604 lines
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604 lines
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* This file is part of the Symfony package.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Command;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Attribute\AsCommand;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Completion\CompletionInput;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Completion\CompletionSuggestions;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter\OutputFormatter;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Style\SymfonyStyle;
use Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Debug\FileLinkFormatter;
use Twig\Environment;
use Twig\Loader\ChainLoader;
use Twig\Loader\FilesystemLoader;
* Lists twig functions, filters, globals and tests present in the current project.
* @author Jordi Boggiano <j.boggiano@seld.be>
#[AsCommand(name: 'debug:twig', description: 'Show a list of twig functions, filters, globals and tests')]
class DebugCommand extends Command
private $twig;
private ?string $projectDir;
private array $bundlesMetadata;
private ?string $twigDefaultPath;
* @var FilesystemLoader[]
private array $filesystemLoaders;
private $fileLinkFormatter;
public function __construct(Environment $twig, string $projectDir = null, array $bundlesMetadata = [], string $twigDefaultPath = null, FileLinkFormatter $fileLinkFormatter = null)
$this->twig = $twig;
$this->projectDir = $projectDir;
$this->bundlesMetadata = $bundlesMetadata;
$this->twigDefaultPath = $twigDefaultPath;
$this->fileLinkFormatter = $fileLinkFormatter;
protected function configure()
new InputArgument('name', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'The template name'),
new InputOption('filter', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Show details for all entries matching this filter'),
new InputOption('format', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'The output format (text or json)', 'text'),
The <info>%command.name%</info> command outputs a list of twig functions,
filters, globals and tests.
<info>php %command.full_name%</info>
The command lists all functions, filters, etc.
<info>php %command.full_name% @Twig/Exception/error.html.twig</info>
The command lists all paths that match the given template name.
<info>php %command.full_name% --filter=date</info>
The command lists everything that contains the word date.
<info>php %command.full_name% --format=json</info>
The command lists everything in a machine readable json format.
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
$io = new SymfonyStyle($input, $output);
$name = $input->getArgument('name');
$filter = $input->getOption('filter');
if (null !== $name && [] === $this->getFilesystemLoaders()) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Argument "name" not supported, it requires the Twig loader "%s".', FilesystemLoader::class));
switch ($input->getOption('format')) {
case 'text':
$name ? $this->displayPathsText($io, $name) : $this->displayGeneralText($io, $filter);
case 'json':
$name ? $this->displayPathsJson($io, $name) : $this->displayGeneralJson($io, $filter);
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The format "%s" is not supported.', $input->getOption('format')));
return 0;
public function complete(CompletionInput $input, CompletionSuggestions $suggestions): void
if ($input->mustSuggestArgumentValuesFor('name')) {
if ($input->mustSuggestOptionValuesFor('format')) {
$suggestions->suggestValues(['text', 'json']);
private function displayPathsText(SymfonyStyle $io, string $name)
$file = new \ArrayIterator($this->findTemplateFiles($name));
$paths = $this->getLoaderPaths($name);
$io->section('Matched File');
if ($file->valid()) {
if ($fileLink = $this->getFileLink($file->key())) {
$io->block($file->current(), 'OK', sprintf('fg=black;bg=green;href=%s', $fileLink), ' ', true);
} else {
if ($file->valid()) {
$io->section('Overridden Files');
do {
if ($fileLink = $this->getFileLink($file->key())) {
$io->text(sprintf('* <href=%s>%s</>', $fileLink, $file->current()));
} else {
$io->text(sprintf('* %s', $file->current()));
} while ($file->valid());
} else {
$alternatives = [];
if ($paths) {
$shortnames = [];
$dirs = [];
foreach (current($paths) as $path) {
$dirs[] = $this->isAbsolutePath($path) ? $path : $this->projectDir.'/'.$path;
foreach (Finder::create()->files()->followLinks()->in($dirs) as $file) {
$shortnames[] = str_replace('\\', '/', $file->getRelativePathname());
[$namespace, $shortname] = $this->parseTemplateName($name);
$alternatives = $this->findAlternatives($shortname, $shortnames);
if (FilesystemLoader::MAIN_NAMESPACE !== $namespace) {
$alternatives = array_map(function ($shortname) use ($namespace) {
return '@'.$namespace.'/'.$shortname;
}, $alternatives);
$this->error($io, sprintf('Template name "%s" not found', $name), $alternatives);
$io->section('Configured Paths');
if ($paths) {
$io->table(['Namespace', 'Paths'], $this->buildTableRows($paths));
} else {
$alternatives = [];
$namespace = $this->parseTemplateName($name)[0];
if (FilesystemLoader::MAIN_NAMESPACE === $namespace) {
$message = 'No template paths configured for your application';
} else {
$message = sprintf('No template paths configured for "@%s" namespace', $namespace);
foreach ($this->getFilesystemLoaders() as $loader) {
$namespaces = $loader->getNamespaces();
foreach ($this->findAlternatives($namespace, $namespaces) as $namespace) {
$alternatives[] = '@'.$namespace;
$this->error($io, $message, $alternatives);
if (!$alternatives && $paths = $this->getLoaderPaths()) {
$io->table(['Namespace', 'Paths'], $this->buildTableRows($paths));
private function displayPathsJson(SymfonyStyle $io, string $name)
$files = $this->findTemplateFiles($name);
$paths = $this->getLoaderPaths($name);
if ($files) {
$data['matched_file'] = array_shift($files);
if ($files) {
$data['overridden_files'] = $files;
} else {
$data['matched_file'] = sprintf('Template name "%s" not found', $name);
$data['loader_paths'] = $paths;
private function displayGeneralText(SymfonyStyle $io, string $filter = null)
$decorated = $io->isDecorated();
$types = ['functions', 'filters', 'tests', 'globals'];
foreach ($types as $index => $type) {
$items = [];
foreach ($this->twig->{'get'.ucfirst($type)}() as $name => $entity) {
if (!$filter || str_contains($name, $filter)) {
$items[$name] = $name.$this->getPrettyMetadata($type, $entity, $decorated);
if (!$items) {
if (!$filter && $paths = $this->getLoaderPaths()) {
$io->section('Loader Paths');
$io->table(['Namespace', 'Paths'], $this->buildTableRows($paths));
if ($wrongBundles = $this->findWrongBundleOverrides()) {
foreach ($this->buildWarningMessages($wrongBundles) as $message) {
private function displayGeneralJson(SymfonyStyle $io, ?string $filter)
$decorated = $io->isDecorated();
$types = ['functions', 'filters', 'tests', 'globals'];
$data = [];
foreach ($types as $type) {
foreach ($this->twig->{'get'.ucfirst($type)}() as $name => $entity) {
if (!$filter || str_contains($name, $filter)) {
$data[$type][$name] = $this->getMetadata($type, $entity);
if (isset($data['tests'])) {
$data['tests'] = array_keys($data['tests']);
if (!$filter && $paths = $this->getLoaderPaths($filter)) {
$data['loader_paths'] = $paths;
if ($wrongBundles = $this->findWrongBundleOverrides()) {
$data['warnings'] = $this->buildWarningMessages($wrongBundles);
$data = json_encode($data, \JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
$io->writeln($decorated ? OutputFormatter::escape($data) : $data);
private function getLoaderPaths(string $name = null): array
$loaderPaths = [];
foreach ($this->getFilesystemLoaders() as $loader) {
$namespaces = $loader->getNamespaces();
if (null !== $name) {
$namespace = $this->parseTemplateName($name)[0];
$namespaces = array_intersect([$namespace], $namespaces);
foreach ($namespaces as $namespace) {
$paths = array_map([$this, 'getRelativePath'], $loader->getPaths($namespace));
if (FilesystemLoader::MAIN_NAMESPACE === $namespace) {
$namespace = '(None)';
} else {
$namespace = '@'.$namespace;
$loaderPaths[$namespace] = array_merge($loaderPaths[$namespace] ?? [], $paths);
return $loaderPaths;
private function getMetadata(string $type, mixed $entity)
if ('globals' === $type) {
return $entity;
if ('tests' === $type) {
return null;
if ('functions' === $type || 'filters' === $type) {
$cb = $entity->getCallable();
if (null === $cb) {
return null;
if (\is_array($cb)) {
if (!method_exists($cb[0], $cb[1])) {
return null;
$refl = new \ReflectionMethod($cb[0], $cb[1]);
} elseif (\is_object($cb) && method_exists($cb, '__invoke')) {
$refl = new \ReflectionMethod($cb, '__invoke');
} elseif (\function_exists($cb)) {
$refl = new \ReflectionFunction($cb);
} elseif (\is_string($cb) && preg_match('{^(.+)::(.+)$}', $cb, $m) && method_exists($m[1], $m[2])) {
$refl = new \ReflectionMethod($m[1], $m[2]);
} else {
throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Unsupported callback type.');
$args = $refl->getParameters();
// filter out context/environment args
if ($entity->needsEnvironment()) {
if ($entity->needsContext()) {
if ('filters' === $type) {
// remove the value the filter is applied on
// format args
$args = array_map(function (\ReflectionParameter $param) {
if ($param->isDefaultValueAvailable()) {
return $param->getName().' = '.json_encode($param->getDefaultValue());
return $param->getName();
}, $args);
return $args;
return null;
private function getPrettyMetadata(string $type, mixed $entity, bool $decorated): ?string
if ('tests' === $type) {
return '';
try {
$meta = $this->getMetadata($type, $entity);
if (null === $meta) {
return '(unknown?)';
} catch (\UnexpectedValueException $e) {
return sprintf(' <error>%s</error>', $decorated ? OutputFormatter::escape($e->getMessage()) : $e->getMessage());
if ('globals' === $type) {
if (\is_object($meta)) {
return ' = object('.\get_class($meta).')';
$description = substr(@json_encode($meta), 0, 50);
return sprintf(' = %s', $decorated ? OutputFormatter::escape($description) : $description);
if ('functions' === $type) {
return '('.implode(', ', $meta).')';
if ('filters' === $type) {
return $meta ? '('.implode(', ', $meta).')' : '';
return null;
private function findWrongBundleOverrides(): array
$alternatives = [];
$bundleNames = [];
if ($this->twigDefaultPath && $this->projectDir) {
$folders = glob($this->twigDefaultPath.'/bundles/*', \GLOB_ONLYDIR);
$relativePath = ltrim(substr($this->twigDefaultPath.'/bundles/', \strlen($this->projectDir)), \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
$bundleNames = array_reduce($folders, function ($carry, $absolutePath) use ($relativePath) {
if (str_starts_with($absolutePath, $this->projectDir)) {
$name = basename($absolutePath);
$path = ltrim($relativePath.$name, \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
$carry[$name] = $path;
return $carry;
}, $bundleNames);
if ($notFoundBundles = array_diff_key($bundleNames, $this->bundlesMetadata)) {
$alternatives = [];
foreach ($notFoundBundles as $notFoundBundle => $path) {
$alternatives[$path] = $this->findAlternatives($notFoundBundle, array_keys($this->bundlesMetadata));
return $alternatives;
private function buildWarningMessages(array $wrongBundles): array
$messages = [];
foreach ($wrongBundles as $path => $alternatives) {
$message = sprintf('Path "%s" not matching any bundle found', $path);
if ($alternatives) {
if (1 === \count($alternatives)) {
$message .= sprintf(", did you mean \"%s\"?\n", $alternatives[0]);
} else {
$message .= ", did you mean one of these:\n";
foreach ($alternatives as $bundle) {
$message .= sprintf(" - %s\n", $bundle);
$messages[] = trim($message);
return $messages;
private function error(SymfonyStyle $io, string $message, array $alternatives = []): void
if ($alternatives) {
if (1 === \count($alternatives)) {
$message .= "\n\nDid you mean this?\n ";
} else {
$message .= "\n\nDid you mean one of these?\n ";
$message .= implode("\n ", $alternatives);
$io->block($message, null, 'fg=white;bg=red', ' ', true);
private function findTemplateFiles(string $name): array
[$namespace, $shortname] = $this->parseTemplateName($name);
$files = [];
foreach ($this->getFilesystemLoaders() as $loader) {
foreach ($loader->getPaths($namespace) as $path) {
if (!$this->isAbsolutePath($path)) {
$path = $this->projectDir.'/'.$path;
$filename = $path.'/'.$shortname;
if (is_file($filename)) {
if (false !== $realpath = realpath($filename)) {
$files[$realpath] = $this->getRelativePath($realpath);
} else {
$files[$filename] = $this->getRelativePath($filename);
return $files;
private function parseTemplateName(string $name, string $default = FilesystemLoader::MAIN_NAMESPACE): array
if (isset($name[0]) && '@' === $name[0]) {
if (false === ($pos = strpos($name, '/')) || $pos === \strlen($name) - 1) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Malformed namespaced template name "%s" (expecting "@namespace/template_name").', $name));
$namespace = substr($name, 1, $pos - 1);
$shortname = substr($name, $pos + 1);
return [$namespace, $shortname];
return [$default, $name];
private function buildTableRows(array $loaderPaths): array
$rows = [];
$firstNamespace = true;
$prevHasSeparator = false;
foreach ($loaderPaths as $namespace => $paths) {
if (!$firstNamespace && !$prevHasSeparator && \count($paths) > 1) {
$rows[] = ['', ''];
$firstNamespace = false;
foreach ($paths as $path) {
$rows[] = [$namespace, $path.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR];
$namespace = '';
if (\count($paths) > 1) {
$rows[] = ['', ''];
$prevHasSeparator = true;
} else {
$prevHasSeparator = false;
if ($prevHasSeparator) {
return $rows;
private function findAlternatives(string $name, array $collection): array
$alternatives = [];
foreach ($collection as $item) {
$lev = levenshtein($name, $item);
if ($lev <= \strlen($name) / 3 || str_contains($item, $name)) {
$alternatives[$item] = isset($alternatives[$item]) ? $alternatives[$item] - $lev : $lev;
$threshold = 1e3;
$alternatives = array_filter($alternatives, function ($lev) use ($threshold) { return $lev < 2 * $threshold; });
ksort($alternatives, \SORT_NATURAL | \SORT_FLAG_CASE);
return array_keys($alternatives);
private function getRelativePath(string $path): string
if (null !== $this->projectDir && str_starts_with($path, $this->projectDir)) {
return ltrim(substr($path, \strlen($this->projectDir)), \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
return $path;
private function isAbsolutePath(string $file): bool
return strspn($file, '/\\', 0, 1) || (\strlen($file) > 3 && ctype_alpha($file[0]) && ':' === $file[1] && strspn($file, '/\\', 2, 1)) || null !== parse_url($file, \PHP_URL_SCHEME);
* @return FilesystemLoader[]
private function getFilesystemLoaders(): array
if (isset($this->filesystemLoaders)) {
return $this->filesystemLoaders;
$this->filesystemLoaders = [];
$loader = $this->twig->getLoader();
if ($loader instanceof FilesystemLoader) {
$this->filesystemLoaders[] = $loader;
} elseif ($loader instanceof ChainLoader) {
foreach ($loader->getLoaders() as $l) {
if ($l instanceof FilesystemLoader) {
$this->filesystemLoaders[] = $l;
return $this->filesystemLoaders;
private function getFileLink(string $absolutePath): string
if (null === $this->fileLinkFormatter) {
return '';
return (string) $this->fileLinkFormatter->format($absolutePath, 1);