, internal, base);
if (!StringPrototypeStartsWith(target, "./")) {
if (internal && !StringPrototypeStartsWith(target, "../") && !StringPrototypeStartsWith(target, "/")) {
let isURL = false;
try {
new URL(target);
isURL = true;
} catch {
if (!isURL) {
const exportTarget = pattern ? RegExpPrototypeSymbolReplace(patternRegEx, target, () => subpath) : target + subpath;
return exportTarget;
throwInvalidPackageTarget(match, target, packageJSONUrl, internal, base);
if (RegExpPrototypeExec(
StringPrototypeSlice(target, 2)
) !== null)
throwInvalidPackageTarget(match, target, packageJSONUrl, internal, base);
const resolved = new URL(target, packageJSONUrl);
const resolvedPath = resolved.pathname;
const packagePath = new URL(".", packageJSONUrl).pathname;
if (!StringPrototypeStartsWith(resolvedPath, packagePath))
throwInvalidPackageTarget(match, target, packageJSONUrl, internal, base);
if (subpath === "") return resolved;
if (RegExpPrototypeExec(invalidSegmentRegEx, subpath) !== null) {
const request = pattern ? StringPrototypeReplace(match, "*", () => subpath) : match + subpath;
throwInvalidSubpath(request, packageJSONUrl, internal, base);
if (pattern) {
return new URL(
RegExpPrototypeSymbolReplace(patternRegEx, resolved.href, () => subpath)
return new URL(subpath, resolved);
function isArrayIndex(key) {
const keyNum = +key;
if (`${keyNum}` !== key) return false;
return keyNum >= 0 && keyNum < 4294967295;
function resolvePackageTarget(packageJSONUrl, target, subpath, packageSubpath, base, pattern, internal, conditions) {
if (typeof target === "string") {
return resolvePackageTargetString(
} else if (ArrayIsArray(target)) {
if (target.length === 0) {
return null;
let lastException;
for (let i = 0; i < target.length; i++) {
const targetItem = target[i];
let resolveResult;
try {
resolveResult = resolvePackageTarget(
} catch (e) {
lastException = e;
if (e.code === "ERR_INVALID_PACKAGE_TARGET") {
throw e;
if (resolveResult === void 0) {
if (resolveResult === null) {
lastException = null;
return resolveResult;
if (lastException === void 0 || lastException === null)
return lastException;
throw lastException;
} else if (typeof target === "object" && target !== null) {
const keys = ObjectGetOwnPropertyNames(target);
for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
const key = keys[i];
if (isArrayIndex(key)) {
'"exports" cannot contain numeric property keys.'
for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
const key = keys[i];
if (key === "default" || conditions.has(key)) {
const conditionalTarget = target[key];
const resolveResult = resolvePackageTarget(
if (resolveResult === void 0) continue;
return resolveResult;
return void 0;
} else if (target === null) {
return null;
function patternKeyCompare(a, b) {
const aPatternIndex = StringPrototypeIndexOf(a, "*");
const bPatternIndex = StringPrototypeIndexOf(b, "*");
const baseLenA = aPatternIndex === -1 ? a.length : aPatternIndex + 1;
const baseLenB = bPatternIndex === -1 ? b.length : bPatternIndex + 1;
if (baseLenA > baseLenB) return -1;
if (baseLenB > baseLenA) return 1;
if (aPatternIndex === -1) return 1;
if (bPatternIndex === -1) return -1;
if (a.length > b.length) return -1;
if (b.length > a.length) return 1;
return 0;
function packageImportsResolve({ name, base, conditions, readFileSyncFn }) {
if (name === "#" || StringPrototypeStartsWith(name, "#/") || StringPrototypeEndsWith(name, "/")) {
const reason = "is not a valid internal imports specifier name";
throw new ERR_INVALID_MODULE_SPECIFIER(name, reason, fileURLToPath(base));
let packageJSONUrl;
const packageConfig = getPackageScopeConfig(base, readFileSyncFn);
if (packageConfig.exists) {
packageJSONUrl = pathToFileURL(packageConfig.pjsonPath);
const imports = packageConfig.imports;
if (imports) {
if (ObjectPrototypeHasOwnProperty(imports, name) && !StringPrototypeIncludes(name, "*")) {
const resolveResult = resolvePackageTarget(
if (resolveResult != null) {
return resolveResult;
} else {
let bestMatch = "";
let bestMatchSubpath;
const keys = ObjectGetOwnPropertyNames(imports);
for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
const key = keys[i];
const patternIndex = StringPrototypeIndexOf(key, "*");
if (patternIndex !== -1 && StringPrototypeStartsWith(
StringPrototypeSlice(key, 0, patternIndex)
)) {
const patternTrailer = StringPrototypeSlice(key, patternIndex + 1);
if (name.length >= key.length && StringPrototypeEndsWith(name, patternTrailer) && patternKeyCompare(bestMatch, key) === 1 && StringPrototypeLastIndexOf(key, "*") === patternIndex) {
bestMatch = key;
bestMatchSubpath = StringPrototypeSlice(
name.length - patternTrailer.length
if (bestMatch) {
const target = imports[bestMatch];
const resolveResult = resolvePackageTarget(
if (resolveResult != null) {
return resolveResult;
throwImportNotDefined(name, packageJSONUrl, base);
let findPnpApi = esmModule.findPnpApi;
if (!findPnpApi) {
const require = createRequire(import.meta.url);
const pnpApi = require(`./.pnp.cjs`);
findPnpApi = esmModule.findPnpApi;
const pathRegExp = /^(?![a-zA-Z]:[\\/]|\\\\|\.{0,2}(?:\/|$))((?:node:)?(?:@[^/]+\/)?[^/]+)\/*(.*|)$/;
const isRelativeRegexp = /^\.{0,2}\//;
function tryReadFile(filePath) {
try {
return fs.readFileSync(filePath, `utf8`);
} catch (err) {
if (err.code === `ENOENT`)
return void 0;
throw err;
async function resolvePrivateRequest(specifier, issuer, context, nextResolve) {
const resolved = packageImportsResolve({
name: specifier,
base: pathToFileURL(issuer),
conditions: new Set(context.conditions),
readFileSyncFn: tryReadFile
if (resolved instanceof URL) {
return { url: resolved.href, shortCircuit: true };
} else {
if (resolved.startsWith(`#`))
throw new Error(`Mapping from one private import to another isn't allowed`);
return resolve$1(resolved, context, nextResolve);
async function resolve$1(originalSpecifier, context, nextResolve) {
if (!findPnpApi || isBuiltin(originalSpecifier))
return nextResolve(originalSpecifier, context, nextResolve);
let specifier = originalSpecifier;
const url = tryParseURL(specifier, isRelativeRegexp.test(specifier) ? context.parentURL : void 0);
if (url) {
if (url.protocol !== `file:`)
return nextResolve(originalSpecifier, context, nextResolve);
specifier = fileURLToPath(url);
const { parentURL, conditions = [] } = context;
const issuer = parentURL && tryParseURL(parentURL)?.protocol === `file:` ? fileURLToPath(parentURL) : process.cwd();
const pnpapi = findPnpApi(issuer) ?? (url ? findPnpApi(specifier) : null);
if (!pnpapi)
return nextResolve(originalSpecifier, context, nextResolve);
if (specifier.startsWith(`#`))
return resolvePrivateRequest(specifier, issuer, context, nextResolve);
const dependencyNameMatch = specifier.match(pathRegExp);
let allowLegacyResolve = false;
if (dependencyNameMatch) {
const [, dependencyName, subPath] = dependencyNameMatch;
if (subPath === `` && dependencyName !== `pnpapi`) {
const resolved = pnpapi.resolveToUnqualified(`${dependencyName}/package.json`, issuer);
if (resolved) {
const content = await tryReadFile$1(resolved);
if (content) {
const pkg = JSON.parse(content);
allowLegacyResolve = pkg.exports == null;
let result;
try {
result = pnpapi.resolveRequest(specifier, issuer, {
conditions: new Set(conditions),
// TODO: Handle --experimental-specifier-resolution=node
extensions: allowLegacyResolve ? void 0 : []
} catch (err) {
if (err instanceof Error && `code` in err && err.code === `MODULE_NOT_FOUND`)
err.code = `ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND`;
throw err;
if (!result)
throw new Error(`Resolving '${specifier}' from '${issuer}' failed`);
const resultURL = pathToFileURL(result);
if (url) {
resultURL.search = url.search;
resultURL.hash = url.hash;
if (!parentURL)
return {
url: resultURL.href,
shortCircuit: true
const binding = process.binding(`fs`);
const originalReadFile = binding.readFileUtf8 || binding.readFileSync;
if (originalReadFile) {
binding[originalReadFile.name] = function(...args) {
try {
return fs.readFileSync(args[0], {
encoding: `utf8`,
// @ts-expect-error - The docs says it needs to be a string but
// links to https://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v20.x/docs/api/fs.html#file-system-flags
// which says it can be a number which matches the implementation.
flag: args[1]
} catch {
return originalReadFile.apply(this, args);
} else {
const binding2 = process.binding(`fs`);
const originalfstat = binding2.fstat;
const ZIP_MASK = 4278190080;
const ZIP_MAGIC = 704643072;
binding2.fstat = function(...args) {
const [fd, useBigint, req] = args;
if ((fd & ZIP_MASK) === ZIP_MAGIC && useBigint === false && req === void 0) {
try {
const stats = fs.fstatSync(fd);
return new Float64Array([
// atime sec
// atime ns
// mtime sec
// mtime ns
// ctime sec
// ctime ns
// birthtime sec
// birthtime ns
} catch {
return originalfstat.apply(this, args);
const resolve = resolve$1;
const load = load$1;
export { load, resolve };