Added for
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
#include <sstream>
#include "playlistrenamer.h"
#include "binaryfile.h"
#include "replace.h"
#include "wrapregex.h"
#include <wx/wx.h>
bool PlayListRenamer::run (
const std::string& folder )
std::string m3uFile, m3uBuffer;
m3uFile = folder + "playlist.m3u";
if ( !readFile ( m3uFile, m3uBuffer ) )
return false;
std::vector<std::string> lines;
if ( !splitBuffer ( m3uBuffer, lines ) )
return false;
std::string title, from, to;
size_t lineCount = lines.size();
int trackNo = 0;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < lineCount; i++ )
if ( lines[i][0] == '#' )
if ( !lines[i].find ( "EXTINF" ) )
//isolate m3u trackname
std::string pattern0 = ".*?,";
WrapRegex re0 ( pattern0, true );
int replacements;
title = re0.replaceGlobal ( lines[i], &replacements );
bool abbrev = false;
if ( title.size() > 22 )
title.erase ( 18 );
abbrev = true;
// no trailing whitespace
std::string pattern1 = "\\s+$";
WrapRegex re1 ( pattern1, false );
title = re1.replaceGlobal ( title, &replacements );
// no contiguous whitespace
std::string pattern2 = "\\s\\s+";
std::string replace2 = " ";
WrapRegex re2 ( pattern2, false, replace2 );
title = re2.replaceGlobal ( title, &replacements );
// alphanumeric only
std::string pattern3 = "[;\\.\\[\\],!^&*()]";
WrapRegex re3 ( pattern3, false );
title = re3.replaceGlobal ( title, &replacements );
if ( abbrev )
title.append ( "... " );
title += ".mp3";
from = lines[i];
to = title;
renameFile ( from, to, folder );
editFiles ( from, to, folder );
bool PlayListRenamer::readFile ( const std::string& path, std::string& buffer )
try {
BinaryFile bf ( path.c_str() );
buffer.append ( bf.getData(), bf.getDataLen() );
catch ( ... )
return false;
return true;
bool PlayListRenamer::splitBuffer ( const std::string& buffer, std::vector<std::string> lineVector )
std::string line;
size_t bufferSize = buffer.size();
for ( size_t i = 0; i < bufferSize; i++ )
if ( buffer[i] == '\n' )
if ( !line.empty() )
lineVector.push_back ( line );
else if ( buffer[i] == '\r' )
line.append ( buffer[i], 1 );
if ( !line.empty() )
lineVector.push_back ( line );
if ( lineVector.empty() )
return false;
return true;
std::string PlayListRenamer::numToString ( int i)
std::stringstream sstr;
sstr << i;
return sstr.str();
void PlayListRenamer::renameFile ( const std::string& from, const std::string& to, const std::string& folder )
wxString wideFrom, wideTo, wideFolder;
wideFolder = wxString ( folder.c_str(), wxConvUTF8, folder.size() );
wideFrom = wxString ( from.c_str(), wxConvUTF8, from.size() );
wideTo = wxString ( to.c_str(), wxConvUTF8, to.size() );
wxRenameFile ( wideFolder + wideFrom, wideFolder + wideTo );
void PlayListRenamer::editFiles ( const std::string& from, const std::string& to, const std::string& folder )
@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <expat.h>
#include <cstring>
#include <wx/wx.h>
#include <wx/filename.h>
#include "xmlcopyimg.h"
#include "xmlcopyeditorcopy.h"
XmlCopyImg::XmlCopyImg (
const wxString& blankImage,
const wxString& imagesDir,
const wxString& mediaDir,
const wxString& path,
bool parseDeclaration,
bool expandInternalEntities,
size_t size ) :
d ( new ImgData() )
wxCopyFile (
imagesDir + wxFileName::GetPathSeparator() + _T("blank.jpg"),
true );
d->buffer.reserve ( size );
d->blankImage = blankImage;
d->imagesDir = imagesDir;
d->mediaDir = mediaDir;
// use only dir component of path
wxString volumeComponent, pathComponent;
wxFileName::SplitPath ( path, &volumeComponent, &pathComponent, NULL, NULL );
d->path = volumeComponent + _T(":") + pathComponent;
XML_SetUserData ( p, d.get() );
// parse declaration?
if ( parseDeclaration )
XML_SetXmlDeclHandler ( p, xmldeclhandler );
// internal entities
if ( expandInternalEntities )
XML_SetDefaultHandlerExpand ( p, defaulthandler );
XML_SetDefaultHandler ( p, defaulthandler );
XML_SetElementHandler ( p, start, end );
void XMLCALL XmlCopyImg::xmldeclhandler (
void *data,
const XML_Char *version,
const XML_Char *encoding,
int standalone )
ImgData *d;
d = ( ImgData * ) data;
d->encoding = ( encoding ) ? encoding : "UTF-8";
d->buffer.append ( "<?xml version=\"" );
d->buffer.append ( version );
d->buffer.append ( "\" encoding=\"" );
d->buffer.append ( d->encoding );
d->buffer.append ( "\"" );
if ( standalone != -1 )
d->buffer.append ( " standalone=\"" );
d->buffer.append ( ( standalone == 1 ) ? "yes" : "no" );
d->buffer.append ( "\"" );
d->buffer.append ( "?>" );
void XMLCALL XmlCopyImg::defaulthandler (
void *data,
const XML_Char *s,
int len )
ImgData *d;
d = ( ImgData * ) data;
d->buffer.append ( s, len );
void XMLCALL XmlCopyImg::start ( void *data,
const XML_Char *el,
const XML_Char **attr )
ImgData *pd;
pd = ( ImgData * ) data;
std::string tag, value;
tag += "<";
tag += el;
wxString wideFile, wideDestination;
for ( ; *attr; attr += 2 )
value = ( const char * ) *(attr + 1);
if ( !strcmp ( el, "img" ) && !strcmp (*attr, "src") )
wideFile = wxString ( value.c_str(), wxConvUTF8, value.size() );
wxFileName fn ( wideFile );
if ( fn.IsRelative() )
fn.MakeAbsolute ( pd->path );
wideFile = fn.GetFullPath();
if ( !wxFileName::FileExists ( wideFile ) )
wideDestination = pd->blankImage;
value = "images/blank.jpg";
value = "images/";
value += fn.GetFullName().mb_str( wxConvUTF8 );
wideDestination = pd->imagesDir +
wxFileName::GetPathSeparator() +
wxCopyFile ( wideFile, wideDestination, true );
if (
wideDestination.Contains ( _T(".eps" ) ) ||
wideDestination.Contains ( _T(".tif") ) ||
wideDestination.Contains ( _T(".bmp") ) )
wxString cmd;
cmd += _T(" \"");
cmd += wideFile;
cmd += _T("\" \"");
cmd += wideDestination;
cmd += _T(".png\"");
if ( wxExecute ( cmd, wxEXEC_SYNC ) )
wxString error;
error.Printf ( _T("Please ensure that ImageMagick is installed on your system and that the conversion tool is located at:\n\n%s\n\nYou can download ImageMagick from:\n\n%s\n\nIf your document contains encapsulated PostScript (EPS) graphics, you need to install GhostScript as well.\n\nYou can download GhostScript from:\n\n%s"),
wxMessageBox ( error, _T("ImageMagick conversion failed") );
value += ".png";
} // img + src
else if ( !strcmp ( el, "a" ) &&
!strcmp (*attr, "href") &&
strstr ( value.c_str(), ".mp3" ) || strstr ( value.c_str(), ".pdf" ) )
wideFile = wxString ( value.c_str(), wxConvUTF8, value.size() );
wxFileName fn ( wideFile );
if ( fn.IsRelative() )
fn.MakeAbsolute ( pd->path );
wideFile = fn.GetFullPath();
if ( !wxFileName::FileExists ( wideFile ) )
value = "images/blank.jpg";
value = "media/";
value += fn.GetFullName().mb_str( wxConvUTF8 );
wideDestination = pd->mediaDir +
wxFileName::GetPathSeparator() +
wxCopyFile ( wideFile, wideDestination, true );
} // a + href
tag += " ";
tag += *attr;
tag += "=\"";
tag += value.c_str();
tag += "\"";
tag += ">";
pd->buffer += tag;
void XMLCALL XmlCopyImg::end ( void *data, const XML_Char *el )
ImgData *pd;
pd = ( ImgData * ) data;
pd->buffer += "</";
pd->buffer += el;
pd->buffer += ">";
Reference in New Issue