
239 lines
14 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2023-06-19 12:13:30 +02:00
use Twig\Environment;
use Twig\Error\LoaderError;
use Twig\Error\RuntimeError;
use Twig\Extension\SandboxExtension;
use Twig\Markup;
use Twig\Sandbox\SecurityError;
use Twig\Sandbox\SecurityNotAllowedTagError;
use Twig\Sandbox\SecurityNotAllowedFilterError;
use Twig\Sandbox\SecurityNotAllowedFunctionError;
use Twig\Source;
use Twig\Template;
/* @WebProfiler/Profiler/toolbar.html.twig */
2023-06-20 19:14:19 +02:00
class __TwigTemplate_43c970f28db2f122a3c8980539ca6674e20d634e61cab63b510021b9bc1fd227 extends Template
2023-06-19 12:13:30 +02:00
private $source;
private $macros = [];
public function __construct(Environment $env)
$this->source = $this->getSourceContext();
$this->parent = false;
$this->blocks = [
protected function doDisplay(array $context, array $blocks = [])
$macros = $this->macros;
$__internal_085b0142806202599c7fe3b329164a92397d8978207a37e79d70b8c52599e33e = $this->extensions["Symfony\\Bundle\\WebProfilerBundle\\Twig\\WebProfilerExtension"];
$__internal_085b0142806202599c7fe3b329164a92397d8978207a37e79d70b8c52599e33e->enter($__internal_085b0142806202599c7fe3b329164a92397d8978207a37e79d70b8c52599e33e_prof = new \Twig\Profiler\Profile($this->getTemplateName(), "template", "@WebProfiler/Profiler/toolbar.html.twig"));
$__internal_319393461309892924ff6e74d6d6e64287df64b63545b994e100d4ab223aed02 = $this->extensions["Symfony\\Bridge\\Twig\\Extension\\ProfilerExtension"];
$__internal_319393461309892924ff6e74d6d6e64287df64b63545b994e100d4ab223aed02->enter($__internal_319393461309892924ff6e74d6d6e64287df64b63545b994e100d4ab223aed02_prof = new \Twig\Profiler\Profile($this->getTemplateName(), "template", "@WebProfiler/Profiler/toolbar.html.twig"));
// line 1
echo "<!-- START of Symfony Web Debug Toolbar -->
<div id=\"sfMiniToolbar-";
// line 2
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, (isset($context["token"]) || array_key_exists("token", $context) ? $context["token"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "token" does not exist.', 2, $this->source); })()), "html", null, true);
echo "\" class=\"sf-minitoolbar\" data-no-turbolink>
<button type=\"button\" title=\"Show Symfony toolbar\" id=\"sfToolbarMiniToggler-";
// line 3
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, (isset($context["token"]) || array_key_exists("token", $context) ? $context["token"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "token" does not exist.', 3, $this->source); })()), "html", null, true);
echo "\" accesskey=\"D\" aria-expanded=\"false\" aria-controls=\"sfToolbarMainContent-";
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, (isset($context["token"]) || array_key_exists("token", $context) ? $context["token"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "token" does not exist.', 3, $this->source); })()), "html", null, true);
echo "\">
// line 4
echo twig_include($this->env, $context, "@WebProfiler/Icon/symfony.svg");
echo "
<div id=\"sfToolbarClearer-";
// line 7
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, (isset($context["token"]) || array_key_exists("token", $context) ? $context["token"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "token" does not exist.', 7, $this->source); })()), "html", null, true);
echo "\" class=\"sf-toolbar-clearer\"></div>
<div id=\"sfToolbarMainContent-";
// line 9
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, (isset($context["token"]) || array_key_exists("token", $context) ? $context["token"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "token" does not exist.', 9, $this->source); })()), "html", null, true);
echo "\" class=\"sf-toolbarreset clear-fix\" data-no-turbolink>
// line 10
$context['_parent'] = $context;
$context['_seq'] = twig_ensure_traversable((isset($context["templates"]) || array_key_exists("templates", $context) ? $context["templates"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "templates" does not exist.', 10, $this->source); })()));
$context['loop'] = [
'parent' => $context['_parent'],
'index0' => 0,
'index' => 1,
'first' => true,
if (is_array($context['_seq']) || (is_object($context['_seq']) && $context['_seq'] instanceof \Countable)) {
$length = count($context['_seq']);
$context['loop']['revindex0'] = $length - 1;
$context['loop']['revindex'] = $length;
$context['loop']['length'] = $length;
$context['loop']['last'] = 1 === $length;
foreach ($context['_seq'] as $context["name"] => $context["template"]) {
// line 11
echo " ";
if ( $this->loadTemplate($context["template"], "@WebProfiler/Profiler/toolbar.html.twig", 11)->hasBlock("toolbar", $context)) {
// line 12
echo " ";
$__internal_compile_0 = $context;
$__internal_compile_1 = ["collector" => (( // line 13
(isset($context["profile"]) || array_key_exists("profile", $context) ? $context["profile"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "profile" does not exist.', 13, $this->source); })())) ? (twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (isset($context["profile"]) || array_key_exists("profile", $context) ? $context["profile"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "profile" does not exist.', 13, $this->source); })()), "getcollector", [0 => $context["name"]], "method", false, false, false, 13)) : (null)), "profiler_url" => // line 14
(isset($context["profiler_url"]) || array_key_exists("profiler_url", $context) ? $context["profiler_url"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "profiler_url" does not exist.', 14, $this->source); })()), "token" => (( // line 15
$context["token"]) ?? ((((isset($context["profile"]) || array_key_exists("profile", $context) ? $context["profile"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "profile" does not exist.', 15, $this->source); })())) ? (twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, (isset($context["profile"]) || array_key_exists("profile", $context) ? $context["profile"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "profile" does not exist.', 15, $this->source); })()), "token", [], "any", false, false, false, 15)) : (null)))), "name" => // line 16
$context["name"], "profiler_markup_version" => // line 17
(isset($context["profiler_markup_version"]) || array_key_exists("profiler_markup_version", $context) ? $context["profiler_markup_version"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "profiler_markup_version" does not exist.', 17, $this->source); })()), "csp_script_nonce" => // line 18
(isset($context["csp_script_nonce"]) || array_key_exists("csp_script_nonce", $context) ? $context["csp_script_nonce"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "csp_script_nonce" does not exist.', 18, $this->source); })()), "csp_style_nonce" => // line 19
(isset($context["csp_style_nonce"]) || array_key_exists("csp_style_nonce", $context) ? $context["csp_style_nonce"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "csp_style_nonce" does not exist.', 19, $this->source); })())];
if (!twig_test_iterable($__internal_compile_1)) {
throw new RuntimeError('Variables passed to the "with" tag must be a hash.', 13, $this->getSourceContext());
$__internal_compile_1 = twig_to_array($__internal_compile_1);
$context = $this->env->mergeGlobals(array_merge($context, $__internal_compile_1));
// line 21
echo " ";
$this->loadTemplate($context["template"], "@WebProfiler/Profiler/toolbar.html.twig", 21)->displayBlock("toolbar", $context);
echo "
$context = $__internal_compile_0;
// line 23
echo " ";
// line 24
echo " ";
$context['loop']['first'] = false;
if (isset($context['loop']['length'])) {
$context['loop']['last'] = 0 === $context['loop']['revindex0'];
$_parent = $context['_parent'];
unset($context['_seq'], $context['_iterated'], $context['name'], $context['template'], $context['_parent'], $context['loop']);
$context = array_intersect_key($context, $_parent) + $_parent;
// line 25
echo " ";
if ((isset($context["full_stack"]) || array_key_exists("full_stack", $context) ? $context["full_stack"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "full_stack" does not exist.', 25, $this->source); })())) {
// line 26
echo " <div class=\"sf-full-stack sf-toolbar-block sf-toolbar-block-full-stack sf-toolbar-status-red sf-toolbar-block-right\">
<div class=\"sf-toolbar-icon\">
<span class=\"sf-toolbar-value\">Using symfony/symfony is NOT supported</span>
<div class=\"sf-toolbar-info sf-toolbar-status-red\">
<p>This project is using Symfony via the \"symfony/symfony\" package.</p>
<p>This is NOT supported anymore since Symfony 4.0.</p>
<p>Even if it seems to work well, it has some important limitations with no workarounds.</p>
<p>Using this package also makes your project slower.</p>
<strong>Please, stop using this package and replace it with individual packages instead.</strong>
// line 41
echo "
<button class=\"hide-button\" type=\"button\" id=\"sfToolbarHideButton-";
// line 42
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, (isset($context["token"]) || array_key_exists("token", $context) ? $context["token"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "token" does not exist.', 42, $this->source); })()), "html", null, true);
echo "\" title=\"Close Toolbar\" accesskey=\"D\" aria-expanded=\"true\" aria-controls=\"sfToolbarMainContent-";
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, (isset($context["token"]) || array_key_exists("token", $context) ? $context["token"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "token" does not exist.', 42, $this->source); })()), "html", null, true);
echo "\">
// line 43
echo twig_include($this->env, $context, "@WebProfiler/Icon/close.svg");
echo "
<!-- END of Symfony Web Debug Toolbar -->
public function getTemplateName()
return "@WebProfiler/Profiler/toolbar.html.twig";
public function isTraitable()
return false;
public function getDebugInfo()
return array ( 159 => 43, 153 => 42, 150 => 41, 133 => 26, 130 => 25, 116 => 24, 113 => 23, 107 => 21, 100 => 19, 99 => 18, 98 => 17, 97 => 16, 96 => 15, 95 => 14, 94 => 13, 91 => 12, 88 => 11, 71 => 10, 67 => 9, 62 => 7, 56 => 4, 50 => 3, 46 => 2, 43 => 1,);
public function getSourceContext()
return new Source("<!-- START of Symfony Web Debug Toolbar -->
<div id=\"sfMiniToolbar-{{ token }}\" class=\"sf-minitoolbar\" data-no-turbolink>
<button type=\"button\" title=\"Show Symfony toolbar\" id=\"sfToolbarMiniToggler-{{ token }}\" accesskey=\"D\" aria-expanded=\"false\" aria-controls=\"sfToolbarMainContent-{{ token }}\">
{{ include('@WebProfiler/Icon/symfony.svg') }}
<div id=\"sfToolbarClearer-{{ token }}\" class=\"sf-toolbar-clearer\"></div>
<div id=\"sfToolbarMainContent-{{ token }}\" class=\"sf-toolbarreset clear-fix\" data-no-turbolink>
{% for name, template in templates %}
{% if block('toolbar', template) is defined %}
{% with {
collector: profile ? profile.getcollector(name) : null,
profiler_url: profiler_url,
token: token ?? (profile ? profile.token : null),
name: name,
profiler_markup_version: profiler_markup_version,
csp_script_nonce: csp_script_nonce,
csp_style_nonce: csp_style_nonce
} %}
{{ block('toolbar', template) }}
{% endwith %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if full_stack %}
<div class=\"sf-full-stack sf-toolbar-block sf-toolbar-block-full-stack sf-toolbar-status-red sf-toolbar-block-right\">
<div class=\"sf-toolbar-icon\">
<span class=\"sf-toolbar-value\">Using symfony/symfony is NOT supported</span>
<div class=\"sf-toolbar-info sf-toolbar-status-red\">
<p>This project is using Symfony via the \"symfony/symfony\" package.</p>
<p>This is NOT supported anymore since Symfony 4.0.</p>
<p>Even if it seems to work well, it has some important limitations with no workarounds.</p>
<p>Using this package also makes your project slower.</p>
<strong>Please, stop using this package and replace it with individual packages instead.</strong>
{% endif %}
<button class=\"hide-button\" type=\"button\" id=\"sfToolbarHideButton-{{ token }}\" title=\"Close Toolbar\" accesskey=\"D\" aria-expanded=\"true\" aria-controls=\"sfToolbarMainContent-{{ token }}\">
{{ include('@WebProfiler/Icon/close.svg') }}
<!-- END of Symfony Web Debug Toolbar -->
2023-06-20 19:14:19 +02:00
", "@WebProfiler/Profiler/toolbar.html.twig", "/home/poule/encrypted/stockage-syncable/www/development/html/caisse/vendor/symfony/web-profiler-bundle/Resources/views/Profiler/toolbar.html.twig");
2023-06-19 12:13:30 +02:00