exec mainly done, updated the makefile and fixed typos

This commit is contained in:
shaithan 2021-11-27 22:16:53 +01:00
parent a80fc8c54f
commit 1740bb2139
4 changed files with 572 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -7,12 +7,15 @@ all : sim_alu #sim_shifter
adder32_tb : adder1.o adder32.o adder32_tb.o adder32_tb : adder1.o adder32.o adder32_tb.o
${GHDL} -e -v adder32_tb ${GHDL} -e -v adder32_tb
shifter_tb : shitfter.o shitfter_tb.o shifter_tb : shifter.o shifter_tb.o
${GHDL} -e -v shifter_tb ${GHDL} -e -v shifter_tb
alu_tb : adder1.o adder32.o alu.o alu_tb.o alu_tb : adder1.o adder32.o alu.o alu_tb.o
${GHDL} -e -v alu_tb ${GHDL} -e -v alu_tb
exec_tb :adder1.o adder32.o alu.o fifo_72b.o shifter.o exec.o exec_tb.o
${GHDL} -e -v exec_tb
sim_adder32 : adder32_tb sim_adder32 : adder32_tb
${GHDL} -r adder32_tb --vcd=adder32.vcd ${GHDL} -r adder32_tb --vcd=adder32.vcd
@ -22,5 +25,8 @@ sim_alu : alu_tb
sim_shifter : shifter_tb sim_shifter : shifter_tb
${GHDL} -r shifter_tb --vcd=shifter.vcd ${GHDL} -r shifter_tb --vcd=shifter.vcd
sim_exec : exec_tb
${GHDL} -r exec_tb --vcd=exec.vcd
clean : clean :
-rm *.o work-obj93.cf *_tb *.vcd -rm *.o work-obj93.cf *_tb *.vcd

exec.vhdl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity EXec is
-- Decode interface synchro
dec2exe_empty : in Std_logic;
exe_pop : out Std_logic;
-- Decode interface operands
dec_op1 : in Std_Logic_Vector(31 downto 0); -- first alu input
dec_op2 : in Std_Logic_Vector(31 downto 0); -- shifter input
dec_exe_dest : in Std_Logic_Vector(3 downto 0) ; -- Rd destination
dec_exe_wb : in Std_Logic; -- Rd destination write back
dec_flag_wb : in Std_Logic; -- CSPR modifiy
-- Decode to mem interface
dec_mem_data : in Std_Logic_Vector(31 downto 0); -- data to MEM W
dec_mem_dest : in Std_Logic_Vector(3 downto 0) ; -- Destination MEM R
dec_pre_index : in Std_logic;
dec_mem_lw : in Std_Logic;
dec_mem_lb : in Std_Logic;
dec_mem_sw : in Std_Logic;
dec_mem_sb : in Std_Logic;
-- Shifter command
dec_shift_lsl : in Std_Logic;
dec_shift_lsr : in Std_Logic;
dec_shift_asr : in Std_Logic;
dec_shift_ror : in Std_Logic;
dec_shift_rrx : in Std_Logic;
dec_shift_val : in Std_Logic_Vector(4 downto 0);
dec_cy : in Std_Logic;
-- Alu operand selection
dec_comp_op1 : in Std_Logic;
dec_comp_op2 : in Std_Logic;
dec_alu_cy : in Std_Logic;
-- Alu command
dec_alu_cmd : in Std_Logic_Vector(1 downto 0);
-- Exe bypass to decod
exe_res : out Std_Logic_Vector(31 downto 0);
exe_c : out Std_Logic;
exe_v : out Std_Logic;
exe_n : out Std_Logic;
exe_z : out Std_Logic;
exe_dest : out Std_Logic_Vector(3 downto 0); -- Rd destination
exe_wb : out Std_Logic; -- Rd destination write back
exe_flag_wb : out Std_Logic; -- CSPR modifiy
-- Mem interface
exe_mem_adr : out Std_Logic_Vector(31 downto 0); -- Alu res register
exe_mem_data : out Std_Logic_Vector(31 downto 0);
exe_mem_dest : out Std_Logic_Vector(3 downto 0);
exe_mem_lw : out Std_Logic;
exe_mem_lb : out Std_Logic;
exe_mem_sw : out Std_Logic;
exe_mem_sb : out Std_Logic;
exe2mem_empty : out Std_logic;
mem_pop : in Std_logic;
-- global interface
ck : in Std_logic;
reset_n : in Std_logic;
vdd : in bit;
vss : in bit);
end EXec;
architecture Behavior OF EXec is
-- creation des components utilisés par EXEC
component alu
port ( op1 : in Std_Logic_Vector(31 downto 0);
op2 : in Std_Logic_Vector(31 downto 0);
cin : in Std_Logic;
cmd : in Std_Logic_Vector(1 downto 0);
res : out Std_Logic_Vector(31 downto 0);
cout : out Std_Logic;
z : out Std_Logic;
n : out Std_Logic;
v : out Std_Logic;
vdd : in bit;
vss : in bit);
end component;
component shifter
port (
shift_lsl : in Std_Logic;
shift_lsr : in Std_Logic;
shift_asr : in Std_Logic;
shift_ror : in Std_Logic; -- rotation sans extension
shift_rrx : in Std_Logic; -- avec extension
shift_val : in Std_Logic_Vector(4 downto 0);
din : in Std_Logic_Vector(31 downto 0);
cin : in Std_Logic;
dout : out Std_Logic_Vector(31 downto 0);
cout : out Std_Logic;
-- global interface
vdd : in bit;
vss : in bit
end component;
component fifo_72b
din : in std_logic_vector(71 downto 0);
dout : out std_logic_vector(71 downto 0);
-- commands
push : in std_logic;
pop : in std_logic;
-- flags
full : out std_logic;
empty : out std_logic;
reset_n : in std_logic;
ck : in std_logic;
vdd : in bit;
vss : in bit
end component;
-- signal reliant les instances
-- signal sortant du shifter
signal shifter_op2 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal shifter_op2_carry : std_logic;
-- signal entrant de l'alu
signal alu_op1_in, alu_op2_in : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
-- signal sortant de l'alu
signal alu_value_out : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal alu_value_cout : std_logic;
-- signal entrant fifo
signal mem_adr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal exe_push, exe2mem_full : std_logic;
-- Component instantiation.
-- shifter
shifter_int : shifter
port map (
shift_lsl => dec_shift_lsl,
shift_lsr => dec_shift_lsr,
shift_asr => dec_shift_asr,
shift_ror => dec_shift_ror,
shift_rrx => dec_shift_rrx,
shift_val => dec_shift_val,
din => dec_op2,
cin => dec_cy,
dout => shifter_op2,
cout => shifter_op2_carry,
-- global interface
vdd => vdd,
vss => vss
-- l'alu
alu_inst : alu
port map (
op1 => alu_op1_in,
op2 => alu_op2_in,
cin => dec_alu_cy,
cmd => dec_alu_cmd,
res => alu_value_out,
cout => alu_value_cout,
z => exe_z,
n => exe_n,
v => exe_v,
-- global interface
vdd => vdd,
vss => vss
-- étage de pipeline entre exec et mem
exec2mem : fifo_72b
port map ( din(71) => dec_mem_lw,
din(70) => dec_mem_lb,
din(69) => dec_mem_sw,
din(68) => dec_mem_sb,
din(67 downto 64) => dec_mem_dest,
din(63 downto 32) => dec_mem_data,
din(31 downto 0) => mem_adr,
dout(71) => exe_mem_lw,
dout(70) => exe_mem_lb,
dout(69) => exe_mem_sw,
dout(68) => exe_mem_sb,
dout(67 downto 64) => exe_mem_dest,
dout(63 downto 32) => exe_mem_data,
dout(31 downto 0) => exe_mem_adr,
push => exe_push,
pop => mem_pop,
empty => exe2mem_empty,
full => exe2mem_full,
reset_n => reset_n,
ck => ck,
vdd => vdd,
vss => vss
-- multiplexeurs entrée ALU
alu_op1_in <= (not dec_op1) when dec_comp_op1='1' else dec_op1;
alu_op2_in <= (not shifter_op2) when dec_comp_op2='1' else shifter_op2;
-- bypass 2 decod
-- resultat ALU
exe_res <= alu_value_out;
-- carry flag
exe_c <= alu_value_cout;
-- sortie mutex entre ALU et fifo
mem_adr <= (dec_op1) when dec_pre_index='1' else alu_value_out;
-- Sortie restante
-- exe_pop <= dec2exe_empty;
-- exe_dest <= dec_exe_dest;
-- exe_wb <= dec_exe_wb;
-- exe_flag_wb <= dec_flag_wb;
end Behavior;

exec_tb.vhdl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
library ieee;
use ieee.math_real.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity exec_tb is
end exec_tb;
architecture Structurel of exec_tb is
signal dec2exe_empty : Std_logic;
signal exe_pop : Std_logic;
signal dec_op1 : Std_Logic_Vector(31 downto 0); -- first alu input
signal dec_op2 : Std_Logic_Vector(31 downto 0); -- shifter input
signal dec_exe_dest : Std_Logic_Vector(3 downto 0) ; -- Rd destination
signal dec_exe_wb : Std_Logic; -- Rd destination write back
signal dec_flag_wb : Std_Logic; -- CSPR modifiy
signal dec_mem_data : Std_Logic_Vector(31 downto 0); -- data to MEM W
signal dec_mem_dest : Std_Logic_Vector(3 downto 0) ; -- Destination MEM R
signal dec_pre_index : Std_logic;
signal dec_mem_lw : Std_Logic;
signal dec_mem_lb : Std_Logic;
signal dec_mem_sw : Std_Logic;
signal dec_mem_sb : Std_Logic;
signal dec_shift_lsl : Std_Logic;
signal dec_shift_lsr : Std_Logic;
signal dec_shift_asr : Std_Logic;
signal dec_shift_ror : Std_Logic;
signal dec_shift_rrx : Std_Logic;
signal dec_shift_val : Std_Logic_Vector(4 downto 0);
signal dec_cy : Std_Logic;
signal dec_comp_op1 : Std_Logic;
signal dec_comp_op2 : Std_Logic;
signal dec_alu_cy : Std_Logic;
signal dec_alu_cmd : Std_Logic_Vector(1 downto 0);
signal exe_res : Std_Logic_Vector(31 downto 0);
signal exe_c : Std_Logic;
signal exe_v : Std_Logic;
signal exe_n : Std_Logic;
signal exe_z : Std_Logic;
signal exe_dest : Std_Logic_Vector(3 downto 0); -- Rd destination
signal exe_wb : Std_Logic; -- Rd destination write back
signal exe_flag_wb : Std_Logic; -- CSPR modifiy
signal exe_mem_adr : Std_Logic_Vector(31 downto 0); -- Alu res register
signal exe_mem_data : Std_Logic_Vector(31 downto 0);
signal exe_mem_dest : Std_Logic_Vector(3 downto 0);
signal exe_mem_lw : Std_Logic;
signal exe_mem_lb : Std_Logic;
signal exe_mem_sw : Std_Logic;
signal exe_mem_sb : Std_Logic;
signal exe2mem_empty : Std_logic;
signal mem_pop : Std_logic;
signal ck : Std_logic := '0';
signal reset_n : Std_logic;
signal vdd : bit;
signal vss : bit;
ALU_ins: entity work.exec
port map(
dec2exe_empty => dec2exe_empty,
exe_pop => exe_pop,
dec_op1 => dec_op1,
dec_op2 => dec_op2,
dec_exe_dest => dec_exe_dest,
dec_exe_wb => dec_exe_wb,
dec_flag_wb => dec_flag_wb,
dec_mem_data => dec_mem_data,
dec_mem_dest => dec_mem_dest,
dec_pre_index => dec_pre_index,
dec_mem_lw => dec_mem_lw,
dec_mem_lb => dec_mem_lb,
dec_mem_sw => dec_mem_sw,
dec_mem_sb => dec_mem_sb,
dec_shift_lsl => dec_shift_lsl,
dec_shift_lsr => dec_shift_lsr,
dec_shift_asr => dec_shift_asr,
dec_shift_ror => dec_shift_ror,
dec_shift_rrx => dec_shift_rrx,
dec_shift_val => dec_shift_val,
dec_cy => dec_cy,
dec_comp_op1 => dec_comp_op1,
dec_comp_op2 => dec_comp_op2,
dec_alu_cy => dec_alu_cy,
dec_alu_cmd => dec_alu_cmd,
exe_res => exe_res,
exe_c => exe_c,
exe_v => exe_v,
exe_n => exe_n,
exe_z => exe_z,
exe_dest => exe_dest,
exe_wb => exe_wb,
exe_flag_wb => exe_flag_wb,
exe_mem_adr => exe_mem_adr,
exe_mem_data => exe_mem_data,
exe_mem_dest => exe_mem_dest,
exe_mem_lw => exe_mem_lw,
exe_mem_lb => exe_mem_lb,
exe_mem_sw => exe_mem_sw,
exe_mem_sb => exe_mem_sb,
exe2mem_empty => exe2mem_empty,
mem_pop => mem_pop,
ck => ck,
reset_n => reset_n,
vdd => vdd,
vss => vss
ck <= not ck after 2 ns;
-- decode interface synchro
dec2exe_empty <= '0';
-- decode interface operands
dec_op1 <= x"00000005"; --important
dec_op2 <= x"00000000"; --important
dec_exe_dest <= x"1";
dec_exe_wb <= '1';
dec_flag_wb <= '1';
-- decode to mem interface
dec_mem_data <= x"00000000";
dec_mem_dest <= x"2";
dec_pre_index <= '1'; -- important
dec_mem_lw <= '0';
dec_mem_lb <= '0';
dec_mem_sw <= '0';
dec_mem_sb <= '0';
--shifter command
dec_shift_lsl <= '0';
dec_shift_lsr <= '0';
dec_shift_asr <= '0';
dec_shift_ror <= '0';
dec_shift_rrx <= '0';
dec_shift_val <= "00000";
dec_cy <= '0';
-- Alu operand selection
dec_comp_op1 <= '0';
dec_comp_op2 <= '0';
dec_alu_cy <= '0';
-- alu command
dec_alu_cmd <= "01";
-- mem interface
mem_pop <= '0';
reset_n <= '1';
vdd <= '1';
vss <= '0';
wait for 10 ns;
-- addition de 2 et 1
dec_op1 <= x"00000002";
dec_op2 <= x"00000001";
dec_pre_index <= '0'; -- si 1 op1 si 0 op1 <OP> op2
dec_shift_lsl <= '0';
dec_shift_lsr <= '0';
dec_shift_asr <= '0';
dec_shift_ror <= '0';
dec_shift_rrx <= '0';
dec_shift_val <= "00000";
dec_cy <= '0';
dec_comp_op1 <= '0'; -- ~op1
dec_comp_op2 <= '0'; -- ~op2
dec_alu_cy <= '0'; -- carry complement a 2 les ops
dec_alu_cmd <= "00";-- commande "00" == add
wait for 10 ns;
assert exe_res = x"00000003" report "ERROR EXEC addition (2 et 1)" severity FAILURE;
-- soustraction de 3 et 1
dec_op1 <= x"00000002";
dec_op2 <= x"00000001";
dec_pre_index <= '0'; -- si 1 op1 si 0 op1 <OP> op2
dec_shift_lsl <= '0';
dec_shift_lsr <= '0';
dec_shift_asr <= '0';
dec_shift_ror <= '0';
dec_shift_rrx <= '0';
dec_shift_val <= "00000";
dec_cy <= '0';
dec_comp_op1 <= '0'; -- ~op1
dec_comp_op2 <= '1'; -- ~op2
dec_alu_cy <= '1'; -- carry complement a 2 les ops
dec_alu_cmd <= "00";-- commande "00" == add
wait for 10 ns;
assert exe_res = x"00000001" report "ERROR EXEC addition (2 et -1)" severity FAILURE;
-- soustraction de 1 et 3
dec_op1 <= x"00000001";
dec_op2 <= x"00000003";
dec_pre_index <= '0'; -- si 1 op1 si 0 op1 <OP> op2
dec_shift_lsl <= '0';
dec_shift_lsr <= '0';
dec_shift_asr <= '0';
dec_shift_ror <= '0';
dec_shift_rrx <= '0';
dec_shift_val <= "00000";
dec_cy <= '0';
dec_comp_op1 <= '0'; -- ~op1
dec_comp_op2 <= '1'; -- ~op2
dec_alu_cy <= '1'; -- carry complement a 2 les ops
dec_alu_cmd <= "00";-- commande "00" == add
wait for 10 ns;
-- FFFFFFFE => -2
assert exe_res = x"FFFFFFFE" report "ERROR EXEC addition (1 et -3)" severity FAILURE;
-- soustraction de 1 et 8 (1 avec shift de 3)
dec_op1 <= x"00000001";
dec_op2 <= x"00000001";
dec_pre_index <= '0'; -- si 1 op1 si 0 op1 <OP> op2
dec_shift_lsl <= '1'; -- left shift
dec_shift_lsr <= '0';
dec_shift_asr <= '0';
dec_shift_ror <= '0';
dec_shift_rrx <= '0';
dec_shift_val <= "00011"; -- decalage de 3
dec_cy <= '0';
dec_comp_op1 <= '0'; -- op1
dec_comp_op2 <= '1'; -- ~op2
dec_alu_cy <= '1'; -- carry complement a 2 les ops
dec_alu_cmd <= "00";-- commande "00" == add
wait for 10 ns;
-- FFFFFFF9 => -7
assert exe_res = x"FFFFFFF9" report "ERROR EXEC addition (1 et -3)" severity FAILURE;
report "fin simu" severity FAILURE;
end process;
end Structurel;

fifo_72b.vhdl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
din : in std_logic_vector(71 downto 0);
dout : out std_logic_vector(71 downto 0);
-- commands
push : in std_logic;
pop : in std_logic;
-- flags
full : out std_logic;
empty : out std_logic;
reset_n : in std_logic;
ck : in std_logic;
vdd : in bit;
vss : in bit
END fifo;
architecture dataflow of fifo is
signal fifo_d : std_logic_vector(71 downto 0);
signal fifo_v : std_logic;
if rising_edge(ck) then
-- Valid bit
if reset_n = '0' then
fifo_v <= '0';
if fifo_v = '0' then
if push = '1' then
fifo_v <= '1';
fifo_v <= '0';
end if;
if pop = '1' then
if push = '1' then
fifo_v <= '1';
fifo_v <= '0';
end if;
fifo_v <= '1';
end if;
end if;
end if;
-- data
if fifo_v = '0' then
if push = '1' then
fifo_d <= din;
end if;
elsif push='1' and pop='1' then
fifo_d <= din;
end if;
end if;
end process;
full <= '1' when fifo_v = '1' and pop = '0' else '0';
empty <= not fifo_v;
dout <= fifo_d;
end dataflow;