INCLUDE(../../../cmake/macros.cmake) # The data for the LS1 clone of the ubiquitous Simplix module. SET(ROBOT_SUBDIRS 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ls1-archer-r9 ls1-vulture-v6r ls1-toro-rgt ls1-cavallo-570s1 ls1-zentek-z7r ls1-newcastle-fury ls1-taipan-ltsr ls1-marisatech-gt4r ls1-vulture-v5r tracks) ROBOT_DATA(NAME simplix_ls1 FILES simplix_ls1.xml default.xml logo.rgb readme.txt SUBDIRS ${ROBOT_SUBDIRS} PATTERNS *.xml logo.rgb *.png *.jpg)