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2023-10-15 15:38:48 +02:00
%\setlength\extrarowheight{1.5em} % adds some spacing between the lines of the CV's tabulars
% not used here as not to interfer with other tables
\usetikzlibrary{patterns} % horizontal lines, vertical lines, north east lines, north west lines, grid, crosshatch, dots, crosshatch dots, fivepointed stars, sixpointed stars, bricks
%\usepackage[usenames, dvipsnames]{color}
%!#Reference_guide z.B. \color{RubineRed}
% avoid line overflow
\usepackage{titlesec} % Allows creating custom \sections
% Format of the section titles
\scshape\Large\raggedright}{}{0em}{}[\titlerule] % smallcaps, Large, continuous line - looks better if two columns, might look a bit too dramatic if just one ;)
\titlespacing{\section}{0pt}{12pt}{5pt} % Spacing around titles {<left spacing>}{<before spacing>}{<after spacing>}
\colorbox{#2}{\textcolor{#3}{#1}} \phantom{}%
\newcommand{\cvtag}[1]{% from alta-cv:
\tikz[baseline]\node[draw=black!40,rounded corners,inner sep=0.4em]{\color{black!50}#1};
%------------------- ICON Cross
\draw[ultra thick,draw=#2] (-2,-2) -- (2,2);%
\draw[ultra thick, draw=#2] (-2,2) -- (2,-2);%
\node[above=0.5em,text=#3] at (0,1) {#1 #4};%
\node[below=0.5em,text=#3] at (0,-1) {#1 #5};%
\node[right=0.5em,text=#3] at (1,0) {#1 #6};%
\node[left=0.5em,text=#3] at (-1,0) {#1 #7};%
% set smartdiagram colours, from:
bubble center node font = \footnotesize,
bubble node font = \footnotesize,
% specifies the minimum size of the bubble center node
bubble center node size = 0.5cm,
% specifies the minimum size of the bubbles
bubble node size = 0.5cm,
% specifies which is the distance among the bubble center node and the other bubbles
distance center/other bubbles = 0.3cm,
% sets the distance from the text to the border of the bubble center node
distance text center bubble = 0.5cm,
% set center bubble color
bubble center node color = pblue,
% define the list of colors usable in the diagram
set color list = {materialcyan, orange, green, materialorange, materialteal, materialamber, materialindigo, materialgreen, materiallime},
% sets the opacity at which the bubbles are shown
bubble fill opacity = 0.6,
% sets the opacity at which the bubble text is shown
bubble text opacity = 1,
description title text width=0.5cm,
description title width=0.5cm,
description width=5cm,
description text width=5cm,
descriptive items y sep =1.25,
back arrow distance = 0,
back arrow disabled = true,
border color = white
%--------------------------------------------------- pictures
\newcommand{\roundpic}[1]{\begin{figure}[H]\tikz \draw [path picture={ \node at (path picture bounding{\includegraphics[height=4.3cm]{#1}} ;}] (0,2) circle (2) ;\end{figure}}
\newcommand{\squarepic}[1]{\begin{figure}[H]\tikz \draw [path picture={ \node at (path picture bounding{\includegraphics[height=4cm]{#1}} ;}] (0,0) - - (-2,2) - - (0,4) - - (2,2) - - cycle ;\end{figure}}
%------------------------------------ pictoFraction
%------------------- pictogram Fraction: pictoFraction
\pgfmathparse{#3 - 1}\foreach \n in {0,...,\pgfmathresult}{\icon{#1}{#2}{#6}}%
\pgfmathparse{#5 - 1}\foreach \n in {0,...,\pgfmathresult}{\icon{#1}{#4}{#6}}%
%----------------------------------------------------- font highlighting / boxes with background color
%------------------------- Bubble Diagram
\newcommand{\bubblediagram}[1]{\smartdiagram[bubble diagram]{#1}}
\draw[draw=none,fill=#1] (0,0) circle (0.#2);%
\draw[draw=none,fill=#3] (0,0) circle (0.5);%
\node[](icon) at (0,0) {#4#1};%
\node[below=#5,align=center] at (icon) {#2};%
%-------------------------------------------- rules / separators
\newcommand{\dashrule}[2]{\begin{figure}[H]\begin{minipage}[t]{#1\textwidth}\tikz \draw[loosely dashed,#2] (0pt,0pt) -- (\textwidth,0pt);\end{minipage}\end{figure}}
\newcommand{\dotrule}[2]{\begin{figure}[H]\begin{minipage}[t]{#1\textwidth}\tikz \draw[loosely dotted, ultra thick,#2] (0,0) -- (\textwidth,0);\end{minipage}\end{figure}}
\draw[draw=black, line width=0.2em,anchor=west] (0,#1) -- (#5,#1);%
\node[fill=#2,right,inner sep=0.5em] at (#5,#1) {\textbf{#3}~~#4 };%
} % startpunkt #1. Farbe #2, Detaildatum #3, Beschreibung #4, Entfernung von Timeline #5
\newcommand{\cvevent}[6]{{#1} & \textbf{#2}\newline\textsc{#3} $\cdot$ {#4 ~\faMapMarker}\newline{\color{black!70}\footnotesize #5}\vspace{1.5em} & \raisebox{-0.7\height}{\includegraphics[height=1cm]{#6}}}
\newcommand{\cvdegree}[6]{{#1} & \textbf{#2}\newline\textsc{#3} $\cdot$ {#4 {\phantom{i}\footnotesize ~\faUniversity}}\newline{\color{black!70}\scriptsize #5}\vspace{0.5em} & \raisebox{-0.7\height}{\includegraphics[height=0.5cm]{#6}}}
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% inspired by:
\tikz[remember picture,overlay] {%
\node[rectangle, fill=#5, anchor=north, minimum width=\paperwidth, minimum height=5cm](header) at (current page.north){};%
\node[left=#7 of header.north, anchor=east](name) at (header.east) {\fontfamily{\sfdefault}\selectfont #2};%
\node[anchor=south east](degree) at (name.north east) {\fontfamily{\sfdefault}\selectfont #1};%
\node[anchor=north east](descr) at (name.south east) {\fontfamily{\sfdefault}\selectfont #3};%
\node[right=#6 of header.west, anchor=west](picture) at (header.west) {};%
\draw[path picture={\node[anchor=center] at (path picture bounding{\includegraphics[height=4.3cm]{#4}} ;}] (picture) circle (2) ;}%